Christmas in July

Christmas in July

Holiday Hope...Christmas in July, Keep the holiday spirit all year long

What do you love about the holiday season? I love that people are kinder, happier, friendlier, and more generous than usual. I love the lights, music, stories, movies, and shows. My favorite are the charities that step up and create special events for the people they work with and work for. The thing I miss most is Secret Santa surprises in the workplace. None of my co-workers know how to put on a Secret Santa exchange, but they are puppies after all.

Of great importance to me is the birth of Jesus and what that means not only to me personally, but to others around the world. However, what I love the most is at the end of the year when some are feeling worn out or feeling alone there are many of us who come together to start spreading and sharing hope. I've seen hope in all situations, I've found hope in the struggle myself, and there's always the miracle of hope in all things. Even when it's dark and cold the stars shine brighter as a reminder that even the smallest of lights shine brightest in the darkest of places.

To me hope is the key to moving forward, to believing in something bigger. Having hope provides a reason not give up, to live our lives knowing that things will get better. This holiday season I encourage you to live your exceptional life by spreading the hope of Jesus, possibility, change, and the security of knowing there will be a better tomorrow because without hope, we have nothing.

What does living your exceptional life look like to you?

Where do you find hope in the holidays when you're feeling overwhelmed?

What are your favorite holiday traditions? Did you start them or have they been passed down for generations?

What is your favorite holiday song, show, or book?


