Ελενη Μαλεβιτη
Unemployed mother and wife. at home; my headquarters. I wantto be a writer, when I buy an Olivetti.
Joy and health to all.
Tonight, from 9 pm to 1 am we are going to celebrate Easter for the last time for this year 2020. Forty days ago, we were home in a strict quarantine. Now our churches are open but only for 50 persons per church.
And the light from the Holly Grave in Jerusalem is going to be carried by those fifty people back to their homes with their Easter candles. It was rainging yesterday night and during all this day of the 26th of May, 2020. A woman of my age, of 52 died because she was hit by a thunder today; a young man 31 years old died while he was with another person on a motorcyble, and an old man lost control of his vehicle and hit a garage and died as well, today. These are our morning news.
People die, but fear not, cause Christ has risen from the dead once again this year and this is the last time for this year that we are going to hear the happy message of our Lord, Who defeted death once and for all. It's started raining again.
What a closure of this day! Caf'es and restaurants have opened with fewer chairs and tables and two or one and a half meters distance between them. Waiters are wearing masks and gloves in their shifts and hotels haven't started operating yet. But ships started moving people to the Greek islands, that are not islanders, but staff for the hotels to prepare them for the oncoming summer season. Fear and hope for the best; protocols to be obeyed to the letter and every day is a different one. And we take one day at a time. Can't predict or can't plan beforehand, without the hotel owner's permission. What's His Name? I Am. It's Our Mighty Lord. And we are His guests on this Earth. Some of us are poor, others belong to middle class and others are rich. But He invites us all to dine on his table.
But me. I am not allowed and I don't know when I am going to be let sit on His table. Those who are fortunate, don't hesitate and go sit next to Him and dine with Him this glorious night in our churches. My godmother's name is Anastasia and how I wish she was proud of me, but I haven't phoned her or seen her, but once on my marriage. Don't let time pass regreting what you haven't done when you could.
Be well and love each other. Easter's message is Love. Love even for your enemies. Forgive who did bad to you. And He will forgive all of your wrong doings. Isn't that great. Those who loved Him more, like the woman who washed His legs with her tears and wiped Them with her long hair is still remembere by all till this day. And broke the vase carrying the most valuable and expensive perfume to put on His Holly and bear feet. Do you remember Coco Can'el? She cried till she was 12 and never again, but her purfum Canel No 5 is still around us, made of the finest jasmines, and it was the favourite purfumof another woman; Marylin Monroe; who we all still remember her.
He even cured the worst diseases that people would fear and would go away when they met persons with scars on their face. But only one of the ten people, returned to say THANK YOU LORD FOR MAKING ME WELL.
Today is such a Holly Day to say thank you Lord for keeping us alive and well or for making us well from a fatal virus. Tomorrow is another day. In the future. But we only have tonight, TO SAY THANK YOU LORD inside His House.
Best wishes,
Eleni Maleviti.