Christianity, Its' Contribution to Science & Man's Influence on Scripture & Biblical Teachings
Mark Alan Bartholomew
Applied physics.(JOIN ME) the work presented here is entirely new
Walk with me in light of wonderful new research, developed over the past forty years. It was Christianity that guided me in this development.?
As an adult i reflect on my own religion and find that some biblical principles fly in the face of human integrities, like killing of men, women and children;? something we see today, in Israel;? the land of God's chosen people.? It is shameful that most of us know that some use religion as a tool to control others, but none of us can pinpoint just how these biblical principles violate the laws of nature.? Now we can.? New research developed here allows us to do just that, to nail down and define specifically and in great detail, how some biblical principles violate the laws of nature for sure, and in my mind, the laws then of God.
Please walk with me as we examine the body of physics through the lens of scripture.? Here, in a way, i show you just how i developed a whole new physics with scripture right behind me.? And, walk with me as we reveal? five biblical principles that violate God's natural laws, in light of this new science, that you may then learn to trust what you see, and feel again, and recognize God in nature, warming your heart to religion's historic attempt to bring us to God; and their historic failures in realizing fear and profit, even death.
Current theories in? physics and many verses in scripture may violate natural principles &? may violate the natural order of things;?
and may come more from man,?
& the influence of men in high places,?
?than from God?
Walk with me
that we would attempt to set the record straight regarding scripture, regarding science
what is of GOD?
?what may be of MAN
The following article is written in a more poetic format
without parable
It is the author's desire not to restrict the reader to many of the structures of
grammatical use
allowing the reader to stop and start at will
to pause in contemplation without fear of grammatical retribution
For most researchers this article will be an assault on the senses
an assault on sensibilities developed over a lifetime of study and research and observation
For most if not all Christians this article will seem blasphemous and presumptuous
as we question everything about scripture
and yet as human animals, children of God
we are products of all things natural
and are then subject to natural truths
The natural truths you will see below are unlike any before described in science
and are critically brutal and sharp in their applications to scripture
leaving religion raw and ravaged and naked
leaving science ravaged and raw and naked as well
yet a simplicity emerges,?
an elegance in form
in principles
setting the stage for an awakening of sorts?
a revival in religious fervor
a spawning or new age in science
Walk with me;? those of faith
for it is only through observation that we exercise faith
define faith
a believer in God, and follower of Jesus Christ;
who sees the holy trinity
in all things
an independent researcher in theoretical physics?
forty years
in observation
in faith
please find links at the bottom of this page to five articles presented to researchers and four questions posed regarding FREE ENERGY and four video demonstrations
of this new physics
?Its' contribution to Science?
& Man's Influence on Scripture & Biblical Teachings
One principle defines all things natural
And yet in our physics today, in our mathematics
we break science down into a hundred disciplines
This one principle
solves energy itself
?four new forms of energy,
formed freely
and reveals the source of
all atomic motion
Today we now look forward to
free energy
free energy economies
unprecedented travel in space
and so much more
??One principle defines scripture and finds holes in the body of physics, reinforcing biblical teachings
walk with me?
that we would restore physical environments?
through a wonderful new physics
and restore faith in God
through an enlightened approach to scripture
?One principle:
defines God in nature
'that which is created from nothing'
describes all things to communicate
describes all things to connect across any distance great or small
and to create a webbing of fine structures
that appear and disappear
as symmetries endure
but the bible told us this:
it told us that thoughts were real,?
that sin was created even in thought
it also told us we were each unique
and special
in one body of Christ
Four new forms of energy emerge?
Life itself
?may be defined
?as the presence of a quaternary fine structure,
?created in perfect symmetries,
?appearing to shift back and forth,
?back and forth;?
as if alive?
the bible told us this
it told us that there is a holy spirit
that lives inside each one of us
That we would then define what we do not see,
let us first visit a few false principles in our science
defined by man,?
not by God
notions that have been replaced with
a new understanding
one of God,?
from God
in one principle:
there is no big bang theory
there are no waves?
there are no particles?
there are no collisions?
there is no acceleration;
there is no gravity?
there is no conservation of matter
there is no conservation of energy??
there is no conservation of momentum
there is no electromagnetism?
there is no weak force and there is no strong force
the bible told us this
it told us there was one principle in nature
of God
in all things
it was only for any of us but to trust,?
and to then see
There are no four forces
?there is no speed of light constant
there is no Plank's constant?
In fact any discipline we examine
must be rewritten
For the mathematics
zero, infinity and one, do not exist
(please see article on Summary of Physics and Mathematical Transpose at bottom for detailed explanation)
four variables come together to form the ensemble of events in an entanglement
that defines everything that is any thing
and in these four variables we see 4 factorial, twenty-four, combinations
or four classes of six,
and 6
four groups of six
three of which are different categories of nonsense
one group that forms truths or?
natural events
the bible told us this
it was only for any one of us to see
the bible defined 666 as the deceiver, or of Satan
though we see each of these things referenced above
we do not see what's creating them,
until now;
as all things communicate
they do so in what's called elastic communications
four species of them
each species is a little different
As each communication occurs,
it creates a field
'that which is created from nothing'
Each communication produces a unique field
each field incorporates the sheer distance involved in each communication
giving nature its' spiral or logarithmic shapes
All things then
form together in a trinity
in an entangled event??
