~ Christmas in July in a days-in-our-past look on the North Fork Of Long Island PLUS a nowadays Hallmark Channel link ~
According to the ORIENT column by Mrs. Charles Campbell in The Long Island Traveler Mattituck Watchman dated July 6, 1972: “… {on} Saturday, July 8 is the ‘Christmas in July’ Sale at the Orient Methodist Church from 1 to 4 P M. {stet} The sale is so named because of a delightful collection of hand – made {stet} Christmas tree decorations and other items for the winter season, including exquisite egg shell scenes so beautifully prepared, but there are items both new and old for all seasons and refreshments.
????The Mattituck column in the June: 19, 1975 The Long Island Traveler-Watchman: “Come to an Old Fashioned Fair sponsored by the E.C.W. of the Episcopal Church of the Redeemer in Mattituck, July 12, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on the church’s grounds. Choose from a selection of delicious homemade pies, cakes, jellies, preserves and homemade candies. Let the children play games and win prizes. Another big attraction for the children will be a Pet show, ribbons will be awarded. … Get the jump on Santa Claus and sample some homemade items for the Christmas in July Boutique. Browse through the art gallery where paintings by Jules Laurents will be on display for your pleasure.
????Below is a link carrying a Colonial Drugs ad from The Long Island Traveler Mattituck Watchman dated July 16, 1964:
Below is a link carrying an ad from THE WEDGWOOD SHOP that APPeared in The Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watchman dated July 25, 1968:
Below is yet another link this time from The Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watchman dated July 27, 1972:
{*} Looks like THE WEDGEWOOD SHOP is something for me to compose ABout -{!!!}-
ALL-WRITE FOLKS… The Above was a days-in-our-past look regarding Christmas in July relating to the North Fork of Long Island.
????Here’s a 2023 nowadays-happening link for Christmas in July from the Hallmark channel: