Chronic Disease? You Have Options

Chronic Disease? You Have Options

Blessed Co-creator,

If you’ve experienced Alternative forms of holistic healing you know how powerful the human body is. In fact, if you’ve only experienced modern medicine thus far, you’ve also seen it firsthand. The body is amazing!

All healing is self-healing whether prompted to activate a healing response through prescription drugs or yoga mudras, from extraordinary complex surgeries, or planting your feet in the Earth. Our bodies recalibrate with the information we provide it which reminds us of our wholeness.

Simply stated, our bodies are made to activate self-healing.

When you cut yourself, you need not think about how to set about mending your flesh. Our bodies either get better or don’t, without exception, because of a healing RESPONSE. It’s up to us how we activate that response: through working with the body (true healing responses) or against it (survival responses).

The holistic approach has all but been banished not because it doesn’t work, but because you can’t own and make money from nature. The long forgotten common sense about how our bodies work and thrive is becoming a necessity to remember as our society continues to support pill-popping over exercise and nutrition.

With the debilitating side-effects of most pharmaceuticals now being scrutinized and it becoming more obvious than ever that Big Pharma is making big money on our Chronic Issues, the world is looking for options. And the world-wide-web combined with freedom of speech are giving those options a voice.

The more we seem to explore the solutions available, the more it seems the solutions have been under our noses all along. Granted not funded and supported as the solution, again, due to the lack of monopolization possible in owning our right to be well, but never-the-less viable.

Yes, the world seems to be waking up to the innate abilities we each have to bring our bodies back into homeostasis against all odds.

And the odds are indeed insurmountable and daunting, seemingly leaving most of us with no chance to avoid being on some kind of prescription drug… or two. In fact, 70% of all Americans are taking at least one prescription drug for a chronic condition.

Whether for physical pain or dysfunction, or mental or emotional issues, in 2016 the United States spent 425 Billion Dollars on pharmaceuticals. That’s 100 Billion… with a B… more than just one year prior according the two sources: Bloomberg and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.

Wait a minute? What’s going on here! Why is our nation not healing? Why are we becoming more and more reliant on medications that “manage” the symptoms we don’t want to hear?

While I wish I could tell you that the drugs aren’t needed, the epidemic is indeed real.

We are not functioning as humans should.

We push ourselves to the limits physically, mentally and emotionally and expect a quick fix that fits into our schedule.

Stress levels are at an all-time high as our technological advancements bring new expectations and demands as we race to keep up.

This leaves less time to properly feed ourselves and the nutritional crisis going on is nothing short of an emergency.

We’ve lost connection with Mother Earth and our natural rhythms have all but been destroyed through EMF’s and our lack of contact with nature and the soil through our shoed feet.

Restful and enough sleep is the exception not the norm.

While we know that exercise is important, few of us have time to workout as much as we should. Physical activity has been labeled a chore with a lot of jobs no longer requiring movement.

We regret the past and live in the future, making for a society of zombies who aren’t truly present from moment to moment.

Yes, it’s no wonder that Chronic Health issues are rampant given our lifestyle choices disguised as demands.

But I ensure you, no matter how common, Chronic disease is most definitely not normal.

Our bodies are naturally vibrant and exquisitely resilient.

In fact, the Law of Alchemy states “Change the energy and you change the manifestation of the mass”. When we’ve resolved any health issue, we’ve merely alchemized the disruptive energy signatures and transmuted them into optimized flow once again.

Health and Wellness is a touchy subject with people being put in jail if they claim to have a cure that falls outside of the Allopathic Methods which have us legally reliant on a broken system and blindly filling our prescriptions.

So, it has to be a personal choice to explore your options. Healing, after all, is self-activated and not due to any external condition. The mounting evidence for the choices we have to consciously orchestrate every experience we have is awe-inspiring.

Yes, Wellness is a choice.

But on a basic level, it requires education.

We must seek to prevent these patterns of dis-ease from occurring in the first place and begin to remember that all physical issues stem from an energetic pattern of disruption (usually emotional or mental).

I am not saying life-saving treatments for acute issues and emergencies aren’t amazing and necessary. What I’m saying is that beyond those life-saving emergencies, our system doesn’t work.

We can’t cure Chronic issues with drugs.

We’ve got to stop ignoring what makes us naturally strong and vibrant and use common sense to prevent our dis-eases from occurring in the first place.

What’s happening to our children is the true catastrophe beckoning us to wake up. Our kids are being prescribed drugs that lead to more drugs and mask the initial cry for help the body is asking for: namely nutrition and exercise! I find it unacceptable that most Doctors have studied nutrition for a measly week in their rigorous schooling and aren’t taught about the way energy flows and moves within our body.

We’ve got to give our natural systems a chance to return us to wholeness, or prevent them from feeling separate in the first place.

Adding to the convenience of a pill is the general belief that when we aren’t well, something is happening “to us”. Viewing the body as a machine which breaks down without our input, is not sustainable or relevant to your wellness and fulfillment.

The root of the word healing is a “return to the memory of wholeness” and it seems we can truly do miraculous things. Things that the powers that be don’t want you to remember and have gone to great lengths to disguise and keep us in the dark. In many cases, they haven’t had to try too hard with most people blindly going to their Pharmacy to fill their Rx for a drug even their Doctor knows little about simple for ease of use and lack of feasible choice.

It’s time to get back to the basics. To remember our wholeness and to take steps through prevention, optimization, and restoration. Through giving our healing systems a chance to support us.

Join me for a free digital workshop where I will teach you:

How to Activate a Wellness Vortex

The Universe is energy and information - 99.9% “empty” space. The tether connecting us all is consciousness and omnipotence. We are One. The world an oscillating experience of vibration held together through information and electromagnetic energy fields. We weave this reality through our conscious (or unconscious in most cases) co-creation of thought and emotional patterns.

When we can remember that we are already connected to all things, we can break free from the illusion of separation and tap into anything we require, without it physically needing to be present. The Universe is within each of us, we’ve simply forgotten how to access it.

This of course, is just the tip of the awakening ice-berg. When your memory awakens, you’ll begin to once again understand that we can:

  • Activate Assisting Frequencies for wellness and evolutionary support
  • Build Energy Vortexes of joy, abundance, ease, love and flow on the path of least resistance
  • Support our Healing Systems so they can support us naturally
  • Be a proactive part of disease prevention and a compassionate part of returning to wholeness
  • Assist others in returning to Resonance Remembrance?

To find out more about this life-changing information that is 100% free for all, register for the workshop at:

Once you register, you’ll be sent the event page so that you can join the upcoming presentation LIVE.

Be sure to forward this to anyone who is in need of options for their wellness.

In awe of who you are and will remember BEing,


PS – If you’re an Energy Practitioner of some kind, this workshop is also for you. It will tie everything you’ve ever learned together and expand your remembrance into new upgrades of knowing aligned with your expansive nature.

Did you know? I empower my Certified Practitioners to not only use this cutting-edge technology but to also teach it? Use this Sacred remembrance to fill your practice and programs. Attend the workshop to learn more.

Register Now

Disclaimer: Anahata (Holly Hallowell) is not a Doctor. The workshop is for informational purposes only. The purpose is to promote broad consumer understanding and knowledge of various health topics and our options. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.


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