some, form in an extended entangled event
or robust entanglement
Elastic communications are responsible
for all atomic motion
for the formation of matter itself
creating the gyrations or elastic dances we misunderstand to be subatomic particles
These elastic communications, by incorporating distance into the flux or field created
allowed science to misinterpret energy
to misclassify energy into different categories
and allowed science to miss altogether
the four true forms of energy
formed in an extended entangled event
or robust entanglement
and the bible told us this
that we were each unique and connected in one body of Christ
In this one principle
of? LOVE
or robust entanglement
Matter may be both created and destroyed
the bible told us this
God created all things with His word
(please see article "A technical Understanding of Cognition" at bottom for detailed explanation of word and what is involved in human cognition)
and matter forms over great distances?
in deep empty space;
like fireworks,?
we observe the sameness of each form in all equations
we observe the speed of light constant
and we see that distance itself is incorporated into each formed "thing"
we then understand the speed of light to be mere misconception,
of conformations of many, many communications
as matter itself is utilizing the factors we come up with
in its' elastic dance, or atomic gyrations
matter, creates a fabric, a fine structure, that matches the speed of light constants
in some cases
and thus do we misunderstand
and define a limiting factor that truly does not exist
were we to want to travel faster than the speed of light
we merely construct entangled events whose flux exists to exceed that of this limiting notion
Black holes are a product of elastic communications
?and the peculiar nature that geometry and hence spheres play,
?as they encourage entanglements??
holding galaxies together
in many ways, the bible told us this?
all things are connected, you to me, me to you
connected, as in the body of Christ
though Scientists have heard of entanglement?
what they've understood about entanglement in the past is grossly incorrect
One does not contribute to another,... no
two come together in perfect symmetry,
to then form something from nothing,...?
a fine structure,
temporary fine structure,
who's nature or character in flux is determined in part
by the very distance between communicating partners
it forms a trinity,
a holy trinity
in each living thing
in everything
and yet the bible told us of the holy trinity
Waves and particles are simply groups of elastic dances, revealed in four different species
created in an elegant formation of matter (depicted in research article? entitled "Summary of Physics and Foundation for Mathematics Transpose" below)
these four variations in four types of energy or fields being produced creates enough confusion
that it would have probably been another thousand years before we discovered
the true nature of things
without utilizing faith
Four forces are merely communications and entanglements occurring over different distance classes??
Plank's constant is revised to include robust Plank's constant: a measure of specific species of particles and events?
which allows science to describe any unique natural event using two variables in character and reference
even our algebra changes to shed itself of six operators?
and adopts but two
in adjudication and comparison
the only two natural processes
Conservation of energy, mass and momentum are but mere phenomena of continuous, streaming communications??
All motion, all atomic motion is discrete?
one velocity
The speed of light and the speed of light constant?
are a mere phenomenon
?of conformations of many elastic events
Acceleration is a mere misconception;?
and is a phenomenon of conformations of many, many elastic communications
if your eyes could focus quickly enough
a falling object would fall to earth?
in diagonal, ever increasing (yet limited)
single velocity??
Lightning, fireballs bouncing to earth
monarch butterflies migrating three thousand miles?
sharks sensing one drop of blood among trillions across one mile and much much more?
are all phenomena of this one natural principle of nature
communication, or love, or fancy entanglement
of course, the bible told us this
When we examine medicine in light of this new physics we find? that the human cell may live forever
But does it???
Sin, or AUFI,?
makes it so.
AUFI defines what we understand to be disease, aging and death
and we find the driving force of evolution?
It is our age-old notion of sin.???
The fancy term spelled out in its entirety is called?
advanced undetected floral innervation;? AUFI
A nefarious presence within our bodies, AUFI, helped life to emerge.? Life simply could not have evolved in time, through mutation alone.??
It is an awful presence within us.? AUFI over generations helped us to create the shape of DNA, our mitochondria, depositing packets of information to process functions to derive good for itself.
AUFI taught our cells to produce fat; to store fat; to turn? cells on;? to turn our cells off.? AUFI directs much of the cellular activities of our cells.??
Cells literally do not need energy.? Energy is created from nothing, in perfect symmetries; from two things that are alike, in four species, across any distance great or small.??
But cells evolved? in the presence of sin, need energy in the form of ATP etc. They need it in the form of things like sugar.? ? Fungi, one component of AUFI? ferments? foods into alcohols.? They then pass readily through things like bi-phospholipid cell walls; like soap cutting through grease.
So does the cell need energy???
The cell in the presence of sin,?
in the presence of AUFI,?
the bible told us this?
it told us of sin
it told us of the fruit, and sugars
it told us that we do not live by bread alone,
but in spirit, of spirit
that life is eternal
without sin
it was only ever for any one of us to then see
When we examine human cognition in light of this new physics we find:
That our dual hemispheric presence communicates;??
that our two cerebrum find symmetries;?
?form entanglements?
and thus produce fine structures.??
Fine structures are the things that are responsible for atomic motion;??
all atomic motion.???
Thus do? we find an entanglement haven.??
We find an E, haven.??
and the bible told us of HEAVEN
it was only ever for any one of us to see
Let us talk plainly
that we would not DIE some gruesome death?
to teach of LIFE
here we teach of DEATH
that we would not identify
knowledge of good and evil
as wrong
here we teach a fear of learning
and we teach that knowledge of simple facts
with doubt
creates fear
we merely tease the senses
when we portray two sides of any story
Perhaps we even understand prophesy better and decide that
it is not?
