Christocratic Education.
Michael Kusi
University of Christocracy
Archbishop Dr. Talley.
Christocratic Education Midterm.
Within the ?role of Christocratic Education,?the spiritual and moral rule of God through Christocracy is being described. It must be remembered that God’s church is the vehicle throughout history that he used to impact the Earth. There are?3 important ways to convince Christians and others to commit to a healthy scriptural view for a Christocracy reform of society. This commitment is important for the?advancement of the Kingdom of God.
First, ?I would tell a Christian that he must submit to God’s authority in salvation. When Jesus began his ministry, he said?Repent for the kingdom of God is at hand.[1] Next, he must do the work of God in the church. The Bible also speaks about how good and pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity.[2]And finally, he must pray and worship the Lord with his substance. The Bible says that the Lord loves a cheerful giver.[3]
I would tell the Christian that you must submit to the authority of God in salvation. Submission and immersion in Christ are equally important. David said that he had hid the word of God inside of him so that he could follow God.[4] ?In Joshua, he saw a man with a sword in his hand and he asked. “Are you for us or for our adversaries?” The man replied that he was for neither, but that he had now come as Commander of the Lord’s Army.[5] ?Joshua was so awed by this experience that he took off his sandals, because the place that he stood was holy. I will impress upon Christians that we serve the Most High. The last temptation of Satan on Jesus was to worship him, and the Lord sternly rebuked him saying that he should worship and serve the Lord alone.[6] ?Jesus followed God until the end and God gave him a name which is above every name.[7]We must only serve God. God has said that his glory he would share with no man, nor with his praise he would share with graven images.[8]
A Christocrat knows the Word of God so he is not persuaded by outside forces. A Christocrat is well versed in salvation. When the jailer asked Paul what he must do to be saved, Paul said that he and his household must repent. Paul reassured him that to be saved was an act of faith and that it was not by mankind’s works that he was to be saved, but by the grace of God.[9] ??Christ came so that mankind could be redeemed. The Bible says in John 3:16 that God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son so that whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life.[10] Christ also said that he did not come to condemn the world but to save it.[11] We must believe on Christ and Christ alone. The Bible says that there is no other name under heaven whereby we might be saved other than the name of Jesus.[12]
Next, I would tell a Christian that you must do the work of God in the church. We must attend church on a weekly basis and be happy to be there. The Bible says that David exclaimed that he was glad when they said let us go into the house of the Lord.[13]Paul writes about how we are all God’s fellow workers and in God’s field.[14] Jesus said that the harvest is plenty but the workers are few.[15] I would tell my fellow Christians that we make up the body of Christ and therefore we must strive to work. We must not be spectators but active participants in the church. The Bible also says to study to show thyself approved unto God.
Part of the work that we must do for God in the church is to study the word of God. I would tell a Christian that we cannot pour out to the congregation, pour out to the church if we ourselves are empty and not filled with the Holy Spirit. We should set aside a time each day to study the Word of God and how it applies to everyday life.?We must get for ourselves a good Bible and use supplements and Bible software if we need to in order to understand the Word of God.
There is no work that is too menial for a Christocrat to do. In order for the church to function, we must be humble and provide servant leadership. We must be willing to clean the pews before we get to the pulpit. We must be willing to pray in the background before we can preach in the forefront. We must ask our resident pastor what the tasks are in the church and do them. If we need to lead youth Bible Study or the youth prayer line, we must do so and lead with gladness. If the youth in the church needs leadership, then we must step up and become leaders. If there needs to be a prayer team in the church, then we must toil in prayer. I would tell a Christian that we must not toil to be seen by man, because God sees everything and will reward us for what we are doing.[16]
Finally, I would tell a Christian that you must ?worship the Lord with your substance. Malachi has stated that mankind has robbed God by failing to give.[17] It might be inadvertent, but I will tell a Christian that whenever he doesn’t give he takes away from God that is His rightful possession. The first tithe happened in Genesis, when Melchizedek came to see Abraham. Abraham greeted Melchizedek, who had neither father or mother because he was the pre-incarnate Christ, and gave him a tenth of all that he had. God blessed Abraham in abundance and even granted him a son when Abraham thought that he was too old.
The concept of giving precedes Abraham. Abel gave unto the Lord, and it was credited him to righteousness.[18] When Noah departed the ark, the first action he took was to build an altar so that he could give. The first act of mankind after the horrors of the flood was service and offering to God. And God accepted that sacrifice and said that he would not destroy mankind by flood ever again.[19] Offering was so important to God that he denoted 5 types of offerings for mankind to give, which were the burnt offering, the peace offering, the trespass offering, the meal offering, and the sin offering.[20]?Today I will tell the Christian that we primarily give our offerings with money. I will tell the Christian to give with expectation.
