Christmas Story Ukraine
Christmas Spirit.? Is it something we learn, or does it naturally exist inside us?? In the US and UK, it is ingrained within us and I am not talking about the consumerism side.? There’s that energy that fills our souls and spills over into those around us and we spread it around.? Ukraine has not quite grasped it to the full extent yet.? They are still trying to shake off prioritizing the Soviet worship of New Year.? New Year’s is celebrated in almost a cultish fashion throughout Ukraine, Belarus and Russia.? Christmas takes a back seat to it, but Ukraine is now in the process of changing that.? Some are beginning to catch that fever of giving, joy, celebration and the Christmas Miracle.? These past few days I have been part of an event that so fulfilled within me that Christmas Spirit that it is important to tell all of you about it.? First, it requires an introduction to the characters and a bit of a backstory so grab some hot chocolate, throw on your warm pajamas, let the Christmas lights glow in the background and give your self just enough light on your screen to read.? Ready??
Let’s start with the characters and I can’t give actual names other than myself and my wife Natasha.? Now I must say also that this is just one event in Ukraine’s Christmas season in Kyiv for Natasha and I.? We have had others and will have more I am sure as we are still nine days from the holiday.? So, here is the cast of characters:
Grizzly – Now, he is not called Grizzly because he is angry like a bear but because he is a Ukrainian biker who helps the military.? So, the name is apt.? I met Grizzly here on Medium and we now have been working together for over a year helping a military unit at the front.? He is a private person as am I so only giving as much info as needed for this story.? Grizzly and I have never met in person, but we hold a bond of brotherhood that is strong as any in person.
UTCBN – The Unit That Cannot Be Named is who Grizzly and I support.
BC – British Cossack is the name of a twenty-seven year veteran of the British Military that I met through a Facebook Group (EEMC) over a year ago as well.? This story revolves around BC’s eleventh trip to Ukraine with military and humanitarian aid.? BC and I have worked together at a distance but met in person for the first time on his tenth trip a few months ago.? BC was kind enough to bring this Yank a nice supply of Marmite.? BC and I have also formed that bond of brotherhood and we broke bread twice to seal it so far.
Top – Top is the name for a British veteran and former Master Sargent who served for twenty years with BC.? I also met top through the EEMC Group thus discovering the link to BC.? Top has revealed that he has long-term PTSD from serving on conflicts in the Middle East.? He decided to come despite that to meet Grizzly and support BC.? This is his first visit to Ukraine.
PT – PT is another guy I met in the EEMC Group who is from my side of the river in South Jersey.? PT plays a support role for another organization that serves one of the only other US citizens that has been in Ukraine the whole time and is based in Lviv.? PT and I have worked on fundraising, information dissemination and other projects related to the war.? He is a Physical Therapist hence the PT and former US army medic.? PT has a young family so can’t really come to Ukraine without getting in big trouble with his wife.
Nicky – Nicky is the money man from what Top has told me.? So, we are calling him Nicky in deference to St. Nicholas.? Nicky has spent a very large sum helping Ukraine on various fronts since the invasion began to include housing upwards of forty families and supporting up to four hundred displaced persons since February 2022.? Nicky has been doing most of his support up until now from a top-down perspective but is now more interested in assisting those who are directly involved.? Top brought Nicky into the loop due to their friendship and association in their respective professions in the UK where they have worked together for some years.? This is Nicky’s first trip to Ukraine since the invasion.
Philly FF – Philly French Fry is somehow associated with Nicky from what I can gather.? One learns not to get too personal or ask too many questions.? Philly FF is now a French citizen although originally from Philadelphia.? Top, Nicky and BC all say he looks like General Custer but I say he is “The Dude” from “The Big Lebowski”.? Philly FF has also sponsored and housed Ukrainian Displaced Persons.? His part in the story is minimal but there is an important element that must be told.? I never met him (until now) or knew about him other than he is also on his first trip to Kyiv since the invasion.
EEMC Facebook Group – Eastern Europe’s Modern Conflict = EEMC.? This is a closed Group on Facebook that requires an invite or vetting through answering various questions related to supporting Ukraine.? Members are from all over the world from former soldiers (including Generals down to NCO’s), academics, intelligence analysts, volunteers, active-duty Ukrainian military and many more.? The Group was started by RC who served in the UK military with both Top and BC.
