The Scriptural and Common Sense Evidence that Proves Christianity is Luciferian and Rejects the Word of God 

Do not confuse belief in Christ with belief in Christianity. This post is NOT about questioning your faith in the Son of God - instead, it exposes the false heretical and Luciferian cult of Christianity that is built entirely ON LIES - from the Lawless heresies of AntiChrist and False Apostle Paul, Peter being the Rock on which it was built (there is no Biblical or historical evidence he ever went to Rome), to the forged inclusion of "Christians" into older Bibles (the oldest (i.e., first) 2 NT Bibles DO NOT have the name "Christians" in them - Christianity was in fact adopted by the murderous Constantine (he killed his son and wife) for political reasons - not for spiritual motives.  

The purpose of this post is NOT to draw you from Christ - just the opposite - it's to direct you TO HIM by revealing the very instructions He left us to join Him and the Father in the Kingdom of Heaven.

You will discover how Christianity CLEARLY contradicts, opposes, and rejects the spoken Word of God the Father and the Son. The evidence is both obvious & overwhelming for those with eyes to see and a passion for THE TRUTH. You will find that almost everything about "Christianity" is diametrically opposed to the Word of God. 

The fact is, the "saved by grace" doctrine is a complete and total LIE from Antichrist & False Apostle Paul and promoted by false teachers (for profit no less - completely AGAINST scripture: ). Belief and faith in Christ is in fact only 1/2 of the requirements to enter the Kingdom of Heaven - the Messiah Son of God says so Himself in Matthew 7:18-26:

18"A good tree cannot produce bad fruit, nor can a bad tree produce good fruit.19"EVERY TREE THAT DOES NOT BEAR GOOD FRUIT IS CUT DOWN
 AND THROWN INTO THE FIRE. (Hell) 20"So then, you will know them by their fruits.

21 "Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,'  (testifies the Christ - "saved by grace") will enter the kingdom of heaven, BUT HE WHO DOES THE WILL OF MY FATHER (keeps the Father's Law - the Torah) who is in heaven WILL ENTER.  

22 Many will say to me on that day, (Day of Judgment) 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in your name perform many miracles?'  (have faith in Christ - "saved by grace")

23 And then I will declare to them, 'I NEVER KNEW YOU; DEPART FROM ME YOU WHO PRACTICE LAWLESSNESS.' (do NOT keep the Law - Torah)

24 Therefore EVERYONE WHO HEARS THESE WORDS OF MINE AND ACTS ON THEM IS LIKE A WISE MAN who built his house on the rock. 25 The rain fell, the torrents raged, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because its foundation was on the rock. 26 But EVERYONE WHO HEARS THESE WORDS OF MIN AND DOES NOT ACT ON THEM IS LIKE A FOOLISH MAN who built his house on sand.  

Are you a wise man/woman to follow the Word of the Son of God or a foolish man/woman who will follow the heretic AntiChrist Paul?

The above cannot be any more clear. Note the following 12 Points of the profound meaning behind the above scripture:

Point 1:  The Messiah Himself is clearly telling us WE ARE NOT SAVED BY FAITH IN HIM ALONE (i.e. "Saved by Grace")

Point 2:  The Messiah is clearly telling us that those who DO NOT practice the Father's Will - i.e., practice "Lawlessness" WILL BE REJECTED FROM ENTERING THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN.

Point 3:  The Messiah makes the above statement not once but TWICE to reaffirm the following 2 points:
(a) You WILL NOT enter Heaven by simply having faith in Him (i.e., "saved by grace")
(b) You MUST keep the Father's Law (Torah) to enter the Kingdom of Heaven 

Point 4:  Paul's "saved by grace" doctrine IS A LIE and his claim that the Law is a curse and nailed to the cross is pure heresy.  Paul is the 1st AntiChrist that the Messiah warns of who would bring another gospel in His name that was not His.
( Paul is the modern-day serpent who deceives those who follow his word to the wide gates of hell over the Word of God and eternal life thru the narrow gate that few find (Matthew 7:13-14). Christianity is the broad gate that MANY (literally tens of billions) enter.

Point 5:  The "trees" that bear "bad fruit" - meaning those who practice and teach others Lawlessness will be cast to the fire (Hell)

Point 6:  To believe Paul and his heathen Luciferian teachers who promote his heretical doctrines is to believe that God the Father and the Messiah Son of God are hypocrites and liars who change Their minds: 

"God is not human, that he should lie, not a human being, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill?"  Numbers 23:19

So who is the liar ?  Paul - he tells you so himself:

"For the good that I would I do not: but the evil which I would not, that I do."  Romans 7:19 
"And perhaps I was not a burden to you, yet crafty as I am I tricked you by deceit."  2 Corinthians 12:16 

"For if the truth of God is made to enhance his glory by my lies, why therefore am I judged as a sinner? Romans 3:7

So who is the one who changes his mind? Paul. He tells you so himself by preaching 2 separate doctrines - Pro-Law & Anti-Law: 
This clearly proves this man was either a bipolar schizophrenic or a Pharisee agent who infiltrated "The Way" movement of the Nazarene Saints to destroy it from within preaching a false gospel taught to new converts unfamiliar with the gospel taught by the Messiah and His 12 Apostles.