I can say to the Christian that when we give, we are blessed. ?Jesus talks about giving and the importance of giving to the church. ?The Bible says in one of Jesus’ parables ?that when the man sowed he reaped 30, 60 and 100 fold.[21] This 30 fold was the blessing of Joseph, this 60 fold was the blessing of Isaac and the 100 fold was the blessing of Abraham. God is stating that when we give, we will be blessed and our children will thrive as well. The blessing kept increasing from 30 to 60 to 100 and the increments increased as well from 30 to 40. The Gerasene demoniac wanted to give all of his wealth to follow God, but Christ stopped him from doing so.[22] Jesus told the rich young ruler to sell everything that he had and to follow Jesus, but the rich young ruler was sad because he had tremendous wealth.[23]
?Jesus said that the woman who gave 2 pennies was more blessed because she had given out of her few, while others gave out of their abundance.[24]This means that I can tell the Christian that his giving is not in vain, but for a higher purpose. I can also tell the Christian to tell others to give for the furtherance of the church and for the betterment of the ministry. I can tell people that God has blessed people with work, because it is the Lord that has blessed people with the ability to get wealth.[25] Therefore we must repatriate our wealth back to God, because He is the source of our ability to produce wealth.
In conclusion, I would tell the Christian that he must first submit to God, then work in the church and finally to worship the Lord with his substance. Each of these are equally important. If a person does not submit to God, then they cannot call themselves a follower of God. If they submit to God but do not work in the church, the love of God that he has towards believers is missing. If they submit to God, work in the church, but do not worship the Lord with his substance, then they are taking away from God what is rightfully his. But when all three prongs are there, then a Christocrat can do exploits for the kingdom of God. Jesus said that the most important commandments are that a person love the Lord your God with all of your heart, and that a person love their neighbor as themselves.[26] When we submit to God in salvation, we love the Lord our God with all of our heart, and when we service the church, we love our neighbor as ourselves. When we give, we love both God and neighbor, because the money we give goes to help our neighbors. These admonitions are a start to a wonderful Christocratic life.
[1] Holman Christian Standard Bible, 1999, Holman Publishers, Matthew 4:17.
[2] Holman Christian Standard Bible, 1999, Holman Publishers, Psalms 133:1.
[3] Holman Christian Standard Bible, 1999, Holman Publishers, 2 Corinthians 9:7.
[4] Holman Christian Standard Bible, 1999, Holman Publishers, Psalms 119:11.
[5] Holman Christian Standard Bible, 1999, Holman Publishers, Joshua 5:14.
[6] Holman Christian Standard Bible, 1999, Holman Publishers, Luke 4:8.
[7] Holman Christian Standard Bible, 1999, Holman Publishers, Philippians 2:9.
[8] Holman Christian Standard Bible, 1999, Holman Publishers, Isaiah 42:8
[9] Ibid.
[10]Holman Christian Standard Bible, 1999, Holman Publishers, John 3:16.
[11]Holman Christian Standard Bible, 1999, Holman Publishers, John 3:17.
[12]Holman Christian Standard Bible, 1999, Holman Publishers, ?Acts 4:12.
[13] Holman Christian Standard Bible, 1999, Holman Publishers, Psalms 122:1.
[14] Holman Christian Standard Bible, 1999, Holman Publishers, 1 Corinthians 3:9.
[15]Holman Christian Standard Bible, 1999, Holman Publishers, ?Matthew 9:37.
[16]Holman Christian Standard Bible, 1999, Holman Publishers, ?Matthew 6:4.
[17] Holman Christian Standard Bible, 1999, Holman Publishers, Malachi 3:8.
[18]Holman Christian Standard Bible, 1999, Holman Publishers, Hebrews?11:4.
[19]Holman Christian Standard Bible, 1999, Holman Publishers Genesis 9:11.
[20] ?Jeremiah Garnett,?July 29, 2014, The 5 Offerings of the Old Testament. The 5 Offerings in the Old Testament - Seedbed
[21] Holman Christian Standard Bible, 1999, Holman Publishers, Mark 4:20.
[22] David Jones, February 23, 2016, What Did Jesus Really Teach about Wealth and Poverty. What Did Jesus Really Teach about Wealth and Poverty? - Christ and Culture (
[23] Holman Christian Standard Bible, 1999, Holman Publishers ,Matthew 19:22.
[24]Holman Christian Standard Bible, 1999, Holman Publishers, Mark 12:41.
[25] Holman Christian Standard Bible, 1999, Holman Publishers , Deuteronomy 8:18.
[26]Holman Christian Standard Bible, 1999, Holman Publishers, Mark 12:31.?