Now these are the major characters but there are some minor characters who I will give attention to within the story who also embodied that Christmas Spirit and all of them are Ukrainians. Also, Grizzly, BC, Top and I are not part of any charity organizations.? We are all former soldiers or closely affiliated with the military who each do our part on an individual basis.? None of us like the media or want attention, we just want to get the job done and do what it takes to complete the mission.? Top and BC are still on their mission and departed Kyiv this morning as I sit here writing this.? Nicky and Philly FF departed Kyiv for Lviv two nights ago and will head toward their final destination in Western Europe the following morning.
A few months ago, Top contacted me and a few others in the EEMC Group that he knew were either boots on the ground or had worked with smaller military and humanitarian aid individuals or military units.? He told us that Nicky (who was anonymous at that point) wanted to get more involved on a personal level.? Top did not say anything about Nicky other than he was fairly well off and had been helping for a long time.?
Top and BC obviously already had a long-term military relationship.? Now, I had done a shotgun approach in the first 14-16 months after the full-scale invasion.? Pretty much helping anyone I could trust from monetary to writing\editing\proofreading for the likes of UNITED24 and the Ukraine PR Army.? However, I am not much into public relations and am quite a bit older than most involved.? My outlook on social media and life in general contrasts with theirs and eventually they found more volunteers within their generation who could be more involved on the various apps and platforms.? I quietly made my exit and started developing a direct relationship with Grizzly as well as Margosha who does art therapy for children near the front along with assisting military units, elderly and pretty much anyone who comes her way.? Natasha and I are only involved with Margosha on a financial level meaning we give every month from our income.? Here’s an important point though, we broke bread with Margosha when she was doing training in Kyiv for how to deal with children’s trauma and art therapy.? Old schoolers breaking bread sealed the deal.
Yes, I digressed.? We help some others financially on a minimal level that’s TMI.? I gave Top the rundown on Grizzly and the UTCBN.? This included how long we worked together and very, and I mean, very basic information about the UTCBN.? Now, at this time, nothing was promised or guaranteed to us or BC.? I reached out to BC and we of course did not allow ourselves to get excited because we know better than to build hope around what people say in a war zone.? There are big talkers everywhere when it comes to this war and not a lot of doers.? You learn quickly to not waste time on the talkers.? Top seemed serious and committed though.? He was frank with us both that the decision all relied on Nicky.? BC was planning his eleventh trip regardless and I was doing my best to assist him because inevitably I knew he would find a way to get something to Grizzly and the UTCBN even if was just some symbolic supplies.? He is my brother, I know he would do that for me more than for them.? That’s how this bond works.
I let Grizzly know what Top was up to and his response was the same as BC’s.? We’ll see if and when it happens.? We trade only in reality and don’t count on anything until it’s in one of our “hot little hands”.? That’s how we survive.? We also know that once that personal bond is made, it either becomes thick or washes down the drain.? War intuition reveals the truth rather quickly.? We can’t waste our time on hopes, dream or promises.
Top got back to us and let us know that Nicky would be supporting BC, Grizzly and the UTCBN.? I don’t need support but provide counsel and connections when needed or asked.? Nicky wanted a shopping list for what was needed.? Grizzly sent me a doozy of a list with a total cost of probably north of $100k just for the UTCBN.? PT’s guys who are Border Guards didn’t need anything at the moment.? I am not sure what was on BC’s list as it’s really not my business.? Everything within this small group is based on the standard operating procedure (SOP) of need to know.? Frankly, it becomes TMI if you know more than you need to anyway and I can say for one that my cognitive abilities within the war zone have been negatively affected so I can only process and deal with so much.? It’s not PTSD because there’s no “Post” about it, rather it is more like Current TSD.? However, I very much functional and focused as long as I don’t take on too much.?
We deal with our respective units and share if there is extra.? I edited Grizzly’s communication and removed some of the higher cost items so as not to scare away Nicky.? Top, I am guessing, nearly shit himself when he saw our list (and it was pared down).? He took it back to Nicky anyway with the caveat that he couldn’t promise anything.
Messages flew back and forth.? Nicky wanted to provide cold weather gear, medical supplies and basic stuff that soldiers need to survive, I could tell Grizzly was disappointed that the high-tech stuff we needed for UTCBN needed to go on assaults was probably not going to come.?
Me: “It’s ok, brother.? We should take what we can get.? Right now, it’s better to build a relationship for future assistance.? You know as well as I do we are long way from the end of this thing.? We need to build a relationship with Top and Nicky.”