Point 7:  You will know the deceivers by their fruits - they will promote the "saved by grace" doctrine that contradicts the very spoken Word of the Son of God. There is NO scripture anywhere in the Bible where either God the Father, the Messiah, nor the Prophets proclaim the Law (Torah) is abolished or will be abolished. NOWHERE. Nor is there any scripture ANYWHERE where the Messiah or the 12 Apostles select the Pharisee Paul as an Apostle - NOWHERE. You will identify these false Luciferian teachers because they will attack the message in this post since it supports the spoken Word of God and not that of their "god" the saint-killing Pharisee schizophrenic AntiChrist Paul.

Point 8:  False teachers who promote the Luciferian Pauline Christian doctrine literally blaspheme the Holy Spirit that inspired the Law to be kept on earth as in heaven as the Father and Son proclaimed (see Lord's Prayer):

"but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven; they are guilty of an eternal sin."  Mark 3:29

Point 9:  Gentiles were NOT given any special "break" simply for being Gentiles (heathen) - Here's the scriptural proof:

Numbers 15:29
"ONE AND THE SAME LAW (TORAH) APPLIES TO EVERYONE who sins unintentionally, whether a native-born Israelite OR A FOREIGNER (also ALIEN or STRANGER) RESIDING AMONG YOU." 

Point 10:  The Apostles kept the Law (Torah) AFTER the crucifixion - obviously it was NEVER nailed to the cross as the AntiChrist Paul taught. Just as much a hypocrite as all other Pharisees that the Messiah warned of, Paul kept the Law (Torah) & the Mosaic Feasts yet taught a Lawless "gospel" to Gentiles to send them to hell.

Point 11:  
Matthew 7:18-26 above validates the exact same mandate that God Elohim proclaimed to the children of Israel - they will NOT inherit the Kingdom UNLESS they keep His Laws & Commandments (Torah & Mitzvah).

Point 12:  Matthew 7:18-26 is further supported in Revelation 6:9, 14:12, & 20:4 - BOTH God's Law (Torah) AND faith in the Messiah Son of God  ARE REQUIRED to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

Scripture and Common Sense is clearly telling us that Christianity is a purely heretical doctrine that follows the Anti-God, AntiChrist teaching & writings of the Pharisee Paul and NOT the Christ. Do not listen to false teachers, pastors, priests, who clearly DO NOT KNOW THE WORD OF GOD and promote the false Luciferian Pauline Christian doctrine.

QUESTION: Has heaven and earth passed as the Son of God stated very clearly before the Law (Torah) passed away? (Matthew 5:18) - OBVIOUSLY NOT - but Christianity claims otherwise in complete defiance of the spoken Word of the Messiah Himself.

For those with eyes to see and passion for the truth, look at what the heavenly Father & Son of God clearly instructed us to keep to enter Their Heavenly Kingdom ( )

Besides the Children of Israel who kept the Law of God Elohim, there is only ONE legitimate, 100% Biblically identified faith that followed the faith instructed by the Son of God - they are the Nazarenes of the Way (

                                          OPEN YOUR EYES

"Dear children, this is the last hour; and as you have heard that the antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come. This is how we know it is the last hour". 1 John 2:18

Know this: EVERY Christian pastor, priest, etc. who preaches a Lawless gospel IS ANTICHRIST - AND MANY HAVE COME.


YES! For TRUTH IS! religion(except it be The Active Faith revealed in James 1:27) IS anti-messiah! asimpleandspirituallife? dot? org

Wesley Lwiji

Creative Artist & Chef de Cuisine

6 年

I agree with you 100% Sir. Thank You

Jorge Mata Torres

Who's Who Member | Outstanding Young Men of America | National Honor Society | International University Professor | PhD Humane Letters | MBA International Trade | BS Communications | London College | University of Texas

7 年

You're confused. Show me the scripture that states the Law of Moses would be 66 books. The Law of Moses consists of 5 books called the Pentateuch. Rome decided on 66 books that would make up the Bible. Secondly, Paul was clearly a false Apostle - show me the scripture where he is named an APOSTLE by Christ. Show me the scripture where the Apostles select him as one as they did Matthias. There are only 12 Apostles who will rule over the 12 tribes of Israel as mentioned in Revelation. There is no 13th apostle whatsoever and no 13th tribe. The following link clearly proves the Pharisee was and is a false Apostle as Christ warned: The Pharisee's claiming he's an Apostle does not make him one - he is clearly and obviously the ravening wolf in sheep's clothing that is glaringly obvious to those with eyes to see. Those who don't are doomed to believe in his Lawless "saved by grace"delusion he himself never practiced or believed in and warns against: 2 Thessalonians 2:3-12 that leads to destruction. Besides the fact he himself warns all would be judged by the Law and only those who keep the Law will be righteous before God on the Day of Judgment: Romans 2:8-12. Shalom.

Jorge Mata Torres

Who's Who Member | Outstanding Young Men of America | National Honor Society | International University Professor | PhD Humane Letters | MBA International Trade | BS Communications | London College | University of Texas

7 年

The risen Christ and the real Christ are one and the same - He fulfills over 300 prophecies of the OT: I agree that Yahweh is not the Most High God: - Christ ImmanuEL is Son God ELohim in the flesh: Christ never deviated from the Word of God ELohim to keep His Torah commandments while the deceiving, bipolar Pharisee Paul taught precisely the opposite (when he wasn't preaching Torah). Pharisee Paul was the one who claimed to see Christ in the desert and in a room: The real, risen Christ warned of Paul as the false Apostle: The real, risen Christ is He of the Shroud of Turin that also fulfills Prophecy - He and He alone could accomplish this by Ruach Hakodesh: The Beast of Revelation is clearly identified as the Roman Catholic Church: Read the Home Page of - it's all clearly explained and makes perfect sense.



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