"good and evil" that represents
the tree of life,
but knowledge of?
God and evolution
as we understand "that which is created from nothing"
to represent God in nature
as we understand evolution
to be a phonetic progression
of evil
and more importantly
in fear, do we stall cerebral breath
we stall understanding
we stall knowing
finally we imprison the human
in his own condition
but simply understand that
free will;
are both consequences of the human condition
as referenced above in the body of a new physics
we should not fear ourselves
or our human condition
that you would know
we then breath,?
(cerebral breath)
?experience what we call?
free will
in our sense of knowing
do we utilize?
tiny hard structures in the inner ear
four fluid filled chambers
four cerebral ventricles
that connect us beyond our senses
to one another
to all things
great and small
It is in this sense of knowing
it is in this cerebral breath
that we come to know and understand
that we find what we discuss below
in Biblical violations
In our biblical scriptures we identify five violations of man's sensibilities
that create physical impossibilities
according to current theories in physics
and an egocentric understanding of all things
these fatal errors violate man's understanding of God's natural law,?
God's one principle
as it manifests itself in a "systems" existence,
or presence in man
or a now revealed and described?
condition of man
Inasmuch as many of these violations are not at first obvious
as their violation is dependent on the reader understanding first the condition
and then the natural event(s) that follow(s)
walk with me
1 To kill in the name of God?
2 to be meek
3 to possess land
4 to fear God?
5 to speak in parables
These are the things that are physical impossibilities
that violate man's sensibilities
violate natural truths
For example,
that a loving God,?
who commands us to love Him with all our hearts,
?would command man, to kill men, women and children
The same loving God that
can heal,
?take sin away,
?that MAN may then SEE;?
would then command a population of Jews?
to destroy the lives of men, women and children; entire populations.
1 to kill in the name of God
The difficult answer
??ever so aware of goodness and all things of God
tells us that?
?in places like Sodom and Gomorrah?
?men stray beyond retraction, beyond recovery
and so it is then described that these men, women and children, even the animals
are destroyed
What effect does this have on living men?
?Men with minds?
?awake to troubles and suffering and violence
it teaches them of things unseen,
?like "evil"?
it teaches us the importance of "good,"
?of "good works"
?of service,?
of free will and choice
and it perhaps teaches us of systems
about conformations
the presence of systems and
the ability to maintain an autonomous presence
in the face of competing communications
This is the more philosophical answer to a technical understanding
We know that to occupy a geometry, an orientation
by preoccupying an atom say in one stereo isometry with respect to other atoms
may be to isolate that atom and its' ability to communicate
to disengage from some system
and so were we to consider evil as a system, it may be difficult to upend
as internal influences on that system may help to maintain an autonomy
??and yet though we learn here of the possibility of evil existing in the universe
and though we are commanded not to judge
and though we are to be obedient to God
and though we are NOT to learn from the act of killing
that we may then kill in the name of MAN
we read of God's command to kill whole populations
of men, women, children, even animals
This is very strange
though it exposes the possible presence of evil in the universe
& exposes man's free will
his ability to choose
it makes MAN choose then
forever after this violent act
to choose NOT to kill
in the name of man
as we must then?
be obedient to GOD
obedience to GOD
then is ultimately what we learn here
in this presented history?
of great death,
by man's hand
for God, in the name of GOD
The act of killing, by man
does in fact violate God's commandment to love
others as self
and creates not a love for mankind,?
but wariness
a caution
for all men
a distrust
and whosoever is the recipient of such a message to kill
in the name of God?
Whensoever two shall meet,
?God will be present
and yet in voices heard by the individual,?
to slay whole populations
is God present
I say no
It is Satan,
and Man's influence on the bible
and scripture
on biblical teachings
that would produce such a commandment
as to kill
We are to love
God with all our hearts
to love one another as self
our obedience is not onerous
but life giving
2 to be meek
we describe how the physics says that to be meek,?
or subservient
?is not practical?
or proper
as to give in to wrongdoing,
?is to allow it to occur
and yet...
and yet it is NOT through man's actions?
that allow's atoms to flow, mountains to arise
volcanos to erupt
and in the realm of things unseen
even within man himself
meekness has power
that elicits sin's exposure
it is God who exposes sin in another,?
through the individual's subservience
Were there not to be a God or Unifying principles in the universe
if matter and energy were suspended on man's whim
then perhaps being meek would be inappropriate
as evil would overcome good
it is man's surrender to love,?
to love one another
that exposes sin
in another,
and allows good to triumph
God, to triumph
in an article below on Cognition
we describe a cerebral breath
that creates fine structures in the cerebrum to
annihilate AUFI, or sin
it is in a cognitive process of surrendering
that allows this annihilation to occur
as a person let's go of painful references
here we allow cerebral breath to resume
Thus in this resumption?
does AUFI or sin, find it difficult to maintain cell walls
to maintain intracellular contents
Yet it is not the death of sin we speak of when we speak of meekness
it is man's behaviors
perhaps in the face of sin
towards other men
in the face of evil
evil deeds
evil behaviours
that we do not accept, or endure or surrender to
We stand firm,
in the face of evil
in the face of demons
whether metaphorical or not
cognitively we do not 'FOCUS'
ON painful references
on cerebral ischemia's
This is difficult to do
and is not something that any one understands
yet to clear one's mind
say in yoga
or meditation
accomplishes much of the same thing
it frees oneself of AUFI's presence
by enhancing the cerebral breath
Thus do we stand firm in the face of wrongdoings,
in the face of misbehaviors
Parents call this "tough love"
Here we stand erect
willing to give life and limb
for God's righteousness
there is no greater gift?
