Christmas window on the spot
John Abbate FBDS
Meanwhile Activations Programme Manager - WCC, Customer Experience Advisor -, British Display Society Director - BRITISH DISPLAY SOCIETY
On occasion, I will do a window for friends. Simon Berstein, has 2 shops on Connaught St in London, The Place.
All I, vaguely knew, was that there were some props in boxes downstairs.
A couple of hours later...
What does one do with a white stag, an owl, some baubles and fake snow?
Window display for me, tells a story. The animal props come alive if you give them personality and a narrative that the viewer has to imagine. Is it some fairy tale?
The colour scheme of white was determined by the winter scene and the mannequin outfit chosen to go along with the story.
The arrangement of the props is no accident. There are rules to composition (that the BDS teaches in their online courses)
The story started to develop as I dressed the window. It was only at the end that I added jewellery product to the deer and owl props. The mannequin's head looked a bit bare too. These final touches are often what completes the narrative and makes good window display.
The owl was giving earrings, that can only be seen close up. A window should 'speak' the viewer from various vantage points. From afar, walking in front and close up. It's all part of a customer journey that hopefully brings them in store or more recently, on line. Note the QR code for this purpose.
The Place has a mens shop. Here I had another owl and a doe. The story continued in these scene to tie the windows together.
Again, it is the details of the product journal and scarf on the animal props that help communicate a feeling of a fantasyland narrative
Immediately after installing the windows people started to stop and look at the display. Children dragged their parents to the window that does not have product for the them but for the parents. The children are drawn by the story.
Be sure to do your Christmas windows early this year as I wrote in a previous post, customers are shopping earlier. And most important, clearly link to your e-commerce with your website or QR code printed on the window.
Contact the British Display Society or Save The High Street for more help.