Grizzly: “I know, bro.? Maybe just tell them the only thing we really, really need is Night Vision Goggles (NVG) for the boys.? It gets dark by like 15:45 now and they can’t go on assault at night without them otherwise they’ll take casualties or worse, lose some of our boys.”
Me: “Yea, I know.? Let me get with Top and see what I can do.”
Grizzly was persistent with his messaging on NVG.? I sort as served as the communications middleman between him and Top.? Basically, I was filtering the message so as not to turn Top and Nicky away.? NVG is hard to come by since the Israel-Hamas War broke out and the prices have gone up considerably.? The top-level technology which the UTCBN needs to be effective runs about $4000 for one set with the mount.? Sometimes we have to source them from the black market.? UTCBN does not get much from the Ukraine Ministry of Defense because they are a small unit, so they are dependent on people like Grizzly and I to help.? This is the fate of many Ukrainian units.? Much of the supplies for the military are crowdfunded.? The problem with that is the huge number of hucksters taking advantage of people.? That’s why most of us narrowed our focus to people we have already vetted.? Top was utilizing BC, PT and my networks to protect Nicky and make sure his donations go where they are effective and truly needed.
Nicky was set on what he wanted to supply by now.? Top and I decided the least we could do is work together and fund one NVG.? BC was not involved other than as a consultant for potential sources of supply.? PT got fully on board with helping us fundraise for one set.? Top’s friend gave some money.? Some of my oldest and dearest friends pitched in as well as some digital friends that I have never met.? Natasha and I matched the donations from our friends.? Top made up the shortfall with his one funds and some help from Nicky.
Grizzly sourced the NVG from his clandestine contacts.? Two days before Top, BC, Nicky and Philly FF departed the UK, we received a thank you video forward by Grizzly from the UTCBN from a guy our age on the front in winter military camouflage fatigues wearing the NVG.? That’s more than enough of a thank you for us.
Sorry, you thought the back story was finished?? Not quite.? While all of the above was going on, a whole other shitstorm brewed and abated.? A new set of rules for bringing aid into Ukraine was due to take effect on December 1st which was after our boys were set to depart.? Polish truckers were majorly fucking things up at all the Poland-Ukraine border crossing.? All but BC were Ukraine War Virgins (UWV) regarding their coming to a live war zone.? On December 1st, just a week before departure, a social media Russian disinformation campaign caught us off guard.? BC and Top were very worried.? The story was that vehicles and cargo were being seized at the border and held.
I fell for it as well in the first few hours and contacted Grizzly who was his normal calm self.? He started checking into it and I used my sources to do the same.? Nope, nothing, nada.? It was all a fake.? Of course, that took some time for UWV to accept and understand.? BC was already a bit nervous because they were all depending on him for the itinerary and a smooth trip.? Grizzly and I warned them that the likelihood of smoothness was rough.? Somebody within the group had a contact in Lviv that assured them they would be ok getting through the border.? There was more frantic last-minute communication regarding the proper paperwork needed for Customs at the border.? Grizzly came through with ours a day before departure.
Day I:
There was not much communication on this day.? I went to St. Volodymyr’s Cathedral lit candles and said prayers for their safe journey.? I checked in with Top in the afternoon who told me they had made the ferry and were now passing through Antwerp.
Day II:
Just one message between me and Top.? I checked in.? They had just crossed into Poland.? That’s nearly a full day’s ride so we went dark.?
Day III:
Top told Grizzly and I they would be at the Poland-Ukraine Border at around 05:00 so I figured that might be an all-day affair.? Natasha and I went to Divine Liturgy as I serve as an altar server in my church and that, like the military, is also a duty only to a Higher Power and my Priest, Father Bohdan.? After the service, I checked my phone and saw that Top stated they crossed over and BC sent me a message that he now had a Ukrainian SIM and was in country.? Believe what you want but as hard as I prayed on that first day and while behind the altar at church, you will never convince me that God did not hear and answer my prayers on that morning. Nicky and Philly FF were in one van with two Ukrainian Nationals (women) while Top and BC were in a second van.? Both groups had stops in Lviv where they planned to layover briefly and continue on to Grizzly’s place a couple hours east of there.? They were pooped at this point and understandably so as it’s a long drive with a lot of stress.? Collectively, they decided to stay the night in Lviv and stop to see Grizzly the next day.? Top informed us that most of the military kit that Philly FF was bringing for a military unit would now go to Grizzly and UTCBN.? Turns out that Philly FF’s guys couldn’t supply paperwork and seemed to be running a scam.? All communication between Philly FF and them just dropped off the map when he started asking for details.? That’s why caution and trust are essential.? Now, I don’t really know Philly FF or what he has been doing but I can only imagine how he felt at that moment and wondered if they had taken cash donations from him in the past.?
