Christmas Marathon 2019!
Hello William,
What're your thoughts about Christmas?
As a Jew I do not celebrate Christmas directly, however, I greatly respect those that do. It is a Christian holiday that signifies peace and love. Although the Jewish people do not believe that Jesus Christ is the 'son of G-d many as me respect and admire his and his gospels teaching of love. Jesus never renounced Judaism and his basic teaching "to love thy neighbor as thyself" is a basic theme and comes from the Jewish religion. In my view whatever your beliefs, as long as you do not distort the teaching of your religion it is vital for civilization and humanity that you teach the principle of love, kindness, charity, decency and good works to your children. One of the dangers throughout the world today stems from the fact that we are becoming more secular and in some cases following 'false' gods breeding dissension, lack of respect for other points of view and even hatred of others. I think many would agree that the Lord loves love and hates hate from wherever it stems. Sadly, when those who have no belief in the almighty enter places of influence and schools, including schools of higher learning they pose a danger to our children and future generations. So, again, stay true to your faith and fight against any and all evil influences that would tend to destroy it.
On that note, I wish all that will read this a very Merry Christmas and thoughtful Hanukah.
Thank you William Morgenstein for your time!