Christianity Can't Possibly Be True

Christianity Can't Possibly Be True

Do you believe that Christianity is true? If so, are you prepared to answer questions about your faith?

Most people are curious about the Bible and sometimes the awareness of the emptiness of a self-centered life spurs a question your way. The unsaved world is watching and waiting for your answer.

“but sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, but with gentleness and respect;” (1 Peter 3:15 NASB).

A true Christian is different than others. We go through life with unashamed confidence because God placed us in this world. We know our final destination.

Our whole identity is tied to Christ. Our hope is found within us. We feel it since Jesus dwells within us.

Jesus within us compels our deep conviction of what has happened and what is to come. It is an alive fire within our hearts, not merely some philosophy. We are not like the rest of the world who are either blind to hope or are truly hopeless.

A gospel-centered life attract others to God by making them curious, causing them to ask questions. You must have reasons in defense for your hope if somebody asks you.

Why do you believe what you believe? How did you come to believe it? What is your hope and what is it based on? How can you be sure? What does the Gospel promise? Who is the God that you worship? How do you know that He is?

Psalm 10:17 says, “LORD, thou hast heard the desire of the humble: thou wilt prepare their heart.” Lord, prepare our heart to give the message of life today.


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