no greater love
than to give one's life for another
the bible tells us so
and here
we are able to express this gift
in meekness
?we do not express this gift
we encourage sin
in others
four hundred years of slavery in the U.S. say so
the death of some three hundred million natives at the hands of the?
emissaries of the catholic church
says so
though we would expel AUFI in ourselves
we do not give in to evil behaviors?
but the painful references
in created cerebral ischemia's
due to the presence of AUFI
?or our concept of sin
Once again we find MAN'S influence on the bible
On scripture
and biblical teachings
3 to possess land
this is an impossibility for man
we move nothing?
we truly own nothing
the dirt does not breath when we do
the earth does not tremble below our feet
to possess land
something for which?
man cannot motivate?
to move or control
is impossible
however, it is exactly the moralities and principles of good men
that are commanded to labor in, to enjoy, to reap the goodness of all things of God
in such a possession
Here we take a more simplistic understanding of possession
and realize that it is merely a gift
for man to then utilize in a fundamental way
a gesture of love
a commitment kept
forging trust
and love
that we may then worship in great love and affection and desire and appreciation
for all things good
of God
yet would we?
would we worship? God
who gave us the land
or would we worship the land?
the possession?
we are blessed in our giving
not ownerships
in our communion with others
not selfish possessions
and what we try to protect in lands owned
we do so under the influence AND IN THE NAME of all things satanic
or evil
(and by evil i mean evolutionary, evolutionary forces of AUFI
the very thing that drove evolution and all that entails
e.g. disease, aging and death,?
local painful cerebral and somatic ischemia's")
The physics tells us that we can not physically posses things
we do not
we can not
alter the electron structures
we do not move objects
we do not move dirt without labor
we do not possess land
Native peoples have told us this for as long as we've murdered them
for as long as we've been in contact with them
they have lived without possessing lands
?for some forty thousand years
Once again do we find a biblical teaching
that demonstrates man's logical understandings
that demonstrates man's narrow understandings
we identify yet another man made influence on scripture
4 to both fear and love God
the physics would teach us, and five or so articles represented below
would teach us that to love and to hate are vastly different
?have biochemical consequences on the human body,?
even on the presence of AUFI or sin,
in the human body
And yet?
here we are asked to both LOVE
and HATE?
To fear God
is it hatred?
it is a healthy respect
?at least
for all things good and the presence of free will or
what we call cerebral breath
in the human
(free will is a phenomenon of our human condition
it is the resumption or self expression of cerebral breath
taken up one biochemical notch
cerebral breath manifests itself?
in two nervous systems
developed over the lifetime of the species
as a consequence of the presence of AUFI
HERE do we find dichotomies
here do we find sensations in our biochemical
to thought
to decision making)
To both fear and to love
is to understand the consequences
of evil,
of dark forces
and their effects
in the universe
in men
in living things
?and to teach man, of love
and to choose
with his ability in free will
to first love God with all his heart
?and to love his neighbor as self
Were we would examine hate and love together, biochemically
we see they are opposites
whereas hate produces ischemia's
increases the presence of AUFI OR sin
increases cerebral breath
thus maintains healthy vascular and neural presence(s)
exercises free will
destroys AUFI'S presence,
or sin?
in the process
(by disrupting intra-cellular metabolisms
as AUFI or sin's cell walls are only 20% complete)
(please see links below on DIET & disease, and on cognition for further discussion)
?IS the absence of love
& understanding
& what is hate?
but fear
disdain for all things true
?a blindness of truth
an acceptance of dichotomies
of lies
false realities
(here we get a little fancy and draw a few conclusions when we make the mental
leap to say that dichotomies are of things untrue
when we separate thought and sensation
we create dichotomies
when we accept, or love
or allow cerebral breath to transcend thought
then we 'understand'?
we become one
with nature
one with God
one with forged principles
we find truth
basically we see cause & effect
in our own bodies or minds
and we 'UNDERSTAND')
here again we find Man's influence on the bible
and scripture and biblical teachings
We do not Love
only to then fear
?or to express hatred
We love
and we find understanding
5 to speak in parables
here we understand the difference between deceptions
and all things of evil or satan
and simple lessons to teach moralities?
Here we would seem to question God's approach towards man
as we connect satan and deception
with parable
and yet parable here is simple story
relayed to convey a number of things simultaneously
perhaps to convey love
to convey morality
to convey the presence of good and evil in the universe
to convey the condition of man
?to convey the nature of God
and the holy spirit
even the holy trinity
to convey so many things
and yet to speak in riddle is to confuse
to present dichotomies is to divide and conquer a people
for all time
much of what we have seen in our great histories of mankind
for the past two thousand years
Once again we see Man's influence on the bible and scripture and biblical teaching
When we save a people
we do not do so in riddles or stories or parables
we speak only truths
we do not encourage death, suffering, through words
we do not encourage learning through deceptions
we do not present truth in nature,?
through complex stories
Here are but a few examples of the scriptures that so defines the five above referenced errors in scripture:
1 To kill in the name of God?
3 to possess land
Deuteronomy 20:16, 17
But in the cities of these peoples that the LORD your God gives you for an inheritance, you shall save alive nothing that breathes,?
but you shall utterly destroy them, the Hittites and the Amorites, the Canaanites and the Per'izzites, the Hivites and the Jeb'usites, as the LORD your God has commanded;
4 to fear God
Psalm 112:1
Praise the LORD! How blessed is the man who fears the LORD, Who greatly delights in His commandments
2 to be meek
Psalm 37:11
But the meek shall inherit the earth; and shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace
5 to speak in parables
Matt 13:35
This was to fulfill what was declared by the prophet when he said, "I will open my mouth to speak in parables. I will declare what has been hidden since the creation of the world."
