Jo?o Joaquim Martins Martins
Advogado, formado pela Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina
But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will be your teacher in all things and will put you in mind of everything I have said to you. Jo?o 14:26;
Even the Spirit of true knowledge. That Spirit the world is not able to take to its heart because it sees him not and has no knowledge of him: but you have knowledge of him, because he is ever with you and will be in you. Jo?o 14:17;
And we are certain that the Son of God has come, and has given us a clear vision, so that we may see him who is true, and we are in him who is true, in his Son Jesus Christ. He is the true God and eternal life. 1 Jo?o 5:20;
And this is eternal life: to have knowledge of you, the only true God, and of him whom you have sent, even Jesus Christ. Jo?o 17:3;
He who so takes his witness has made clear his faith that God is true. Jo?o 3:33;
Our fathers had the manna in the waste land, as the Writings say, He gave them bread from heaven. Jesus then said to them, Truly I say to you, What Moses gave you was not the bread from heaven; it is my Father who gives you the true bread from heaven. The bread of God is the bread which comes down out of heaven and gives life to the world. Jo?o 6:31-33;
And this was the answer of Jesus: I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never be in need of food, and he who has faith in me will never be in need of drink. Jo?o 6:35;
I am the living bread which has come from heaven: if any man takes this bread for food he will have life for ever: and more than this, the bread which I will give is my flesh which I will give for the life of the world. Then the Jews had an angry discussion among themselves, saying, How is it possible for this man to give us his flesh for food? Then Jesus said to them, Truly I say to you, If you do not take the flesh of the Son of man for food, and if you do not take his blood for drink, you have no life in you. He who takes my flesh for food and my blood for drink has eternal life: and I will take him up from the dead at the last day. My flesh is true food and my blood is true drink. He who takes my flesh for food and my blood for drink is in me and I in him. As the living Father has sent me, and I have life because of the Father, even so he who takes me for his food will have life because of me. This is the bread which has come down from heaven. It is not like the food which your fathers had: they took of the manna, and are dead; but he who takes this bread for food will have life for ever. Jo?o 6:51-58.
Because everything in the world, the desire of the flesh, the desire of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father but of the world. 1 Jo?o 2:16;
For those who are living in the way of the flesh give their minds to the things of the flesh, but those who go in the way of the Spirit, to the things of the Spirit. For the mind of the flesh is death, but the mind of the Spirit is life and peace: Because the mind of the flesh is opposite to God; it is not under the law of God, and is not able to be: So that those who are in the flesh are not able to give pleasure to God. Romanos 8:5-8;
If the inclination of the flesh is enmity against God, then it was not God who created the flesh ...
Now is this world to be judged: now will the ruler of this world be sent out. Jo?o 12:31;
And I, if I am lifted up from the earth, will make all men come to me. Jo?o 12:32;
But what I am saying is true: my going is for your good: for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you. And he, when he comes, will make the world conscious of sin, and of righteousness, and of being judged: Of sin, because they have not faith in me; Of righteousness, because I go to the Father and you will see me no more; Of being judged, because the ruler of this world has been judged. Jo?o 16:7-11;
After this I will not say much to you, because the ruler of this world comes: and he has no power over me; Jo?o 14:30;
In which you were living in the past, after the ways of this present world, doing the pleasure of the lord of the power of the air, the spirit who is now working in those who go against the purpose of God; Efésios 2:2;
For our fight is not against flesh and blood, but against authorities and powers, against the world-rulers of this dark night, against the spirits of evil in the heavens. Efésios 6:12;
For every living thing was put under the power of change, not by its desire, but by him who made it so, in hope That all living things will be made free from the power of death and will have a part with the free children of God in glory. For we are conscious that all living things are weeping and sorrowing in pain together till now. And not only so, but we who have the first fruits of the Spirit, even we have sorrow in our minds, waiting for the time when we will take our place as sons, that is, the salvation of our bodies. Romanos 8:20-23;
If we are waiting for adoption, it is because in the flesh, we are not the creation of God the Father.
You are the children of your father the Evil One and it is your pleasure to do his desires. From the first he was a taker of life; and he did not go in the true way because there is no true thing in him. When he says what is false, it is natural to him, for he is false and the father of what is false. Jo?o 8:44;
For if the operation of the law, giving death, recorded in letters on stone, came with glory, so that the eyes of the children of Israel had to be turned away from the face of Moses because of its glory, a glory which was only for a time: Will not the operation of the Spirit have a much greater glory? For if the operation of the law, producing punishment, had its glory, how much greater will be the operation of the Spirit causing righteousness? 2 Coríntios 3:7-9;
The flesh is the product of the Ministry of death, namely: Of the Devil; Which manifested itself in Judaism.
