Saying You are a Christian yet publicly advertising for marriage partner on Social media platform:

It is good to seek a marriage partner through any media/platform yes the Holy Spirit can lead you to your marriage partner through the social media platform or other avenues however He will not lead you to be publicly advertising that you need a marriage partner.

If you are *a genuine born-again/Christian/Believer/Disciple of Jesus Christ*, someone who carries inside his *mortal-body* the *NEW-LIFE OF JESUS CHRIST CRUCIFIED (GOD AND MAN)* in exchange/replacement for your *dead/crucified flesh/self/human-will*, you will not be advertising for a marriage partner not minding what went wrong in your past life.

The new-life of Christ Jesus living inside you now because you have *sincerely and willingly believed the sound/unadulterated Gospel of Jesus Christ* after considering its cost(advantage; ETERNAL-LIFE and disadvantage DEATH OF THE OLD-SELF/FLESH) will grow you from baby-Christian to youth-Christian then to adult-Christian before He will lead you to any vocation (marriage, celibacy, singlehood; Matthew 19:12) and endeavours (business, profession, career, job, ideas; Jeremiah 29:11) he *originally planned for you from the foundation of the world*

Jesus Christ is *perfect God, perfect being, perfect Spirit, perfect Creator* who has already made plans for his creatures before he placed us inside our mothers womb(Jeremiah 1:5) if we only believe His Gospel willingly and sincerely.

Those who believe in Jesus Christ Crucified as God and Lord are not defined for a life of *trial and error* or *try your luck* or *submitting to motivational speeches* or *joining the moving worldly trend* or *accepting anything that each day/time/second/moment makes available*

He has *an already made plans for each human being in this world*(Eph.2:10) but this *already made plans is available only in believing the gospel of Jesus Christ Crucified with all willingness and sincerity* because *the gospel is the only route/avenue he has decided to give salvation to every human being under heaven both the righteous and the unrighteous* (Romans 1:16, 1 Peter 3:18, Acts 4:10-12, John 3:16-18, John 14:6)

Great Grace Brethren!!!


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