Is Christianity a Blasphemous Cult ?

Is Christianity a Blasphemous Cult ?

Pull up your Bible (or use, do the research and weigh the evidence - Scripture, cold hard facts, and simple common sense speaks volumes in reaching an inevitable conclusion. The purpose of this expose is to open your eyes to the obvious and overwhelming Truth of what Christianity is in reality and what faith God Elohim commanded us to keep to inherit His Kingdom.

For Christianity to have ANY validity whatsoever, it MUST conclusively prove ALL of the following:

  1. God the Father and Christ, the Son of God, are a pair of deceiving, hypocritical, and lying misguided Torah 'Law' demanding "legalists" whose Word is temporary.
  2. Pharisee Paul is an honest, sincere, and righteous individual who never deviated from his message and practiced what he preached: one is "saved by grace thru faith".
  3. God the Father and the Son of God's Torah Law is abolished which contradicts The Word of the Father, the word of the Prophets, the word of the Apostles, the word of Christ's brother James, the Word of Christ AND it contradicts the word of the Pharisee Paul who kept, upheld the Law and warned against Lawlessness - the one and the same Pharisee Paul who claimed God's Torah Law is abolished and a curse. See Point #1 above.
  4. God the Father and the Son of God dropped Their "Chosen" of Israel who faithfully kept and keep Their commandments (Torah Law) for Lawless Gentiles who deny, hate, reject, and blaspheme Their blessed Torah Law.
  5. The Gospel of Christ is now irrelevant - Pharisee Paul's claims made ALL of Christ's proclamations obsolete.


Christianity would have you believe the blasphemous claim that God the Father's Law was in reality just a mean-spirited joke - they were only temporary. The FACT is He commanded they be kept by His Chosen AND Gentiles FOREVER: Numbers 15:5, Psalm 111:8-10.

Christianity would have you believe the blasphemous claim that God's Torah Law commandments are only "for Jews" and not Gentiles - this contradicts scripture completely: Exodus 12:49, Leviticus 24:22, Numbers 9:14, Numbers 15:5, Numbers 15:16, Numbers 15:29

Catholics (i.e., Christians) would have you believe the blasphemous Antichrist fraud sitting temporarily as the head of the Vatican should be addressed as "(Holy) Father" when in fact Christ clearly rebuked naming anyone by such a title (Matthew 23:9)

Christianity would have you believe the blasphemous claim that God's proclamation His Law is a blessing for those who keep it and a curse for those who don't in the OT (Deuteronomy 11:26) became the opposite when the Pharisee Paul makes the blasphemous claim God the Creator's Law is a curse (Galatians 3:10-13)

Christianity will have you believe the blasphemous claim that ImmanuEL the Son of God came to preach a Gospel contrary to what God ELohim proclaimed in the OT when in fact Christ proclaimed precisely the same message as the Father: John 5:19, John 7:16, John 8:26-28, John 12:49, John 14:10, John 14:24, John 14:31.

Catholics (i.e., Christians) would have you believe their "saints" canonization is based on 5 very loose requirements ( - The fact is, NOT ONE of these Catholic "saints" ever fulfilled either (and much less both) of the 2 requirements the Revelation of Christ reveals found in Revelation 14:12. Catholics neither keep the commandments (Mitzvot/Torah Law) of God ELohim nor have faith in "Jesus" which means believing in Christ's Word to keep His commandments (Mitzvot/Torah Law) that Christ proclaims one must keep in His Gospel and Revelation which Catholics and Christians loathe will all their heart, mind, and soul. By the Word of God, not one Catholic "saint" has ever been a saint of God.

Christianity would have you believe the blasphemous claim Christ founded Lawless, "saved by grace" Christianity - nothing could be further from the truth - Christ Himself proclaims having faith in Him alone will not save you on the Day of Judgment (Matthew 7:15-28. Luke 13:23-28). In fact, those who followed the teaching of the Nazarene were called Nazarenes which had nothing to do with citizenship but everything to do with the keeping of God's Torah Law and Faith in the Word of Christ - precisely the same 2 faiths of those identified as Saints in Christ's Revelation (Rev 1:9, 6:9, 12:17, 14:12, 19:10, 20:4) - Christians neither keep God's commandments (Mitvot/Torah) nor follow the Torah instructed Gospel & Revelation of Christ.

Christianity would have you believe the blasphemous claim Christ violated prophecy and His own Word He would not return after His ascenscion until His 2nd Coming for all the world to behold (Mark 13:26, Matthew 24:30, Revelation 1:7) in order to make 2 private sneak visits with the Pharisee Paul without clouds, power, or glory whose two descriptions of these "visits" are precisely the same 2 examples Christ warned of that would be claimed by liars before His 2nd Coming ( Not surprisingly, neither of Paul's 2 claims had a single witness to validate either of his alleged two encounter accounts - thus violating God's requirement that 2-3 witnesses support the claim of an individual's claim to have any validity: Deuteronomy 17:6, Deuteronomy 19:15 - which ironically, Paul himself proclaims but does not hold himself up to the same scrutiny: 2 Corinthians 13:1 - typical hypocrite Pharisee.