For news has come to you of my way of life in the past in the Jews' religion, how I was cruel without measure to the church of God, and did great damage to it: And I went farther in the Jews' religion than a number of my generation among my countrymen, having a more burning interest in the beliefs handed down from my fathers. Gálatas 1:13,14 ;
Even though I myself might have faith in the flesh: if any other man has reason to have faith in the flesh, I have more: Being given circumcision on the eighth day, of the nation of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew of Hebrews; in relation to the law, a Pharisee: In bitter hate I was cruel to the church; I kept all the righteousness of the law to the last detail. But those things which were profit to me, I gave up for Christ. Filipenses 3:4-7;
Then, when I was journeying to Damascus with the authority and orders of the chief priests, In the middle of the day, on the road I saw a light from heaven, brighter than the sun, shining round me and those who were journeying with me. And when we had all gone down on the earth, a voice came to me, saying in the Hebrew language, Saul, Saul, why are you attacking me so cruelly? It is hard for you to go against the impulse which is driving you. And I said, Who are you, Lord? And the Lord said, I am Jesus, whom you are attacking. But get up on your feet: for I have come to you for this purpose, to make you a servant and a witness of the things in which you have seen me, and of those in which you will see me; And I will keep you safe from the people, and from the Gentiles, to whom I send you, To make their eyes open, turning them from the dark to the light, and from the power of Satan to God, so that they may have forgiveness of sins and a heritage among those who are made holy by faith in me. Atos 26:12-18;
The sinner is a child of the Evil One; for the Evil One has been a sinner from the first. And the Son of God was seen on earth so that he might put an end to the works of the Evil One. 1 Jo?o 3:8;
And because the children are flesh and blood, he took a body himself and became like them; so that by his death he might put an end to him who had the power of death, that is to say, the Evil One; And let those who all their lives were in chains because of their fear of death, go free. For, truly, he does not take on the life of angels, but that of the seed of Abraham. Hebreus 2:14-16;
As the Emperor of Death declares: See now, I myself am he; there is no other god but me: giver of death and life, wounding and making well: and no one has power to make you free from my hand. For lifting up my hand to heaven I say, By my unending life, If I make sharp my shining sword, and my hand is outstretched for judging, I will give punishment to those who are against me, and their right reward to my haters. Deuteron?mio 32:39-41;
Judaism is the religion that holds the knowledge of the Devil. Therefore, Paul, before Saul, abandoned this religion, in order to serve Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ was born within Judaism to undo the works of the Devil and redeem us from his dominion, to bring us back to the heavenly home; From where we are seduced by the Devil, to live in his physical kingdom.
The true light, which gives light to every man, was then coming into the world. He was in the world, the world which came into being through him, but the world had no knowledge of him. He came to the things which were his and his people did not take him to their hearts. To all those who did so take him, however, he gave the right of becoming children of God--that is, to those who had faith in his name: Whose birth was from God and not from blood, or from an impulse of the flesh and man's desire.And so the Word became flesh and took a place among us for a time; and we saw his glory--such glory as is given to an only son by his father--saw it to be true and full of grace. Jo?o 1:9-14;
The world made by Jesus Christ is the world that was made before the foundation of this satanic world.
Who was marked out by God before the making of the world, but was caused to be seen in these last times for you,1 Pedro 1:20;
Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has given us every blessing of the Spirit in the heavens in Christ: Even as he made selection of us in him from the first, so that we might be holy and free from all evil before him in love: As we were designed before by him for the position of sons to himself, through Jesus Christ, in the good pleasure of his purpose, To the praise of the glory of his grace, which he freely gave to us in the Loved One: In whom we have salvation through his blood, the forgiveness of our sins, through the wealth of his grace, Which he gave us in full measure in all wisdom and care; Having made clear to us the secret of his purpose, in agreement with the design which he had in mind, to put into his hands The ordering of the times when they are complete, so that all things might come to a head in Christ, the things in heaven and the things on the earth; in him, I say, In whom we have a heritage, being marked out from the first in his purpose who does all things in agreement with his designs; So that his glory might have praise through us who first had hope in Christ: In whom you, having been given the true word, the good news of your salvation, and through your faith in him, were given the sign of the Holy Spirit of hope, Which is the first-fruit of our heritage, till God gets back that which is his, to the praise of his glory. For this cause I, having had news of the faith in the Lord Jesus which is among you, and which you make clear to all the saints, Give praise without end for you, keeping you in mind in my prayers; That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him; And that having the eyes of your heart full of light, you may have knowledge of what is the hope of his purpose, what is the wealth of the glory of his heritage in the saints, And how unlimited is his power to us who have faith, as is seen in the working of the strength of his power, By which he made Christ come back from the dead, and gave him a place at his right hand in heaven, Far over all rule and authority and power and every name which is named, not only in the present order, but in that which is to come: And he has put all things under his feet, and has made him to be head over all things to the church, Which is his body, the full measure of him in whom all things are made complete. Efésios 1:3-23.
The Devil's Speech:
The Lord, the Holy One of Israel, and his Maker, says, Will you put a question to me about the things which are to come, or will you give me orders about my sons, and the work of my hands? I have made the earth, forming man on it: by my hands the heavens have been stretched out, and all the stars put in their ordered places. Isaías 45:11,12;
I have made the earth, and man and beast on the face of the earth, by my great power and by my outstretched arm; and I will give it to anyone at my pleasure. Jeremias 27:5;
And he took him up and let him see all the kingdoms of the earth in a minute of time. And the Evil One said, I will give you authority over all these, and the glory of them, for it has been given to me, and I give it to anyone at my pleasure. If then you will give worship to me, it will all be yours. And Jesus in answer said to him, It has been said in the Writings, Give worship to the Lord your God, and be his servant only. Lucas 4:5-8; Mateus 4:8-10;
Paul explains our life with the Devil.
