God is True. The Messiah is True. The Word of God is True.

Christianity IS A LIE.

Christ has NOTHING to do with Christianity.  Christ NEVER taught or preached Christianity. Christianity opposes God the Father & Christ's message. Christianity is Anti-God and Anti-Christ. If the "saved by grace" gospel were true, Christ would have preached it - but He didn't - in fact, the Son of God WARNS AGAINST HYPOCRITE, LYING PHARISEES AND THE "SAVED BY GRACE" DOCTRINE THAT WILL BE REJECTED ON THE DAY OF JUDGMENT.  You don't believe it? Read on...

Use to research cited scriptures below.

Lucifer / Satan's main objective for his hatred towards God is to DECEIVE & DENY humanity from the Kingdom of Heaven. God repeatedly warns of this throughout the Bible. Lucifer / Satan is extremely cunning whose wiles deceive even the Elect (Mark 13:22 & Matthew 24:24)

Lucifer knows full well that God's Seal with His Chosen (both blood and spiritual children of Israel) is HIS LAW  (TORAH in Hebrew Strong's 8451 see here and NOMOS in Greek Strong's 3551 see here) because IT IS A BLESSING (here) - not a curse as the deceiving (here) Luciferian disciple Pharisee Paul claimed who, being a typical hypocrite Pharisee as the Messiah often warned against, kept the Law but taught against it (here)

Learn God's Law here.

The Law WAS NOT nailed to the cross as the lying Pharisee claims - THE LAW IS NOT FULFILLED UNTIL ALL IS ACCOMPLISHED - Christ has NOT yet fulfilled the Law because it requires His 2nd coming as prophesied to fulfill it (here). The Son of God further confirms this by telling you that UNTIL heaven and earth pass away NOT ONE jot or tittle of the Law would pass (Matthew 5:18) - has heaven or earth passed away???  WHAT IS THE OBVIOUS, COMMON SENSE CONCLUSION?  THE LAW REMAINS IN EFFECT.

The Mark/Seal/Sign of God

"And it shall be to you A SIGN* on your hand and on your forehead that THE LORD'S LAW MAY BE IN YOUR MOUTH".  Exodus 13:9, Exodus 13:16

So what did the very cunning and devious Satan do? 

He broke the link between God's Law (Mark/Seal/Sign) and mankind.

How did Satan do this?

Satan rules this world (John 14:30) - he used the corrupt and pagan Roman empire that killed Christ, took His title, and affixed it to the false, Lawless, Anti-Christ "saved by grace" gospel of the persecutor and killer of God's Saints the Pharisee Paul to create the deceptively named Luciferian cult called "Christianity" that rejects the Word of God - HIS LAW (here)


Take an objective step back and simply see how God's 1st 4 commandments have been completely stripped away by "Christianity"... The Messiah declared the following:

The Greatest Commandment
36“Teacher, which commandment is the greatest IN THE LAW?” 37Jesus declared, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’
38 THIS IS THE FIRST AND GREATEST COMMANDMENT. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ 40 ALL THE LAW AND THE PROPHETS depend on these two commandments.”  Matthew 22:36-40

So how do you show your love to the Most High God?

YOU KEEP HIS LAW and follow His 1st 4 commandments.


1. Christianity has replaced the Word of God with the heretical word of Paul.
2. Catholicism and Christianity practice idolotry with crosses, statues, rosaries, etc.
3. The papacy and modern (Christian) society uses God's name in vain.
4. And lastly, Christianity abolished God's Holy Sabbath and instead worship on pagan SUNday.

Has Satan been successful?  Extremely so. He has deceived the world (Revelation 12:9) already claiming the souls of untold billions and will deceive billions more to enter the wide gate (Matthew 7:13) before he is done.

Do you seriously believe you can sin all you want and you have an automatic pass to the Kingdom of Heaven? This is pure Luciferian deception - you have to earn your wings to join God.

The situation in the world is becoming increasingly worse each passing day - just look at the corrupt, degenerate, violent, warring state the world is in now (see and - which is why the Christ is returning at His 2nd coming to fulfill the Law (here) and unleash His Apocalyptic wrath to wipe out the masses who practice Lawlessness. Here is the irrefutable proof that the Son of God REJECTS the "saved by grace" doctrine the Pharisee Paul & Christianity preaches: Luke 13:23-28 & Matthew 7:17-27.

The book of Revelation provides the defining, irrefutable proof that the Pharisee Paul's "saved by grace" doctrine is an outright lie and that THE LAW MUST BE KEPT to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. The undeniable proof is found in the publications below - your Guides to understanding the Word of God and His message to enter the Kingdom of Heaven:

God's Chosen see thru Luciferian Paul & Rome's deception and persevere to keep God's Law:

"BECAUSE THOU HAVE KEPT MY WORD of My patient endurance, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth".  
Revelation 3:10

Weigh the evidence for yourself - don't let Godless, modern day Anti-Christ Pharisee For-Profit Preachers deceive you any longer.


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