Christmas time, Mistletoe and....
Cocktails, Lots and lots of cocktails. Here at Revolution Huddersfield we're really excited for Christmas. So here's a sneak peak at our specials menu this festive period.
And here are 10 things that happen at every Christmas party (that you later regret).
1. Drinking too much
You know you should stop drinking because you’re at the perfect level of drunk, but you carry on.
2. Flirting with a colleague you don’t even like
You kind of tell them they’re annoying in a really flirty, touchy way. And the next day you hate them even more but it’s your fault.
3. Kissing a colleague you kind of like
And then it’s all awkward at work because you kissed.
4. Telling a colleague you don’t really like that you don’t really like them
Because you were having a heart to heart and they asked and you just couldn’t keep it in.
5. Falling over on the dance floor
Being drunk, holding a full pint and dancing is hazardous and you learned the hard way.
6. Getting generous drunk and buying everyone drinks
You insisted on paying because you were happy drunk and felt an overwhelming love for everyone
7. Seeing pictures on Facebook that you encouraged people to take of you
Because at the time you though you were being awesome at the candy dance.
8. Doing a friendly toilet trip with a colleague and telling them everything in your personal life
Including that you kind of fancy your boss and wish his wife wasn’t there.
9. Generally acting like a drunken mess in front of people senior to you
And realising the next day that shy Dave is probably going to get the promotion over you.
10. Talking at length to someone you always see but ignore
And you become this blithering drunk waffling on about how you see these people every day and they’re like your family and you hate your job but you’d miss everyone there so much that it’s hard to leave.
If you still need to book your Christmas party please contact the sales team at
E: [email protected] T: 01484 546 243