But I say that as long as the son is a child, he is in no way different from a servant, though he is lord of all; But is under keepers and managers till the time fixed by the father. So we, when we were young, were kept under the first rules of the world; But when the time had come, God sent out his Son, made of a woman, made under the law, That he might make them free who were under the law, and that we might be given the place of sons. And because you are sons, God has sent out the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, saying, Abba, Father. So that you are no longer a servant, but a son; and if a son, then the heritage of God is yours. But at that time, having no knowledge of God, you were servants to those who by right are no gods: Gálatas 4:1-8;
The Father has love for the Son and has put all things into his hands. Jo?o 3:35;
While he was still talking, a bright cloud came over them: and a voice out of the cloud, saying, This is my dearly loved Son, with whom I am well pleased; give ear to him. Mateus 17:5;
And there was a voice from the cloud saying, This is my Son, the man of my selection; give ear to him. Lucas 9:35;
And a cloud came over them; and a voice came out of the cloud, saying, This is my dearly loved Son, give ear to him. Marcos 9:7;
He who has faith in the Son has eternal life; but he who has not faith in the Son will not see life; God's wrath is resting on him. Jo?o 3:36;
For by him all things were made, in heaven and on earth, things seen and things unseen, authorities, lords, rulers, and powers; all things were made by him and for him; Colossenses 1:16;
Who is the image of the unseen God coming into existence before all living things; Colossenses 1:15;
Jesus Christ, clarifies to Judaism, the difference between the works of God the Father and the works of the Devil.
Jesus then said to them, Truly I say to you, What Moses gave you was not the bread from heaven; it is my Father who gives you the true bread from heaven. Jo?o 6:32;
He who takes my flesh for food and my blood for drink has eternal life: and I will take him up from the dead at the last day.My flesh is true food and my blood is true drink. He who takes my flesh for food and my blood for drink is in me and I in him. As the living Father has sent me, and I have life because of the Father, even so he who takes me for his food will have life because of me. This is the bread which has come down from heaven. It is not like the food which your fathers had: they took of the manna, and are dead; but he who takes this bread for food will have life for ever. Jo?o 6:54-58;
For it is my desire, my brothers, that you may keep in mind how all our fathers were under the cloud, and they all went through the sea; And they all had baptism from Moses in the cloud and in the sea; And they all took the same holy food; And the same holy drink: for they all took of the water from the holy rock which came after them: and the rock was Christ. But with most of them God was not pleased: for they came to their end in the waste land. Now these things were for an example to us, so that our hearts might not go after evil things, as they did. Then do not go after false gods, as some of them did; as it is said in the holy Writings, After resting and feasting, the people got up to take their pleasure. Again, let us not give way to the desires of the flesh, as some of them did, of whom twenty-three thousand came to their end in one day. And let us not put the Lord to the test, as some of them did, and came to their death by snakes. And do not say evil things against the Lord, as some of them did, and destruction overtook them.1 Coríntios 10:1-10;
I have come as a light into the world, so that no one who has faith in me will go on living in the dark. Jo?o 12:46;
And you came near, waiting at the foot of the mountain; and flames of fire went up from the mountain to the heart of heaven, with dark clouds, and all was black as night. And the voice of the Lord came to you out of the fire: the sound of his words came to your ears but you saw no form; there was nothing but a voice. Deuteron?mio 4:11,12;
This is the word which came to us from him and which we give to you, that God is light and in him there is nothing dark. 1 Jo?o 1:5;
Paul tells us of the difference between the Ministry of Life realized in the testimony of Jesus Christ and the Ministry of Death by the Devil on Mount Horeb.
You have not come to a mountain which may be touched, and is burning with fire, and to a black cloud, and a dark smoke, and a violent wind, And to the sound of a horn, and the voice of words, the hearers of which made request that not a word more might be said to them: For the order which said, If the mountain is touched even by a beast, the beast is to be stoned, seemed hard to them; And the vision was so overpowering that even Moses said, I am shaking and full of fear. But you have come to the mountain of Zion, to the place of the living God, to the Jerusalem which is in heaven, and to an army of angels which may not be numbered, To the great meeting and church of the first of those who are named in heaven, and to God the judge of all, and to the spirits of good men made complete, And to Jesus by whom the new agreement has been made between God and man, and to the sign of the blood which says better things than Abel's blood. See that you give ear to his voice which comes to you. For if those whose ears were shut to the voice which came to them on earth did not go free from punishment, what chance have we of going free if we give no attention to him whose voice comes from heaven? Hebreus 12:18-25;
A man who has gone against the law of Moses is put to death without pity on the word of two or three witnesses: But will not the man by whom the Son of God has been crushed under foot, and the blood of the agreement with which he was washed clean has been taken as an unholy thing, and who has had no respect for the Spirit of grace, be judged bad enough for a very much worse punishment? For we have had experience of him who says, Punishment is mine, I will give reward. And again, The Lord will be judge of his people. We may well go in fear of falling into the hands of the living God. Hebreus 10:28-31;
If I say: Horrid thing is to fall into the hands of Jesus Christ, the True Living God, certainly not agree with me. For Paul himself considered all things of Judaism and of the world, scum, in order to gain Jesus Christ. Filipenses 3:8;
If I say: It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of God the Father; He also disagrees, because God the Father is good and one with Jesus Christ. Jo?o 10:30; Jo?o 14:9;
In addition, we have the statement of the Holy Spirit that:
Every good and true thing is given to us from heaven, coming from the Father of lights, with whom there is no change or any shade made by turning. Of his purpose he gave us being, by his true word, so that we might be, in a sense, the first-fruits of all the things which he had made. Tiago 1:16-18;
So, too, we can not say: Horrid thing is to fall into the hands of the Holy Spirit. Because the Holy Spirit is the manifestation of Jesus Christ, with God the Father. Jo?o 15:26; Jo?o 20:22.
