Chromia Monthly Update: February 2023

Chromia Monthly Update: February 2023

Welcome to the second monthly update of 2023! These monthly updates are provided to track the progress of the?Testnet Expansion Phase, while also keeping you informed about all the news from around the world of Chromia.

The big news for February is the release of Testnet Mark 2. However, there is much more to cover, it was a very busy month! Let’s get down to business.

But before we do, we wanted to let you know there is now an?Official Chromia Discord Server. Join today!

Feature Integration

This section shares important progress on development objectives, and also gives users a heads-up about upcoming changes that may require specific action.

  • Testnet Mark 2 launched on February 8th! ??
  • The?staking page?was updated to provide UI improvements and to accommodate the ‘stake-to-deploy’ feature for Testnet.
  • Anyone who stakes 1000 or more $CHR through the staking portal can now deploy a dapp. Read more about this in?Chromia’s official documentation.
  • The?Directory Chain?code has been integrated on the Testnet, and will be marked as “Done” on the?roadmap page.
  • A collection of features including?ICMF?that will enable multi-cluster support are being internally tested in preparation for Mark 2 integration.
  • Work on?FT4?and?Hierarchical Anchoring?is ongoing.
  • H-Bridge?will be integrated after the completion of?FT4.

Provider Network Growth

This section shares progress on the ongoing growth of our provider network.

  • Testnet Mark 2 launched as a single cluster with 5 providers: ChromaWay, Dwellir, Sunube, Anmai Cloud, and Snowbridge.
  • Read short spotlights on?Dwellir,?Sunube, and?Snowbridge.
  • In March, we will expand the network to a minimum of 7 providers, in order to enable multi-cluster functionality.
  • We recently announced that?NGC Ventures?and?Asymm Ventures?will join as providers in the future, and agreements with additional providers are nearing completion.

Ecosystem Development

This section shares news from new and existing projects, announcements from Chromia Innovation Lab and other incubation efforts, and highlights from our mid-month Developer Experience updates.

  • The?Chromia Innovation Lab?held its first 2023 session in February. A press release that will provide more details on the participants is currently being finalized.
  • Chromia?announced a strategic investment?in the blockchain gaming project?Domenation.
  • Chromia?announced a collaboration?with AI-powered marketing analytics firm?Fieldstream, who participated in the 2022 Innovation Lab.
  • The second?Developer Experience Team Update?was published on our blog. Providing developers with high quality tooling and documentation is critical to building a thriving ecosystem. This month’s highlights included documentation for launching a Testnet dapp and a new endpoint implementation.
  • We published a Q & A session with ChoccySwap (CCY) co-founder and Chromia contributor Francesco “Franz” Santanche,?which can be read here. With CCY, Franz is aiming to deliver a decentralized exchange built on Chromia.

Raising Awareness

This section shares news related to Chromia marketing. Appearances at crypto conferences, articles published on third-party outlets, ongoing promotions, highlights from the previous month’s content, and more.

  • On February 14th, we published this?blog article?outlining why Chromia’s relational blockchain architecture makes it a natural fit with AI applications.
  • On February 21st, we published this?blog article?written in collaboration with Viktor Plane (blockchain lead, My Neighbor Alice). The article discusses the Blizzard dispute that has shut out millions of Chinese players from their favorite games, and how blockchain games on Chromia can address this problem.
  • On February 23, Riccardo Sibani and Antonio Palaz (both from My Neighbor Alice) appeared at the?Web 3 Gaming Summit, a side event at NFT Paris organized by the?Blockchain Game Alliance.

Looking Ahead to March

  • Additional providers being onboarded
  • Internal testing of multi-cluster support
  • Continued development on FT4 and Hierarchical Anchoring
  • Further details on the 2023 Chromia Innovation Lab program
  • More news and announcements as they become available!

About Chromia

Modern society runs on data and every online service you’re using is built upon underlying databases - ranging from your online bank to music streaming and gaming. Chromia is a relational blockchain - a combination of a relational database and a blockchain - making it easy to develop user-friendly decentralized apps for almost any industry, including DeFi, NFTs, gaming, and more.




