Chroma Delivers Effortless IEEE 1547.1-2020 Grid-Tie Inverter Compliance Testing
A growing array of renewable energy equipment such as solar/storage systems, electric cars with Bidirectional On-Board Chargers (BOBCs), and EV supply equipment (EVSE) is now feeding power back to the electricity grid. As these decentralized energy resources (DERs) come with their own volatility, their increasing presence could jeopardize the stability of the grid. To mitigate this risk, these types of inverter-based systems must possess the capability to regulate voltage and frequency. IEEE 1547 specifies the requirements for these capabilities to ensure that all DERs can effectively support grid stability. IEEE 1547-2018 is the industry-recognized benchmark for the interconnection of distributed energy and public power systems. IEEE 1547.1-2020 further outlines the testing procedures and conditions used to verify compliance with these requirements.
IEEE 1547.1-2020 (IEEE Standard Conformance Test Procedures for Equipment Interconnecting Distributed Energy Resources with Electric Power Systems and Associated Interfaces) includes testing requirements such as voltage regulation, frequency response, ride-through capability, real and reactive power support, grid disturbances, anti-islanding protection, and more. Compared to earlier standards, the new testing requirements are both more stringent and more numerous. For instance, in the voltage-reactive power characteristics test described in section 5.14.4, the inverter is required to undergo testing under three different characteristic conditions and an assortment of AC voltage/power conditions, adding up to a total of 140 combinations per single test item. As a result, manually completing all the testing requirements of IEEE 1547.1-2020 takes at least several weeks, presenting test engineers with a formidable and time-consuming task.
Meeting this challenge head-on, the Chroma 8000 Automated Test System boasts comprehensive test coverage and a tailor-made suite of test procedures, enabling quick and effective IEEE 1547.1-2020 compliance verification for inverter products.
The Chroma 8000 ATS is pre-compliant with the IEEE 1547.1-2020 standard testing process. This proven solution significantly reduces test time, minimizes human errors and random test omissions, improves test reliability, reduces time-to-market, and enhances your product’s competitive edge.
Chroma ATE is committed to developing innovative technologies to advance excellence in the renewable and distributed energy industries. For more information on Chroma's test solutions, please visit our website and leave your requirements and contact information. Or send us an email to [email protected], we will be happy to be of service.