A Christmas To-Do List
Ralph Kison
Equiping and supporting individuals and organizations through leadership development, coaching, mentoring, and advisory services.
As we go through the Christmas season, here is a holiday “to-do” list that may help you find these next few days even more pleasant. The good news is that this list has nothing to do with business and everything to do with living a more rich and fulfilling life.
Even if you are busy meeting your obligations and commitments with family and friends, carve out a few moments to reflect on the following suggestions to see when and where you can fit them into your holiday schedule. I believe they are worth carrying forward throughout the year.
1. Be Present
The best gift you give may not have fancy wrapping and a pretty bow. It may simply be your presence. Commit to being physically and emotionally present and to giving your full attention to those you are sharing time with.
2. Bring Peace
The saying, “blessed are the peace makers,” is appropriate at this time of the year when peace is often the last thing we experience in the midst of the rush and activity. Can you be the one that is a calming factor in the midst of frustration and stress? Give it a try. Rather than add to the hype or stress, take a deep breath, be objective and reflect on how you can be the peace maker. You won’t create peace on earth, but there may be more of it because of your presence in the room.
3. Be a Light
Find a way to brighten the room in terms of the atmosphere, trust and happiness. Beyond the lights on the tree, allow your presence, love and positivity to add light everywhere you go. Radiate a warm and cheery glow not because of the eggnog, but because of your desire and commitment to share the joy and happiness of Christmas that seems to be a little brighter and stronger in all of us this time of the year.
"I will honour Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year."
~ Charles Dickens