Matt 13:10
Then the disciples came to Him and said, Why do You speak to them in parables?
Having identified five human errors in scripture, we turn now to the physics to find TRUTH in the bible.
The physics described above identifies ONE PRINCIPLE in nature:? LOVE.? This is the underlying message in the bible.? It is God's commandment to us: that we would Love HIM with all our hearts; and that we would LOVE our neighbor as ourselves.? ? The physics goes further to describe all atomic motion as being derived from LOVE, or entanglements.? And, the physics says we are all connected. ?Here, the bible talks of the body of Christ. ? The physics reinforces this body of Christ.
In the short description of contributions of the physics to research in cognition, we describe our own cerebrum to be entanglement havens:? a place where pairs of entanglement partners meet.? Since all atomic motion is derived from these communications, that makes our brains unique in the universe and very much more powerful than man has ever considered.? This is relayed to us in the bible, in it's description of HEAVEN.? And, thoughts themselves, produce fine structures, four different types of energy.? I know that four types of energy are not an easy observation to make; this takes time and dedication.? But The bible describes thoughts to be subject to sin, just as an act or behavior.? Here, the physics says, yes; this is true. And finally, to hate, or to become afraid, elicits an evolutionary response designed to enhance the presence of sin in our bodies.
The bible describes sin, to be the root of evil.? In research referenced above in medicine advanced through our understanding of the human cell in light of new research in the physics we find AUFI.? AUFI is understood to be the single source of cellular death and aging and decay.? AUFI is the cause of human disease, aging, death, even evolution.? Here, AUFI, fits the biblical representation of sin.? It is snake-like in appearance; it saps the life from all things good; or of God.? And, it is our cerebral presence, creating complex fine structures, in thought, actual thought, that disrupts AUFI, or our biblical representation of SIN.
Principles in physics that reinforce biblical teachings:
2? all THINGS ARE CONNECTED TO ONE ANOTHER, in the body of Christ,
?????or GOD, a description of "that which is created from nothing"
3? heaven, is a place where there is only GOOD, and in the human, our cerebrum are a HAVEN for entanglements
?????the single source of all atomic motion, providing for a more powerful existence than ever considered
4 ? SIN is responsible for evil, or all things "evolutionary"and bad, or "disease, aging and death" in the human cell
?????and for that which takes away from those things produced in God, or "that which is produced from nothing"
?????Sin takes life from, controls metabolically, the human cell, that may live forever, relatively
5? Hate reinforces the presence of sin; and takes away from the body in Christ
6.? Finally, since Love or Robust Entanglements occur instantly over any distance, prophesies suddenly become possible. ? As time is only a relative observed change, the physics then allows someone to "see" into the future, or into the past.? I know this is a short explanation but for a more detailed explanation see the links on "summary of physics and mathematical transpose" at the bottom of this page, presented to researchers on both Academia "dot" edu, and "Researchgate "dot" net.
Respect for the information above and our human condition of AUFI or sin; respect for the ability of our cerebrum to create HEAVEN on earth; and respect for each of us to be truly connected in one body of Christ and we understand and begin to develop the narrative that is ours to write. ? Concentrate too much on death, on martyrdom, and we become divided and conquered, through fear, guilt and deceptions created by MAN to influence men for all time.? We do not build familiarity through gruesome death on purpose.? We do not die, in order to teach of life and truth on purpose. We do not shepherd a flock into gruesome death, to prove of life after death.??
In the absence of grotesque death, in the absence of parable or deceptions, in the absence of meekness, in the absence of fear and finally in the absence of a chosen people and God on earth we create a new respect for LIFE itself;? we create a new understanding of our roles and our abilities here on earth; and we find an importance of scripture in defining and reinforcing? all things good and thus of God;? and defy the notions reinforcing the antithesis of all things good and of God.? We recognize things fearful? creating blindness, and hate and desperation; dividing nations, whole populations, and families.
that we would restore societies
Today, new research in physics touches every aspect of science, from chemistry to biology, to psychology and cognition, to high energy spin physics, and finally the physics touches our religion and understanding of religion and scripture.? It defines God in nature, as that which is created from nothing.? And it provides energy, formed freely, in four new forms.? Finally, the new physics controls atomic motion, all atomic motion; it defines it.? Thus will we be able to restore our oceans, waterways, rivers, streams;? thus will we be able to restore our atmosphere's, our air, our land, our climate; almost overnight.?
As we enter a new free energy economy, and a time of great "plenty," we come bearing baggage of times past.? In quick assessment of current economies we identify two fatal? sources of error.
First,? we find that the corporation is the single source of corruption and destruction to all things natural and to institutions of society like government, economy, education and more.
The corporation was an entity invented in the? sixteen hundred's, (1600s) from the slave trade, to protect wealthy investors from losses, from personal deaths on slave ships.? Vast numbers of people perished.? And yet, to enable a few wealthy men to continue to afford investments in this profitable business, the corporation was created.