Therefore, Jesus Christ came to this world exactly so that we fall into the hands of the Father, the Holy Spirit, who are one with Him, Jesus Christ.
And the glory which you have given to me I have given to them, so that they may be one even as we are one; I in them, and you in me, so that they may be made completely one, and so that it may become clear to all men that you have sent me and that they are loved by you as I am loved by you. Father, it is my desire that these whom you have given to me may be by my side where I am, so that they may see my glory which you have given to me, because you had love for me before the world came into being. Father of righteousness, I have knowledge of you, though the world has not; and to these it is clear that you sent me; And I have given to them knowledge of your name, and will give it, so that the love which you have for me may be in them and I in them. Jo?o 17:22-26;
So who is the terrible Living God in the hands of those who can not fall?
Pay attention; Judaism served (and serves) the Devil, as if he were God the Father. They were with the Devil, in the presence of God the Father.
That is why the apostle Paul was determined to leave and from the power of Satan to God, so that they may have forgiveness of sins and a heritage among those who are made holy by faith in me. Atos 26:18;
For I am the least of the Apostles, having no right to be named an Apostle, because of my cruel attacks on the church of God. 1 Coríntios 15:9;
For I did not get it from man, and I was not given teaching in it, but it came to me through revelation of Jesus Christ. For news has come to you of my way of life in the past in the Jews' religion, how I was cruel without measure to the church of God, and did great damage to it: And I went farther in the Jews' religion than a number of my generation among my countrymen, having a more burning interest in the beliefs handed down from my fathers. Gálatas 1:12-14;
They were thieves, murderers and robbers, according to the determinations of the murderer, father of lies and liars. Jo?o 8:44,45; Hebreus 2:14,15;
That is why Jesus Christ declared: All who came before me are thieves and outlaws: but the sheep did not give ear to them. I am the door: if any man goes in through me he will have salvation, and will go in and go out, and will get food. The thief comes only to take the sheep and to put them to death: he comes for their destruction: I have come so that they may have life and have it in greater measure. Jo?o 10:8-10;
But because they served the Devil, thinking they are serving God the Father, they are subjects of the forgiveness of God the Father, in Jesus Christ.
But when the time had come, God sent out his Son, made of a woman, made under the law, That he might make them free who were under the law, and that we might be given the place of sons. And because you are sons, God has sent out the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, saying, Abba, Father. So that you are no longer a servant, but a son; and if a son, then the heritage of God is yours. But at that time, having no knowledge of God, you were servants to those who by right are no gods: Gálatas 4:4-8
But since the arrival of Jesus Christ, the visible image of the invisible Father God, we walk with God the Father, in the presence of the Devil. Before we had apologies for our faults, because we did not know the true God and his love; We did not have his true testimony. But now we know, and we walk with the person of the same God the Father, in the person of his Son Jesus Christ; But in the presence of the Devil, who surrounds us day and night looking for whom to swallow.
Be serious and keep watch; the Evil One, who is against you, goes about like a lion with open mouth in search of food; 1 Pedro 5:8.
And for this cause it is through him (Jesus Christ) that a new agreement has come into being, so that after the errors under the first agreement had been taken away by his death, the word of God might have effect for those who were marked out for an eternal heritage. Hebreus 9:15;
I and my Father are one Jo?o 10:30;
He who has seen me has seen the Father Jo?o 14:9;
Jesus Christ has come as the high priest of the good things of the future, through this greater and better Tent, not made with hands, that is to say, not of this world, And has gone once and for ever into the holy place, having got eternal salvation, not through the blood of goats and young oxen, but through his blood. For if the blood of goats and oxen, and the dust from the burning of a young cow, being put on the unclean, make the flesh clean: How much more will the blood of Christ, who, being without sin, made an offering of himself to God through the Holy Spirit, make your hearts clean from dead works to be servants of the living God? And for this cause it is through him that a new agreement has come into being, so that after the errors under the first agreement had been taken away by his death, the word of God might have effect for those who were marked out for an eternal heritage. Because where there is a testament, there has to be the death of the man who made it. For a testament has effect after death; for what power has it while the man who made it is living? So that even the first agreement was not made without blood. For when Moses had given all the rules of the law to the people, he took the blood of goats and young oxen, with water and red wool and hyssop, and put it on the book itself and on all the people, Saying, This blood is the sign of the agreement which God has made with you. And the blood was put on the Tent and all the holy vessels in the same way. And by the law almost all things are made clean with blood, and without blood there is no forgiveness. For this cause it was necessary to make the copies of the things in heaven clean with these offerings; but the things themselves are made clean with better offerings than these. For Christ did not go into a holy place which had been made by men's hands as the copy of the true one; but he went into heaven itself, and now takes his place before the face of God for us. And he did not have to make an offering of himself again and again, as the high priest goes into the holy place every year with blood which is not his; For then he would have undergone a number of deaths from the time of the making of the world: but now he has come to us at the end of the old order, to put away sin by the offering of himself. And because by God's law death comes to men once, and after that they are judged; So Christ, having at his first coming taken on himself the sins of men, will be seen a second time, without sin, by those who are waiting for him, for their salvation. Hebreus 9:11-28;
