Christmas Spirit
Nadia Themis
Lecturer in Business | Staff Governor | Mindset Coach | Yoga Instructor |First Aid Trainer | Former Politician & Journalist | Pacifist & Author| EMCC
Christmas is the most beautiful period of the year; most people will say but is it though for all people? Let’s dive into the people’s head. If you have family and you are truly happy the please smile and congratulate yourself because you are blessed.?
Since Christmas is the family festive period, that probably will make some people feel very emotional with an intense feeling of loneliness. Have you seen the movie Oliver Twist? Do you believe that today, we don't have many Oliver Twists around us? Of course we do, and I am not referring just to people that are homeless. I am talking about all the people that may have “everything” in life but may still be alone or feeling lonely. You might be with other people and still feel lonely. Have you ever experienced that? That might happen if you are hanging out with the wrong crowd.?
I have an amazing new thought for you, to you that might not be out this Christmas to a fancy restaurant, or be surrounded by family and friends. Life is a blessing and the best advice I ever had it was that “It could be worse”. Think of your life and your goals for 2022. If you don’t like something in your life, then write down:
Why I don’t like my present situation
How is my dreamed situation?
What I must do to change?
Who can help me?
Create a journal of gratitude
I know it might sound cliché, but It is up to us to make changes. We are responsible for our life. A few years ago, when I was living in New York, there were times that I was feeling very lonely, and that might at times still happen even now in the UK, as my family is not with me. But you must remind yourself of the reason that you are feeling the way you are feeling.?
You have an ultimate life purpose, well at least in my case, and millions of others that are relocating for a better life. You are trying to create a life for your own kids; you are their hero! This thought automatically gives me strength and courage to keep moving forward. I am sure you who are reading this article now, especially you that you have relocated to another country for a better life, can totally relate to what I am saying. Find your own purpose, don’t waste your life in drifting around. You are lucky that you are alive. Life is a gift given to you. Make the most of it.
I fell in love with life so hard that moment when the doctor told me that I was healthy again. Until then I was taking life for granted. Now I am awake and trying to live life to the fullest and spread the message to all of you that, yes maybe it is not great all the times, but how we could appreciate the rainbow if we didn’t have a storm??
Don’t feel sad about what you don’t have in life at this moment but start feeling blessed that you are still here, alive and healthy, and you have another chance to make your life exactly the way you want it to be.?If you are facing challenges with your health, please have faith and fight! Don't give up.
Always remember life is not just about big houses, clothes, cars and money but it is all about people and the love we share between us. The biggest blessing for me in life is to be able to have a nice decent life, but most important to have people around me that genuinely loves me, because we do live in a challenging world and these authentic people are becoming a rare breed.?
My takeaway from this year It is once again the fact that life is unpredictable, sometimes with pleasant surprises and sometimes with unpleasant. In 2022 I will be wiser with my time and I will fell more in love with life, I will eat those vegan burgers I like, I will dance, I will travel (Covid please give us a rest!!!:), fell in love, work hard to succeed my goals. I will try to be a better person, a better friend, and a better mom. I will do anything that makes me smile. I am grateful for my life.
What will you do in 2022? What are you grateful for?
Also, if you know people that might be spending Christmas on their own, please remember that if you give love, then love will come back and find you. Then you will be the richest person in the whole world!
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Love & Light