The corporation has emerged as the center of economic and political and governmental life in the West. ? As such, small groups of high minded men contribute monies and monied interests from great distances, both physical and moral.? The corporation creates needs and wars and wants.? They devour and destroy the physical earth, from the water we drink, to the land that we inhabit, to the air that we breath.? The corporation devours our local economies, meeting hungry demands for labor and goods and services from a few men and women in remote regions of local economies, enclaves of wealth, subdivisions of great prices and remote regions of the world; in great poverties.??
Together our corporations control everything from the? quality of the air we breath, to our school curricula, to our forms of government, to our forms of family to how and when we eat and play.? Through control over our media they legislate morality in our courts; and they thus interfere in God's domain of life; determining who lives and dies, who exists well, who does not.
Corporations, in short, create price extremes that interfere with local economic exchange of goods and services; effectively stalling entire economies; world economies. ? In this past year, every equity class of investment realized but a height in return of six percent. ? Our economy has stalled.? The corporation has run its course.? It has depleted natural resources, and destroyed every living environment on the planet; endangering the lives of seven billion people;? all in the name of profit for but a handful of men;? perhaps sixty.? Absurd.? And the human population on earth can not tolerate the corporate form of business any longer.??
What are some possible solutions to unbridled, unprecedented corruption that exists today in business, in governance, in media and news?
One: we take back our economies from the corporations and their wealthy benefactors by outlawing the corporate form of conducting business.? We accomplish a number of things when we do this.? We begin to restore local economies; we gain an accountability in business practices that we have not had; and we stop polluting and corrupting institutions of society and environments.??
Second, we find no fault in the form of government when we simply invert the hierarchy of power in all governments worldwide.? Here we simply introduce humility in governance. ? Every form of governing will benefit from this inversion of power.? Leaders will defer to either the people, or to governors to decide and act on issues and legislation.? Leaders will give speeches and inform societies of the issues at hand;? that is all.? And finally, leaders will motivate and inspire.??
In closing, i as a researcher would suggest that? we hold public hearings for crimes against humanity and nature.? We drag every corporate officer now and in the past, every public servant holding any position of? authority in government into public hearing.? We try members and hear testimonies; we heal as a society.
Won't you join me in great peace, in new understanding and appreciation for all things natural and of God?? Won't you join me in creating demonstrable change?? Won't you join me in ushering in a new era of free energy??
Walk with me; in great reverence for God; for God in nature, and in all things.? Walk with me in peace and honor and grace.? That we would take the best parts of the bible and utilize rules regarding human kindness to promote life on earth.? That we would take the man made portions of the bible, perhaps written in great deceptions and learn from them; that we would never repeat them.?
LETTER OF INVITATION sent out to researchers all over the world.
I would be most honored for you to visit my work and to join our discussion.?
One Principle?defines nature;?Robust Entanglement.??
Nothing truly collides.?
Understanding nature in this way allows us to realize energy in four new ways; to experience atomic interactions, chemistries, mathematics, physics in a new way; to educate our children and adults better, as we come to understand the human condition and nature better; and finally, to understand the physical connection of me to you, you to me.?
Now would you to please join me and 183 distinguished faculty, academicians and theologians, and industry professionals, some of which are listed below.?There are five discussions you may join: physics & mathematics; and four discussions "downstream," ?including theology, diet & disease, aging & evolution, education and cognition, in light of this one principle.
Entanglement becomes this process where symmetries form in space, from some tension that exists, forming specific and unique fine structures or energy, that incorporates the distance into the flux formed, although temporary only, and lasting only as long as the symmetry holds; yet forming three more different species of fine structures within the formed field, one atop the other, with slightly different properties only because the fields formed in the secondary, tertiary and quaternary creations, have fields that are moving and growing, allowing each newly formed field to grow in density at an even? much faster rate and helping to contribute to both the nonlinear observations in nature, but also the vast complexity of what we see.
Entangled atoms behave differently, within each field because the rate densities or "flux" is behaving differently; i.e. either stationary, or growing? in density. Growing densities will lose their entangled atoms quickly.? Stationary fields, or primary fields, will hold on longer.
Four unique species of fine structure formed contribute to our observation of nature.? But not only are there four unique species of fine structure, each field formed in some space is unique as it includes a unique distance into its formed field, from the shear distance between flux's or rate/densities, generating the found symmetry; generating a most unique and complex array of observations within nature, as only the very same unique flux's or "rate/densities" may form symmetries, and thus create fields or energy, if only but temporary, as long as the symmetry holds.?
Atomic motion is derived completely from entangled events.?
However, if an atom is entangled in a fixed rate field, then the entanglement lasts, and we see. motion.? If the atom is entangled in a more complex field, say secondary or tertiiary of quaternary field, then we see a more inelastic observation occur as the atom is more or less "grabbed" in space, then as the field disappears, the motions stops.??
Atoms themselves are comprised of newly formed fields from elastic communications or entangled events, repeated over and over again, helping to create frequencies we see in nature. A model for the formation of matter, providing for the geometries we see in our periodic table, helps us to see the two pseudo waves generating the iterative process creating the? temporary fields we see, not intra-atomic particles, behaving in some kinetic environment.? That picture was incomplete.
Because the fields formed include the distance in some pythagorean relationship, nature is non-linear.?
But it is more than this, i.e. each field formed within a field, is growing in density but at a much faster rate than the already established field.