Christianity would have you believe that the Pharisee Paul gave one single version of his Road to Damascus "conversion" experience - they will never disclose the embarassing fact that the Pharisee gave 3 different, contradictory versions within the same book of Acts:

Christianity will have you believe the blasphemous claim that the requisites placed upon His Chosen of Israel throughout their very difficult and trying journey and tribulations throughout the Bible would be completely dismissed with absolutely no requirements whatsoever placed upon Lawless Gentiles who keep pagan doctrines and feasts and reject and curse His blessed Torah yet Paul Mr. "saved by grace" proclaims precisely the opposite of what awaits Gentiles on the Day of Judgment: Romans 2:9-13 - not surprisingly, Christians turn a blind eye to these words of warning from the Pharisee.

Christianity will have you believe the blasphemous claim that EVERYBODY in the Bible beginning with God the Father, the Prophets, Christ's 12 Apostles, Christ's half-brother James, and Christ Himself were all Spiritually old-fashioned, past tense, misguided "Judaizing legalists" as Christians condescendingly refer to those who keep His sacred Torah EXCEPT the murderous Saint-persecuting fork-tongued Pharisee who Lawless doctrine contradicts and blasphemes the message of ALL Bible authors was "right Spiritually" - besides the clearly blasphemous nature of this distorted concept, Christians are in total denial the Pharisee is the most documented Bible writer of all in being the most devout "Judaizing legalist" of all:

Christianity will have you believe the Pharisee Paul was an Apostle when in fact he was neither selected as one by Christ, nor His chosen Apostles, nor qualifed to be considered for one as was the case for Matthias, never addressed as one by James the brother of Christ, nor any of Christ's disciples, nor identified as one in Christ's Revelation who identifies the same 12 He selected and only those 12 to rule over the 12 tribes of Israel (Revelation 21:14) - there is no 13th Gentile tribe nor 13th Apostle in the Kingdom of Heaven - in fact, Christ warns of those who claim to be one (Revelation 2:2) but fail the test found in Acts 1:21-22. Taken all the above, Paul's blasphemous self proclamation of being an Apostle not only does not make him one - it makes him out to be A FRAUD.

Christianity will have you believe that Christ's Law-keeping Good News Gospel was immediately made obsolete and replaced by a Pharisee's Lawless "Greater" News Gospel which completely blasphemes the Word of God the Father and the Son. The problem with this is that the bipolar Pharisee Paul placed a curse on anyone and everyone who preached a Gospel other than Christ's which instructed to keep Torah Law: Galatians 1:6-8. 2 Corinthians 10:5. This leaves no doubt whatsoever: Romans 1:16

Christianity will have you believe the blasphemous claim God's Law was made obsolete after Christ's crucifixion based SOLELY on Pharisee Paul's single claim - yet if it was, why did he keep it (Acts 24:14)? uphold it (Romans 3:31)? preach it to Gentiles ( claim both Judean and Gentile will be judged according to the Law (Romans 2:9-13)? and claim Lawlessness leads to destruction (2 Thessalonians 2:3-12)? as did Peter (2 Peter 3:15-17) and James the brother of Christ (James 2:26)? - All 3 adamantly proclaimed Lawlessness leads to destruction AFTER the crucifixion and ascension of Christ.

The above paragraph proves beyond ANY DOUBT God's sacred and blessed Torah was never abolished - ALL NT writers clearly preached its keeping because they clearly understood Christ's proclamations that heaven and earth would pass before God's Torah Law does (Matthew 24:35, Luke 21:33) and His explanation of scriptures and His role in fulfilling that which was written of Him in the Law of Moses, the Prophets, and Psalms (Luke 24:44) which cannot happen until after His 2nd Coming - Apostle Peter's epistle to James makes this overwhelmingly clear (

Christianity will have you believe the blasphemous claim that the bipolar Pharisee's Lawless, "saved by grace thru faith" heresy is the final word on the "key" to Eternal Life - yet this is a completely blasphemous and scripturally ignorant falsehood. John the Revelator's proclamations found in Revelation 1:9, 6:9, 12:17, 14:12, 19:10 and 20:4 ALL clearly indicate God's saints are those who keep God's commandments (i.e, Torah Law) for salvation. But most conclusive of all is Christ's very spoken final Word found in Revelation 22:10-14 KJV, Webster's, Aramaic, and World English Versions which puts ALL debate to rest and proves beyond any doubt whatsoever Christianity is a Blaspemous, Heretical Cult.

The above irrefutable evidence clearly disproves ALL 5 Criteria that Christianity MUST possess to have any validity - in so doing, the facts reveals the blatantly Luciferian nature of Christianity that blasphemes the very Word of God the Father and Christ that those who are in complete denial, unstable, and unlearned as the Apostle Peter identified the Lawless to be (2 Peter 3:15-17) who cannot see the obvious deception that has been pulled over their eyes by a clearly schizophrenic Pharisee who admits to being evil, a deceiver and evil:


Join those who see right thru the blasphemous Luciferian deception called "Christianity" and follow the True Word of God - God's - "The Common Sense Truth of God's Word to the Kingdom of Heaven"


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