Christmas: The Greatest Reset
Sheryl Dawson
Talent Solutions Consultant & Harrison Assessments Solutions Partner -- Living in AZ & 30+ years in TX
The greatest reset of all time was the birth of Jesus Christ. Even the calendar was reset from BC to AD! While Satan desperately seeks to impose his own global reset, he cannot thwart God’s kingdom plan. Without Christmas, the world is lost in the chaos of darkness, deception, and destruction.
On a summer hike up Mount Humphreys I heard singing ahead. As we met up, I asked a father and his toddler whom he carried on his shoulders, “are you having fun?” His daughter burst out, “Hallelujah! “Praise the Lord,” I concurred. As they continued down the mountain, her tiny joyful voice rang out repeatedly, “Hallelujah! Hallelujah!” Out of the mouths of babes truth is proclaimed. Praising the King of kings who gives our freedom, preserves our freedom.
This Christmas beyond decorative lights, step into His light, receive His gift of salvation, and let the light of Jesus shine through you on all in your sphere of influence. Free in Christ through His Holy Spirit who dwells within, you shall overcome the tyrannical powers of this world.
Read the full message with references: Christmas: The Greatest Reset!
Inspiring Music: A Christmas Hallelujah - Cassandra & Callahan
Reflecting my passion for the season, I invite you to visit my personal website for my Christmas message,
"Christmas: The Greatest Reset" along with other messages for the season.
Feel free to share this site and Christmas book linked below with others who will enjoy a heartfelt Christmas message as well.
I wish you and yours all the blessings of Christmas and a very prosperous New Year!
Sheryl Dawson