Day IV:
The Group decided the night before that they would travel to Grizzly’s, drop the supplies for UTCBN and continue on to one of BC’s drops a few hours away.? Now, other stops and contacts were made based on conversations I heard but I stayed out of seeking information because we all operate on the assumption that the less known, the better.? Grizzly sent me a photo of them having coffee at his house.? Everyone looks happy but tired.? He tells me that they plan to head to Queen Bee’s which is someone that BC has been supporting on nearly every trip he has made.? They will spend the night at Queen Bee’s.? Top contacts me and ask if I will be available to meet up for dinner the next night.? I ask if Natasha can join us and he agrees.
Day V.?
One brief message from BC in the early AM stating they expect to arrive in Kyiv around 18:00.? Everything goes dark.? Kyivstar the major cellular provider gets hacked and most communications with the Group are cut off.?? No communication all day.? I send a general text to both BC and Top around 16:30 letting them know that I don’t expect to see them for dinner.?
13:38 Me to BC: “Kyivstar network is down country-wide.? Not sure if that is the SIM you are using.? At this point. I am assuming we will see each other tomorrow and not tonight.”
16:04 Me to BC and Top: “Sending this message to both of you since I assume at least one of you has been affected by the Kyivstar hack.?? Assuming dinner is off at this point which is ok.? We can figure things out once you are safely in Kyiv and back in communication.? I am going to start prepping dinner at home about 16:30 just so I have backup when Natasha gets home from work.”
Natasha is due home soon and will be hungry, so I heat up the borscht I made so she has a hot meal when she gets home.? I had told my client in the US that I wouldn’t be available for a few hours when we went to dinner, so I text him and let him know I am staying home and am around if he needs me.?
18:14 Top to Me: “We are still an hour away from Kyiv.? May we meet for breakfast at 09:00 for breakfast at the Golden Gate?” (My response in affirmative)
19:43: Top to Me: “Can you come to breakfast at 08:00 at the hotel as Nicky has to leave early.” (Again, I respond in the affirmative).
20:01 BC: “Hi brother, now in Kyiv and yes I’m on Kyivstar (2 angry emojis) I think all is arranged for hotel breakfast tomorrow.”
Me: “Glad you guys made it.? See you in the morning.”
BC: “OK brother.? Been a very emotional day for both teams. We need to go shopping tomorrow for x50 soldiers in the hospital.? Please advise where to buy underwear, toiletries, tracksuits.”
Me: I send him some links.
BC: “I have about 1000 pounds to spend but also need baby stuff.”
Me: “1000 should go pretty far.”
BC: “Happy Day!! Looks like loads of shopping bags then.”
Me: “Tis the season to be jolly.”
BC: “I love the gift of giving. (prayer hands emoji x 2).”
Me: “Do you need to come help with shopping?”
BC: “if you don’t mind brother.”
Natasha and I talked it out and decided it was a good idea.? I called my client in the US, explained the situation and asked if it was ok to take a few hours off in the morning to help out.? He asked me if I just wanted to take the whole day off.? There, I had to think about it.? That’s a whole days’ worth of income out the door just before Christmas on top of the fact that since I am self-employed, the vacation time I start on December 17th through the 25th is uncompensated.? So, I again turned to Natasha who along with being my wife, is my counsel, my best friend and my foxhole buddy.? She, of course, agreed as it is in the Christmas Spirit to do such a thing.? I confirmed with BC and decided I was in a festive mood so drank some Ukrainian cognac and smoked a cigar.? The day finished, Natasha and I were warm, tucked in our beds with Philly the dog in the middle snoring as usual.? Almost a Norman Rockwell painting.
Now, it must be noted that I feed PT tidbits of information throughout the mission and even throw some to the Admins of the EEMC Group so that they are all aware that everyone is safe and the mission is continuing.
Day VI.
03:03 Kaboom! Blam!? Windows rattle.? More explosions.? Natasha, Philly and I run for the strong walls.? I forget my phone.? Natasha has hers and checks the Telegram Channel Monitor.? No Air Raid alarms went off.? No warning.? Hah, stinking Russians.? The Patriots quickly and ably did their jobs. Debris fell and civilians were injured (of course, that’s the primary target of this insidious enemy) but no direct hits.?
03:37 War intuition kicks in.? Natasha and I say fuck it and go back to bed.? Philly follows.