You have not come to a mountain which may be touched, and is burning with fire, and to a black cloud, and a dark smoke, and a violent wind, And to the sound of a horn, and the voice of words, the hearers of which made request that not a word more might be said to them: For the order which said, If the mountain is touched even by a beast, the beast is to be stoned, seemed hard to them; And the vision was so overpowering that even Moses said, I am shaking and full of fear. But you have come to the mountain of Zion, to the place of the living God, to the Jerusalem which is in heaven, and to an army of angels which may not be numbered, To the great meeting and church of the first of those who are named in heaven, and to God the judge of all, and to the spirits of good men made complete, And to Jesus by whom the new agreement has been made between God and man, and to the sign of the blood which says better things than Abel's blood. See that you give ear to his voice which comes to you. For if those whose ears were shut to the voice which came to them on earth did not go free from punishment, what chance have we of going free if we give no attention to him whose voice comes from heaven? Whose voice was the cause of the shaking of the earth; but now he has made an oath, saying, There will be still one more shaking, not only of the earth, but of heaven. And the words, Still one more, make it clear that there will be a taking away of those things which are shaking, as of things which are made, so that there may be only those things of which no shaking is possible. If then, we have a kingdom which will never be moved, let us have grace, so that we may give God such worship as is pleasing to him with fear and respect: For our God is an all-burning fire. Hebreus 12:18-29;
For we have had experience of him who says, Punishment is mine, I will give reward. And again, The Lord will be judge of his people. We may well go in fear of falling into the hands of the living God. But give thought to the days after you had seen the light, when you went through a great war of troubles; In part, in being attacked by angry words and cruel acts, before the eyes of everyone, and in part, in being united with those who were attacked in this way. For you had pity on those who were in prison, and had joy in the loss of your property, in the knowledge that you still had a better property and one which you would keep for ever. So do not give up your hope which will be greatly rewarded. For, having done what was right in God's eyes, you have need of waiting before his word has effect for you. In a very little time he who is coming will come; he will not be slow. But the upright man will be living by his faith; and if he goes back, my soul will have no pleasure in him. But we are not of those who go back to destruction; but of those who have faith even to the salvation of the soul. Hebreus 10:30-39;
And let us not put the Lord to the test, as some of them did, and came to their death by snakes. And do not say evil things against the Lord, as some of them did, and destruction overtook them. Now these things were done as an example; and were put down in writing for our teaching, on whom the last days have come. So let him who seems to himself to be safe go in fear of a fall. You have been put to no test but such as is common to man: and God is true, who will not let any test come on you which you are not able to undergo; but he will make with the test a way out of it, so that you may be able to go through it. 1 Coríntios 10:9-13;
A man who has gone against the law of Moses is put to death without pity on the word of two or three witnesses: But will not the man by whom the Son of God has been crushed under foot, and the blood of the agreement with which he was washed clean has been taken as an unholy thing, and who has had no respect for the Spirit of grace, be judged bad enough for a very much worse punishment? For we have had experience of him who says, Punishment is mine, I will give reward. And again, The Lord will be judge of his people. We may well go in fear of falling into the hands of the living God. Hebreus 10:28-31.
Paul only learned that it is a horrible thing to fall into the hands of the Living God when he received salvation through the Ministry of Life of Jesus Christ, because until then he served the Old Testament Ministry of Death, the ministry of the living God. As revealed in: 2 Coríntios 3:1-18
Therefore, Paul served, as well as the Judaism of yesterday and today serve, the Assassin of God Alive True, father of lies and liar, ( Jo?o 8:44) prince of the world, of the powers of the air also called of the great dragon was forced down, the old snake, who is named the Evil One and Satan, by whom all the earth is turned from the right way; he was forced down to the earth, and his angels were forced down with him. Apocalipse 12:9,
Also called the Wrath of God, whose word infests the Old Testament by declaring:
And he said, Go, and say to this people, You will go on hearing, but learning nothing; you will go on seeing, but without getting wiser. Make the hearts of this people fat, and let their ears be stopped, and their eyes shut; for fear that they may see with their eyes, and be hearing with their ears, and their heart may become wise, and they may be turned to me and made well. Then I said, Lord, how long? And he said in answer, Till the towns are waste and unpeopled, and the houses have no men, and the land becomes completely waste, And the Lord has taken men far away, and there are wide waste places in the land. Isaías 6:8-12;
He has made their eyes blind, and their hearts hard; for fear that they might see with their eyes and get knowledge with their hearts, and be changed, and I might make them well Jo?o 12:40;
And the power of deception is so great that some writers of our present scriptures have the courage to affirm that the words of Isaías 6:8-12, where Jesus Christ shows the evil cunning of the Devil Jo?o 12:40, are words of Jesus Christ Himself.
Did you understand, that is a cunning of Satan in Isaiah 6? He determines that the prophets of Judaism deceive all, even their own people, until all life on the planet earth is exterminated. Hence Jesus declares him a liar, a murderer from the beginning.. Jo?o 8:44,45.
In fact we have all been deceived and now we are in the hands of the Devil to apply to mortals the last chapter of his evil drama. How do you see:
But the Lord is the true God; he is the living God and an eternal king: when he is angry, the earth is shaking with fear, and the nations give way before his wrath. Jeremias 10:10;
Response of the Holy Spirit of Truth:
Every good and true thing is given to us from heaven, coming from the Father of lights, with whom there is no change or any shade made by turning.Tiago 1:17;
The Lord is a God who takes care of his honour and gives punishment for wrong; the Lord gives punishment and is angry; the Lord sends punishment on those who are against him, being angry with his haters.
