Christmas Eve Of 2024
In spite of it being a bit of a gray day, the above-freezing temps caused it to be more tolerable, along with it being remarkable considering we're entering the time frame where years ago, the last week in December and the first week in January would nearly always be those extended periods of cold. From what we've experienced thus far, I'd say we're going to have a similar winter to last year's.
Most of my morning was spent putzing with Christmas 'stuff' until it was time for me to head out for a meeting with a seller who's working towards getting his home listed in the near future, and thank goodness I left a little earlier because the traffic was horrible, and when I glanced the parking lot of a groceteria, I was glad there was no reason for me to be stopping to pick anything up because it was almost completely full.
My meeting went very well with my seller, so hopefully our plan to get it listed will be set into motion shortly after the first of the year, and thankful there were no arguments over what to do in preparation. I'd already gathered as much information as I could on the property several days ago, but I thought it best to do a quick review. Considering how fast like-properties have been selling, I'm not the least bit concerned over it hanging on the market for an extended period.
When I arrived back at office, I had a phone call to make to a listing agent regarding an inspection that was done, and then later forwarded a request for repairs from my buyer. Considering how inexpensive those repairs will likely be, I'm confident the sellers will agree to get them taken care of before closing.
With a little free time, I stopped by the home of a woman who'd helped me with the delivery of those gift bags, just to say “thank you” again for the help, along with handing her a small Christmas gift out of gratitude. While I was driving back to my office, one of the seniors I had to leave a gift bag at her door, called to say she received it along with telling me how touched she was when seeing all I'd given her. Yes, there are some darned nice people living here, and what I was reminded of again today, is how much more thankful they are if they'd worked hard all their lives and learned early-on how to appreciate all the more, the little things people do for them. My mother was definitely from that mold where she'd oft times thank me for even the smallest of things I'd do for her. Now just stop and think about those who don't even bother because I swear some of them think what you do for them, is expected of you. Oh, how many of those I know.
Being on a burn to get my project completed, I headed back over there and worked for several hours, and managed to get finished-up on something I'd started this past weekend. It seems every time I'm there, I can see in my mind, the finished product. I don't even want to say how long I've been at it, but I have to keep reminding myself that I had too many other time sensitive pressing chores that had to be addressed.
I'm continuing to hold my breath over what our economy and real estate market is going to be doing once 'D.T.' is sworn in. I mentioned again today that I'm truly not a negative-thinking person, but for whatever reason, I have this 'gut feeling' there's going to be some things happening that'll have long-lasting negative effects on out general public, which is why I believe we all must prepare ourselves for the worst while hoping for the best. Those crazy ideas coming from the mouth of Elon Musk is enough to rattle just about anyone's cage. I still can't believe 'D.T.' brought him and Vivek Ramaswamy on board because those two haven't a clue about the hardships our struggling middle and lower classes are having to endure.
I'm hoping all of you are enjoying your Christmas Eve of 2024 to the fullest with all those who are near and dear to you, but just remember, it's OK to think something about another, but to say it, goes out into the universe where it can't be retrieved. Like my grandmother used to say, “Little said, is little mended.”, and especially if you've been into the giggle water because in my book, it's a truth serum with no filters, so be careful.
Tonight's One-liner is: Never forget three types of people in your life, and they being, those who helped you in difficult times, those who left you in difficult times, and above all, those who put you in difficult times.
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