Because atomic motion is described entirely from being entangled in one of these fields, temporary fields, then we see two things in each equation in our physics, a constant or constant squared and some minimum relational value.
For it is the flux formed that is so derived from a pythagorean relationship of the rate/density or field forming the field in some found symmetry, and.... the distance between the fields forming the said found symmetry; whether stationary in value, or growing, or growing at an alarming rate, or growing at an alarming rate and shifting in space.? (A quaternary field formed baffles us even further still as it shifts back and forth, back and forth, in addition to having a field that is growing in density, at an alarming rate.)
Conservation of energy, mass and momentum are merely properties of an elastic universe, communicating, and not colliding.?
Waves are simply phenomenon of this elastic universe, communicating over any distance "instantly."?
The four energies we see are simply the very same entanglement phenomenon occurring over different distances or "classes."
Energy, mass and momentum are then not conserved and each is formed and disappear as symmetries form and disappear.
The math has to change as only two processes occur in this natural state, adjudication and comparison, leaving our operators * / - + ^ all but to simply describe two things, an "applying" of some flux over some distance to create a new and unique flux, and some comparison to find the distance, unique in each entanglement.
The calculus changes as zero, infinity and one are not truly found in nature.? And since much of the atomic motion in primary fields are discrete, then the calculus adopts an integer, and discrete format.
Acceleration does not truly exist in nature, as most atomic motion is discrete or "one velocity."? The phenom we observe is simply a conformation of communications, as systems develop and entangle to make larger and larger contributions to motion and thus our visual observations.
But there's so much more.
Most?reverent,?kind regards,
Mark Alan Bartholomew?
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Discussion of this new work in the physics.
link to?discussion & article?on A WHOLE NEW APPROACH TO EDUCATION in light of new?science:?
For a detailed summary of work, and links to additional discussions, including links to discussion of theology of science in light of this new work, please visit the research website:
Discussion members in article on new physics & mathematics above:
A few names listed above have been denied a stay in this discussion due to corporate interests and surveillance technologies, information?technologies, and fields therein.. A hundred names were rejected?entry and do not appear. ?Listed are a few members that?were?allowed to remain for a day or so and to read and download works. ? It is my intention to use this public presence to denounce the?corporate form of conducting business. ?It will be my goal to suggest that we return to the farms, of old. ?Work, being ever so important. ?Sharing interests across borders does not seem good, right or just. ?Providing energy to do unlimited work in this manner will be?possible, presently. ?There is much to say on this matter, and?I will?address this when the time comes. ?
Today, you are among?seven churches to receive this work?..... Jews, Baptists, first and second,?Lutheran, Methodist, Catholics, Presbyterians and Episcopalians.? I know there's a lot to digest here, but there's more. There are no references to previous works. ?There is only Faith. It is important for you to understand what is possible, and how this work was created.?
Over the past?forty years,?this work has been presented to the scientific community.?First,?it was Dr. Nicholas Samios, the former director of the Brookhaven Laboratories for High Energy Spin Physics, in 1984. ?I was a boy, seventeen. ?He contacted me directly, over the phone after sending him this work. He was very animated. ?We spoke for thirty minutes. ?He left me with kind letter. He was, for me, a saint; Saint Nicholas, for he confirmed what I already knew. That my work violated all aspects of our physics, including the standard model, conservation of energy, mass and momentum, and more. ?Then, it was sending eighty pages and paperback books to members of the national Academy of Sciences, over the next thirty-five ?years. ?Finally, over the past three years, it has been in the way of twelve?thousand?emails, inviting researchers to read this work and to join a live discussion with explanation. To date, no one understands this work. ?
I have attempted to build a relationship with the president of the National Academy of Sciences over the past four years now. ?After our initial ten emails back and forth, with her vehemently rejecting my work or talks of meeting for lunch or for lecture to her staff, she has had a?change of heart,?and joined this live discussion in the past year. ?I do not know why.? Now, after one year, she has rejected again, this work.? After inviting a fellow NAS member, from Colorado, in geology, informing him that FAITH, becomes the sophistication of science,? she has left.? Mad as a hornet. I attempted to apologize, but i can not. deny how this work was generated, in faith.? There are no references.? There were no texts studied.? This work was written in faith.
This work promises energy in four new forms, forming freely, for?some grand, new abundant future.??This work promises clean environments and restoration of climate, as atomic motions are understood and able to be managed and manipulated. ?This work promises to alter the events of our lives in the way of?ridding our bodies of disease and the affects of aging.?But there's more.
Should you wish to see this work, it comes in many forms, in live discussion of the physics and mathematics, or in live discussion of a new understanding of diet and disease, or in live discussion of a new understanding of cognition, or even the theology of science. Finally, there's a discussion on educating ourselves, our children, in light of this new work. ?You will merely need to generate an "academia" account, anyone can join, and then you will have complete access. ?Each of the faculty listed above had to generate an account.
I hope you will participate in this good news and help to spread the word. ?I know you are terribly busy. ?This is work that may be accessed and viewed in your leisure. ?Although it is a live discussion, it is ongoing, for the next three years and more perhaps, as long as it takes for everyone to hear of God's presence in our lives and environment and science.