The Lord is slow to get angry and great in power, and will not let the sinner go without punishment: the way of the Lord is in the wind and the storm, and the clouds are the dust of his feet. He says sharp words to the sea and makes it dry, drying up all the rivers: Bashan is feeble, and Carmel, and the flower of Lebanon is without strength. The mountains are shaking because of him, and the hills flowing away; the earth is falling to bits before him, the world and all who are in it. Who may keep his place before his wrath? and who may undergo the heat of his passion? his wrath is let loose like fire and the rocks are broken open by him. Naum 1:2-6;
Sorrow to you who are looking for the day of the Lord! what is the day of the Lord to you? it is dark and not light. As if a man, running away from a lion, came face to face with a bear; or went into the house and put his hand on the wall and got a bite from a snake. Amós 5:18,19;
Response of the Holy Spirit of Truth:
God does not say, "Do as I say, but do not do what I do."
Make the tree good, and its fruit good; or make the tree bad, and its fruit bad; for by its fruit you will get knowledge of the tree. Mateus 12:33;
But let your words be simply, Yes or No: and whatever is more than these is of the Evil One. Mateus 5:37;
He who has no love has no knowledge of God, because God is love. And the love of God was made clear to us when he sent his only Son into the world so that we might have life through him. And this is love, not that we had love for God, but that he had love for us, and sent his Son to be an offering for our sins. My loved ones, if God had such love for us, it is right for us to have love for one another. No man has ever seen God: if we have love for one another, God is in us and his love is made complete in us: And his Spirit which he has given us is the witness that we are in him and he is in us. And we have seen and give witness that the Father sent the Son to be the Saviour of the world. Everyone who says openly that Jesus is the Son of God, has God in him and is in God. And we have seen and had faith in the love which God has for us. God is love, and everyone who has love is in God, and God is in him. In this way love is made complete in us, so that we may be without fear on the day of judging, because as he is, so are we in this world. There is no fear in love: true love has no room for fear, because where fear is, there is pain; and he who is not free from fear is not complete in love. We have the power of loving, because he first had love for us. If a man says, I have love for God, and has hate for his brother, his words are false: for how is the man who has no love for his brother whom he has seen, able to have love for God whom he has not seen? And this is the word which we have from him, that he who has love for God is to have the same love for his brother. 1 Jo?o 4:8-21
We give you word of all we have seen and everything which has come to our ears, so that you may be united with us; and we are united with the Father and with his Son Jesus Christ: And we are writing these things to you so that our joy may be made complete. This is the word which came to us from him and which we give to you, that God is light and in him there is nothing dark. 1 Jo?o 1:3-5;
Says the devil, Living God homicidal:
Even their silver and their gold will not be able to keep them safe in the day of the Lord's wrath; but all the land will be burned up in the fire of his bitter wrath: for he will put an end, even suddenly, to all who are living in the land. Sofonias 1:18;
Come near, you nations, and give ear; take note, you peoples: let the earth and everything in it give ear; the world and all those living in it. For the Lord is angry with all the nations, and his wrath is burning against all their armies: he has put them to the curse, he has given them to destruction. Their dead bodies will be thick on the face of the earth, and their smell will come up, and the mountains will be flowing with their blood, and all the hills will come to nothing. And the heavens will be rolled together like the roll of a book: and all their army will be gone, like a dead leaf from the vine, or a dry fruit from the fig-tree. Isaías 34:1-4;
It is my order that in all the kingdom of which I am ruler, men are to be shaking with fear before the God of Daniel: for he is the living God, unchanging for ever, and his kingdom is one which will never come to destruction, his rule will go on to the end. Daniel 6:26;
For this cause say to the children of Israel, This is what the Lord has said: Are you making yourselves unclean as your fathers did? are you being untrue to me by going after their disgusting works? And when you give your offerings, causing your sons to go through the fire, you make yourselves unclean with all your images to this day; and will you come to me for directions, O children of Israel? By my life, says the Lord, you will get no direction from me. And that which comes into your minds will never take place; when you say, We will be like the nations, like the families of the countries, servants of wood and stone; By my life, says the Lord, truly, with a strong hand and with an outstretched arm and with burning wrath let loose, I will be King over you: And I will take you out from the peoples and get you together out of the countries where you are wandering, with a strong hand and with an outstretched arm and with burning wrath let loose: And I will take you into the waste land of the peoples, and there I will take up the cause with you face to face. As I took up the cause with your fathers in the waste land of the land of Egypt, so will I take up the cause with you says the Lord. And I will make you go under the rod and will make you small in number: Clearing out from among you all those who are uncontrolled and who are sinning against me; I will take them out of the land where they are living, but they will not come into the land of Israel: and you will be certain that I am the Lord. Ezequiel 20:30-38;
The sword of the devil will be against all, just and unjust, Ezequiel 21:3-7; Jura. He will exterminate all and every one in his own time Sofonias 1:1-3.