05:20 Natasha’s alarm goes off.? She gets up to do her yoga and grab a shower before she leaves for work around
07:10. This is a seriously disciplined woman that any soldier would be honored to be married to.? Yes, I got very lucky and I never forget it.
06:15 My alarm goes off.? Natasha is still in the shower.? I make coffee and give Philly some small treats to keep him happy.? At about 06:45 after the caffeine has taken affect, I leave to take Philly for a walk and Natasha has left for work by the time I get home.
07:34 I realize that I am running late for the 08:00 breakfast at the hotel and order an Uber Black since it is the fastest option.? First time I ever used an Uber Black and well, it is a Mercedes so who’s complaining although I do feel a bit ostentatious and out of place.? No familiar faces in the lobby, so I take a seat.
A few minutes later, I recognize Nicky from a photo and walk up to introduce myself.? We chit-chat and soon enough, Top shows up.? We figure out where the breakfast buffet is and go on our way.? BC shows up a few minutes later and we decide we should eat.? We eat, chat about their experience so far.? They begin to review their itinerary for the day.? Philly FF shows up and introductions are made.? More chit-chat.? They all talk about seeing the missiles shot down from their rooms on the 18th floor.? Now that’s brave I think to myself.? I as someone who has been here throughout the invasion would never take a room above the 3rd floor.? What becomes clear listening to the conversation is that all the UWV’s cherries have officially been broken.? Now, they know what our lives here are like.? Like most, they are even more resolved to come back and continue helping.?
BC already began talking about his next trip in about two months which will be his twelfth.? Top and Nicky stated they couldn’t make that one but would try to make the following one.? Philly FF was clearly affected by the incident that happened to him.? He was slightly guarded and rightfully so.? We adjourned as Nicky was due to meet some contacts of his in the lobby, all of them Ukrainians.? I managed to speak with them as they planned to take Nicky and Philly FF ?on a few hour walking tour of Kyiv.? Barrel is the name I will give the one guy who spoke English, French, Ukrainian and Russian.? He literally looked like a big barrel of a dude.? We sat after breakfast and had coffee in the lobby where Barrel consulted me on where they should take Nicky and Philly FF.? This, of course, after finding out I live downtown and have a rudimentary working knowledge of Ukrainian.? Imagine that, Ukrainians consulting me about what route to take.? I gave my suggestion and Barrel thought it was better than the one they originally planned.? Although this is not the first time, I felt like a true Kyivan.? We all need someone else at times to assure of us of our place in this war and Barrel gave me mine that morning.
Nicky and Philly FF let BC and Top know they planned to depart Kyiv for Lviv at 13:00.? We transferred some cargo from Nicky’s van in case we were not back in time for their departure.? BC, Top and I decided we would drive in BC’s old beat-up lorry to a mega store on the outskirts of the city to buy the supplies we needed for the wounded soldiers, mothers and children all aged one to three.? All parties went their separate ways.
I don’t have Kyivstar but am forever grateful to Google for my GoogleFi service which seems to find whatever network it needs to operate.? The three of us had a pleasant drive through downtown Kyiv and I pointed out landmarks and also where missiles had hit a while back.? We arrived at the mega store with enthusiasm.? Soon enough, we had long faces.? They didn’t seem to have what we needed, especially for the soldiers.? The place is massive, so we searched every part of it.? BC said he knew of a warehouse for one of the military units he supports nearby and maybe they had stuff we could buy.? No one was there when we arrived.
Our soldier heads kicked in.? There was another mega store across the street which is a French chain called Auchan.? The other store was more like a Home Depot where Auchan seemed more like a Walmart if you need a frame of reference.? Inside, we came across the toiletry and baby aisles.? We each grabbed carts.? We decided we would at least get the basics.? We just started piling stuff into carts with wanton abandon.? Top grabbed the wrong nappies for the kids, but we quickly adjusted as the shop assistant pointed us to the most economical choices.? Locals in the aisles had bewildered looks on their faces.? Soon enough, some employees showed up and between my broken Ukrainian and Google Translate our message was conveyed.? We need lots of stuff for injured soldiers and children and we need the best prices.? The employees were all women and they quickly sprang into action.? A couple directed us to the lower priced products that were still of good quality.? Others disappeared and then came back with dozens of empty boxes for packing.? It was like some scene out of one of those crazy Christmas movies with a mad rush of retail.