I know this comes at you from "nowhere." ?There truly is no good way to spring this on someone. ?And, this work will never see the light of day in our news medias for many reasons; it replaces our energy sector, it finds faith to be an intrinsic part of man; and it replaces our scientific method. ?Each of us now will have to walk that walk with God, or deny his or her physical self and be denied by all others. ?Each of us will have to acknowledge our connection to all things, to one another. ?In short, love defines this new understanding, as described in our bible. And, yet there is a physical presence that is associated with this "connection" to all things, to one another; a temporary, real physical presence. ?The fancy term is called?robust entanglement.?Symmetries formed in a quaternary fine structure shift back and forth, back and forth, giving us the notions of life itself; or Holy Spirit, as defined in our bible. Forty years this work has been denied. ?And we hear nothing. ?So, I come to you now, directly, planting seeds. ??
Let us discuss a few truths that have been sealed up for a few thousand years. ?Again, this is a bit technical, and it is very intense. And we address many of our scriptural metaphors.
Our predecessors told us that things collide. ?They told us that there were a hundred principles to describe nature, including multiple dimensions and more. ?They divided the phenomenon in nature into cute little packets of understanding. ?They told us there were four forces; including gravity, electromagnetism, strong and weak nuclear forces; ?they told us about energy and matter and said that neither can be created or destroyed. ?They said energy and matter and momentum were conserved. ?And they were wrong.
I. ONE principle defines nature. ?
All things communicate, forming what we have understood in the past, to be some body of Christ, physically describable in both physics and mathematics. (The ten dollar word is "entanglement." ? God tells us to love Him with all our heart, and to love our neighbor as we love ourselves. ?Well, this is what nature does; ?It loves, or "communicates." ?Theoretical physicists call it entanglement. ?YOU, ME, OUR RELIGIONS call it LOVE; a new science calls it robust entanglement.)
II. Nothing truly collides.
III. Two natural principals exist in nature, in our universe:
? ? ?A. Comparison, eliciting some Distance, for which we then may find and apply,
? ? ?B. Adjudication, or judgement, where we apply over some distance, texture and size, found in some symmetry in space
IV. Here do we find the Christian Cross, as comparison and Adjudication, when we mathematize these concepts, become two planks of unique length, in directions not to contribute to the direction of the other, are then separated by some translation, or circle that does not meet back on itself, giving life to ?plank's constant, in some robust plank's constant, making all these, describing each thing, to be some unique presence in nature, in our universe.
V. Faith, becomes the sophistication of science, replacing scientific observation (as we understand the cerebrum to breathe back and forth, back and forth, a systems wide manifestation of single quaternary fine structure creations, formed out of atomic interactions in robust entanglement, forming energy from nothing, in four new forms, giving us the notion of life itself; ?defining life, itself.
VI. Here in some quaternary fine structure creation, we find a shifting presence, giving us the notion of life itself, and in this formation of living things, or living systems, a bicameral presence develops, giving us the notions of entanglement havens, or heaven.
VII. And, in this elastic universe, where all things communicate, finding symmetries, forming four new forms of energy, from nothing, for some grand new abundant future, we find that these things occur instantly, across any distance great or small.
SIN, becomes this physical presence within living systems; ?called AUFI, for advanced undetected floral innervation.
The human cell lives for some "relative" time frame of "forever." It is only in the presence of SIN, or AUFI that life needs nourishment, or energy in the way of ATP, as energy forms freely within each cell. ?And, as we come now to understand this human cellular condition, in the presence of SIN, we may now extend life for some relative time frame of forever, beyond imagination; ridding ourselves of disease, aging and death for any foreseeable future.
Disease, aging, death, are all a product of SIN, or AUFI.
Evil, becomes this phonetically evolved understanding of Evolution, or SIN's influence on life forms, and systems evolution, describable in a mathematics and physics; bringing to life what we have understood in our bibles as 666; ?whereby four groups of six arrangements or permutations of special natural variables, form three groups of unnatural events, and one group of six describing an actual natural event.
I know this is overwhelming. ?And yet we have misunderstood nature for so long. ?It is so very frustrating that we never quite had answers for anything it seems. ?Especially when we, ourselves ?were/are sick, and we sought/seek the advice from our doctors. ?We were and are at the mercy of science and technology companies and hence corporations for so long now. ?And we have come to this place of complete tyranny, with displays of tyrannical behaviors not seen since the time of the Romans.
Capitalism has now turned on its' people. ?
If this work does nothing else, it will relate to you the true nature of prayer, and the ?true nature of a body of Christ, real physical entities. When we pray, we create a fine structure, temporary fine structures, what we understand to be energy, in four new forms. Those of you that pray have felt "a movement," have seen a movement. ?In these fields, do we then entangle, and move. There's so much more to reveal. ?Please join me. And, may God bless you.
(key words: HAMAS, ISRAEL)
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3 个月Great share! Amen??
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4 个月??
Author/Blogger/Songwriter | Perspectivist | Rev./Holistic Advisor: Offering Zoom sessions to ease upset, worries, or anxious feelings. Founder of Integrating the Spirals, a spiritual philosophy.
9 个月"it told us that thoughts were real, that sin was created even in thought" and this is right up my alley. We Are All Connected. Thank you for a wonderful, detailed article.
Absolutely insightful thoughts! Isaac Newton once mused that in the absence of any other proof, the thumb alone would convince him of God's existence. ?? Your exploration into Christianity's impact on science and vice versa taps into a profound relationship that has shaped human understanding. Keep diving deep! ???
Church Pastor
1 年Thank you for your message of Teaching. I will go through it then write to you more brother.