And say to the land of Israel, These are the words of the Lord: See, I am against you, and I will take my sword out of its cover, cutting off from you the upright and the evil. Because I am going to have the upright and the evil cut off from you, for this cause my sword will go out from its cover against all flesh from the south to the north: And all flesh will see that I the Lord have taken my sword out of its cover: and it will never go back. Make sounds of grief, son of man; with body bent and a bitter heart make sounds of grief before their eyes. And when they say to you, Why are you making sounds of grief? then say, Because of the news, for it is coming: and every heart will become soft, and all hands will be feeble, and every spirit will be burning low, and all knees will be turned to water: see, it is coming and it will be done, says the Lord Ezequiel 21:3-7;
The sinners in Zion are full of fear; the haters of God are shaking with wonder. Who among us may keep his place before the burning fire? who among us may see the eternal burnings? Isaías 33:14;
And the word of the Lord came to me, saying, Son of man, make clear to Jerusalem her disgusting ways, And say, This is what the Lord has said to Jerusalem: Your start and your birth was from the land of the Canaanite; an Amorite was your father and your mother was a Hittite. As for your birth, on the day of your birth your cord was not cut and you were not washed in water to make you clean; you were not salted or folded in linen bands. No eye had pity on you to do any of these things to you or to be kind to you; but you were put out into the open country, because your life was hated at the time of your birth. And when I went past you and saw you stretched out in your blood, I said to you, Though you are stretched out in your blood, have life; And be increased in number like the buds of the field; and you were increased and became great, and you came to the time of love: your breasts were formed and your hair was long; but you were uncovered and without clothing. Now when I went past you, looking at you, I saw that your time was the time of love; and I put my skirts over you, covering your unclothed body: and I gave you my oath and made an agreement with you, says the Lord, and you became mine. Then I had you washed with water, washing away all your blood and rubbing you with oil. And I had you clothed with needlework, and put leather shoes on your feet, folding fair linen about you and covering you with silk. And I made you fair with ornaments and put jewels on your hands and a chain on your neck. And I put a ring in your nose and ear-rings in your ears and a beautiful crown on your head. So you were made beautiful with gold and silver; and your clothing was of the best linen and silk and needlework; your food was the best meal and honey and oil: and you were very beautiful. You were so beautiful that the story of you went out into all nations; you were completely beautiful because of my glory which I had put on you, says the Lord. But you put your faith in the fact that you were beautiful, acting like a loose woman because you were widely talked of, and offering your cheap love to everyone who went by, whoever it might be. And you took your robes and made high places for yourself ornamented with every colour, acting like a loose woman on them, without shame or fear. And you took the fair jewels, my silver and gold which I had given to you, and made for yourself male images, acting like a loose woman with them; And you took your robes of needlework for their clothing, and put my oil and my perfume before them. And my bread which I gave you, the best meal and oil and honey which I gave you for your food, you put it before them for a sweet smell, says the Lord. And you took your sons and your daughters whom I had by you, offering even these to them to be their food. Was your loose behaviour so small a thing, That you put my children to death and gave them up to go through the fire to them? And in all your disgusting and false behaviour you had no memory of your early days, when you were uncovered and without clothing, stretched out in your blood. And it came about, after all your evil-doing, says the Lord, That you made for yourself an arched room in every open place. You put up your high places at the top of every street, and made the grace of your form a disgusting thing, opening your feet to everyone who went by, increasing your loose ways. And you went with the Egyptians, your neighbours, great of flesh; increasing your loose ways, moving me to wrath. Now, then, my hand is stretched out against you, cutting down your fixed amount, and I have given you up to the desire of your haters, the daughters of the Philistines who are shamed by your loose ways. And you went with the Assyrians, because of your desire which was without measure; you were acting like a loose woman with them, and still you had not enough. And you went on in your loose ways, even as far as the land of Chaldaea, and still you had not enough. How feeble is your heart, says the Lord, seeing that you do all these things, the work of a loose and overruling woman; For you have made your arched room at the top of every street, and your high place in every open place; though you were not like a loose woman in getting together your payment. The untrue wife who takes strange lovers in place of her husband! They give payment to all loose women: but you give rewards to your lovers, offering them payment so that they may come to you on every side for your cheap love. And in your loose behaviour you are different from other women, for no one goes after you to make love to you: and because you give payment and no payment is given to you, in this you are different from them. For this cause, O loose woman, give ear to the voice of the Lord: Ezequiel 16:1-35;
(See, I come as a thief. Happy is he who is watching and keeps his robes, so that he may not go unclothed, and his shame be seen.) And they got them together into the place which is named in Hebrew Armageddon. And the seventh let what was in his vessel come out on the air; and there came out a great voice from the house of God, from the high seat, saying, It is done. And there were flames and voices and thunders; and there was a great earth-shock so that never, from the time when men were on the earth, had there been so great an earth-shock, so full of power. And the great town was cut into three parts, and the towns of the nations came to destruction: and Babylon the great came into mind before God, to be given the cup of the wine of his wrath. And every island went in flight, and the mountains were seen no longer. And great drops of ice, every one about the weight of a talent, came down out of heaven on men: and men said evil things against God because of the punishment of the ice-drops; for it is very great. Apocalipse 16:15-21;
Response of the Holy Spirit of Truth:
The thief comes only to take the sheep and to put them to death: he comes for their destruction: I have come so that they may have life and have it in greater measure. Jo?o 10:10;
I have been crushing the grapes by myself, and of the peoples there was no man with me: in my wrath and in my passion, they were crushed under my feet; and my robes are marked with their life-blood, and all my clothing is red. For the day of punishment is in my heart, and the year for the payment of the price for my people has come. And I saw that there was no helper, and I was wondering that no one gave them support: so my arm did the work of salvation, and my wrath was my support.And in my passion the peoples were crushed under my feet, and broken in my wrath, and I put down their strength to the earth. Isaías 63:3-6;
And the heaven was open; and I saw a white horse, and he who was seated on it was named Certain and True; and he is judging and making war in righteousness. And his eyes are a flame of fire, and crowns are on his head; and he has a name in writing, of which no man has knowledge but himself. And he is clothed in a robe washed with blood: and his name is The Word of God. And the armies which are in heaven went after him on white horses, clothed in delicate linen, white and clean. And out of his mouth comes a sharp sword, with which he overcomes the nations: and he has rule over them with a rod of iron: and he is crushing with his feet the grapes of the strong wrath of God the Ruler of all. Apocalipse 19:11-15;
Satan, the seducer of the whole world, became God the Father in the Old Testament and becomes Jesus Christ in the New Testament, but by the fruits one knows the tree.