I told BC that I had eyed some clothing and would do a quick recon to see if they had the clothing we needed for the injured soldiers.? Wow! They did and at very much affordable prices.? I went back to BC and told him I’d organize the baby food and toiletries.? Top was a little overwhelmed, so I directed him where and what to start loading.? Now, I needed shower shoes.? Ah, my sturdy elf appeared, and she directed me to the location.? She helped me load them, but we needed fifty pairs and there was not that many on the shelves.? In a flurry, she let me know she would go to the back of the store and bring more!? Whoosh!? She was off like another one of those magical Christmas characters from those children’s shows.?
As I stood there with loads of shower shoes, an old couple was looking for the same.? The old man went to take some from my cart and I politely in basic Ukrainian said they were for injured soldiers.? His wife gave him a look that wives so famously do to us husbands and he backed off.? They kept searching for them close by and I figured they only needed one pair, so it wasn’t a big deal.? In my broken Ukrainian I asked if they just needed the one pair and that it was ok.? They both smiled and said, “No, no, for the soldiers.? They come first.”? Christmas Spirit!? Angels we have heard on high!
BC soon showed with carts full of warms socks, comfortable sweatpants, t-shirts, hoodies, and fleece pullovers.? Our injured soldiers would be warm and cozy!? Oh, how lucky BC and Top would be to see the faces of the soldiers when they show up.? But my part was not with them.? That’s the essence of a true mission.? Do your part and get out if you are not needed.?
An Assistant Manager was now involved in this scurrying about and she gave us a designated aisle, organized some of her employees to help us and the checkout process began.? Top unloaded everything.? I along with one of the Auchan elves, packed and labeled the boxes.? BC stood back, took pics and served as commander.? Top informed us that Nicky had given him a wad of cash so going over budget wasn’t an issue.
Ching!? We reached the limit of what the cash register was allowed to process at one time.? I took a break from packing and organized additional boxes.? My elf went to fetch another pallet as the first one was already almost full.? Then it started again.? This time it was all clothing.? The children’s goods were now packed on Pallet One.? Ching!? Soon enough we reached the cash register’s allotted amount and there went all the cash we had on hand.? Top quickly stepped up and said put the rest on the card.? All said and done, we spent 3000 pounds going 2000 pounds over budget.? Nobody blinked an eye or complained.
So, the General Manager came and thanked us.? He gave us his business card for any future runs and said to contact him in advance so they could be ready to help us better.? You see, that’s the thing.? The trip to the hospital and supplies for the injured soldiers was never on the agenda or part of the planned itinerary.? BC and Top just happened to visit the hospital when making another stop and after seeing what the soldiers needed, simply couldn’t say no or not do anything.? That’s often the way it works when you are not an official charity.? You have more leeway and are able to adjust to the conditions much like properly trained soldiers in battle.
The lorry was loaded, and they dropped me near home so I could get to Philly who was overdue for his walk.? BC and Top returned to their hotel and then set off to do some Christmas shopping for wives and families on Kreshchatyk (Kyiv’s main downtown shopping area).? Later I joined them for dinner and dropped them at their hotel using my Uber account.? We all assumed Nicky and Philly FF got off ok on their own.? Our parting was quick handshake as they had an early morning ahead and I had to work.
?The next evening, I heard from Top that they are in a church community hall preparing the baby items to distribute tomorrow.? They will be like Father Christmas handing out goodies, smiling and enjoying the Christmas Spirit.? They still have to drop more supplies for military units and take the items we bought to the injured soldiers in the hospital.? None of us are young.? The amount of stamina thankfully still remains.? BC is 54. Top is 61.? All the others including Grizzly are over 50.? The thing we Yanks and Brits laughed about at dinner was that we all are married to younger women.? Almost all of us could pass for Santa Claus with a little padding and some of us without.
This is a true story.? This is a Christmas story, one about sacrifice, generosity, bravery, the coming together of cultures.? We Yanks owe a lot to our former imperial masters, the Brits, for that very unique take on the Christmas Spirit all wrapped up in Dickens and traditions.? That relationship between our peoples is probably the strongest one we have as Americans.? I don’t know if anything like this will ever exist between Russia and Ukraine.? Frankly it is doubtful.? We may have attacked the British in Trenton on Christmas Eve all those years ago but there was no hate for them as a people like the Russians have for Ukraine.? It was militarily expedient in our case and now, we, once mortal enemies, stand together against tyranny and imperialism.? We don our Christmas hats, smile wide, hug the children and salute the soldiers.? Merry Christmas Ukraine!