Because you have said, We have made death our friend, and with the underworld we have made an agreement; when the overflowing waters come through they will not come near us; for we are looking to false words for help, taking cover in what is untrue: For this cause says the Lord God, See, I am placing in Zion as a base, a stone, a tested stone, an angle-stone which is certain and of great value: and he who has faith will not give way. Isaías 28:15,16;
And the help you were looking for from death will come to nothing, and your agreement with the underworld will be broken; when the overflowing waters come through, then you will be overcome by them. Isaías 28:18;
For this reason, go on waiting for me, says the Lord, till the day when I come up as a witness: for my purpose is to send for the nations and to get the kingdoms together, so that I may let loose on them my passion, even all my burning wrath: for all the earth will be burned up in the fire of my bitter passion. Sofonias 3:8;
I will take away everything from the face of the earth, says the Lord. I will take away man and beast; I will take away the birds of the heaven and the fishes of the sea; causing the downfall of the evil-doers, and cutting man off from the face of the earth, says the Lord. Sofonias 1:1-3.
What the Devil is talking about?
He is swearing (Deuteron?mio 32:40-42) that if mankind now, who knows God the Father, in the person of the Son, not obey the commandments passed by God the Father Himself, in the person of the Son. He, the Devil, will come to rule mankind and lead us to extermination.
You have knowledge that it was said, Have love for your neighbour, and hate for him who is against you:But I say to you, Have love for those who are against you, and make prayer for those who are cruel to you; So that you may be the sons of your Father in heaven; Mateus 5:43-45;
But I say to you who give ear to me, Have love for those who are against you, do good to those who have hate for you, Give blessing to those who give you curses, say prayers for those who are cruel to you. Lucas 6:27,28;
Be in debt for nothing, but to have love for one another: for he who has love for his neighbour has kept all the law. And this, Do not be untrue in married life, Do not put to death, Do not take what is another's, Do not have desire for what is another's, and if there is any other order, it is covered by this word, Have love for your neighbour as for yourself. Romanos 13:8,9;
For loving God is keeping his laws: and his laws are not hard. 1 Jo?o 5:3;
A man who has gone against the law of Moses is put to death without pity on the word of two or three witnesses: But will not the man by whom the Son of God has been crushed under foot, and the blood of the agreement with which he was washed clean has been taken as an unholy thing, and who has had no respect for the Spirit of grace, be judged bad enough for a very much worse punishment? For we have had experience of him who says, Punishment is mine, I will give reward. And again, The Lord will be judge of his people. We may well go in fear of falling into the hands of the living God. Hebreus 10:28-31;
Trouble and sorrow on all whose works are evil, to the Jew first...; Romanos 2:9;
And they will go out to see the dead bodies of the men who have done evil against me: for their worm will ever be living, and their fire will never be put out, and they will be a thing of fear to all flesh. Isaías 66:24;
And in those days men will be hoping for death, and it will not come to them; and they will have a great desire for death, and death will go in flight from them. Apocalipse 9:6;
Sorrow to you who are looking for the day of the Lord! what is the day of the Lord to you? it is dark and not light. Amós 5:18;
See, the day of the Lord is coming, cruel, with wrath and burning passion: to make the land a waste, driving the sinners in it to destruction. Isaías 13:9;
We are all sinners.
If we say that we have no sin, we are false to ourselves and there is nothing true in us. If we say openly that we have done wrong, he is upright and true to his word, giving us forgiveness of sins and making us clean from all evil. If we say that we have no sin, we make him false and his word is not in us.1 Jo?o 1:8-10.
Si dijéremos que no tenemos pecado, nos enga?amos a nosotros mismos, y no hay verdad en nosotros.Si confesamos nuestros pecados, él es fiel y justo para que nos perdone nuestros pecados, y nos limpie de toda maldad.Si dijéremos que no hemos pecado, lo hacemos a él mentiroso, y su Palabra no está en nosotros. 1 Jo?o 1:8-10
Woe to him who exchanges the love of God the Father for the righteousness of the living, murderous God.... Stop the war of nations, otherwise we will all be exterminated, Jehovah swore, and so it shall be.
And this is the test by which men are judged: the light has come into the world and men have more love for the dark than for the light, because their acts are evil. Jo?o 3:19.
Y esta es la condenación: porque la luz vino al mundo, y los hombres amaron más las tinieblas que la luz; porque sus obras eran malas. Jo?o 3:19.
Get Ready!
Read the revelations of the Holy Spirit of Truth.
Have faith in the Lord Jesus, and you and your family will have salvation. Atos 16:31.
For to me life is Christ and death is profit. Filipenses 1:21.