Christian Metaphysics: The Father Within. Plan Your Work and Work Your Plan.
Fr. Dr. Richard Ward, J.C.D., PhD., Noetic Healing Orthodox Psychotherapist.
St. John’s Management Group AOCCA. An Orthodox Catholic Chaplaincy. Members: The International Conference of Police Chaplains, American Academy of Clinical Hypnoanalysts and The Christian Legal Society.
The Chaplain Corner:
Chap. Dr. Richard Ward, J.C.D., PhD.
RE: Christian Metaphysics with Theological Understanding
Chap. Dr. Richard Ward, J.C.D., Ph.D. is a Priest-Therapist-Hypnoanalyst and Christian Conciliator who works with Law Enforcement, Correctional Officers, and Locals to help them find clarity, balance, and ease with their emotions and the passions which are the emotions that control you.?Passions are the emotional forces that dominate your soul and are etched into your brain and its neural structure, programing your automatic responses. They need to be rooted out or overlaid with new programs. You can assume that some of this programing is hereditary. We know we inherit ancestral sin from Adam and Eve. This means this task is not a simple one. It requires God's help along with your own committed effort.
Orthodox Pathology:?There are three powers or energies of the soul, known as reason (mind) desire (emotions) and will (willpower). They are used either for good or for evil. When they are used for good, they are called virtues; When they are used for evil, they are called passions. Passions are perversions or distortions of the soul. The main sickness of our mind is ignorance; The main sickness of our emotions is self-love; the main sickness of our will is the pursuit of evil. We need to make a conscious decision once, and then continuously throughout our life, to either turn to God or to isolate ourselves from God; to either act in a spirit of repentance and humility or in an act/attitude of ego, pride, and selflove. The choice is ours.
Board-Certified American Academy of Clinical Hypnoanalysts: provides valuable insight regarding the origin of destructive thought patterns and behavior. It takes courage to seek help and to work with the difficult emotions and passions that sometimes surface in therapy. About 80% of all diseases have no known medical cure. They are psychosomatic, including both psychological and biological diseases. Patients appreciate the insights gained when troubling issues are resolved at their core.
Step One Metaphysics:?A system in which the primary purpose and aim are to improve the mental equivalent of the individual by raising it to the highest level of consciousness of which human is capable, and thereby to demonstrate health, prosperity, and success in all areas of experience.
Step Two Metaphysics: Is a system in which the primary purpose and aim are to dissolve the human ego, thus permitting the divine Ego or Christ-Jesus Consciousness to assume control in its stead. The goal of the step two student, in short, is Man 100, In the Parable of The Sower, he that "bringeth forth...a hundred-fold" (Matt 13:23?is synonymous with The Christ-Jesus Man, The resurrected Man. He is The Man who has completed the Identity Shift (I-S) and is therefore one with The Son of God.?? Whereas the emphasis in Step One is demonstration, that factor is of secondary import in Step Two. Yet, paradoxically, the successful Step two student enjoys a higher quality of demonstration than the best attainable through Step One:
Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you, --- Matthew 6:33
The Step Two demonstration, however, is not according to personal selection, but to that of The Father. The individual is not greatly concerned with the form his external experience assumes. He may have preferences, but since "Thy Will be my Will" is the byword, he is not disappointed if they do not manifest. What is important is that every aspect of his experience unfailingly includes the qualities of intelligence, love, harmony, health, prosperity, joy beauty and peace, in copious measure. With these good things assured, can one wish for more? But wonderful as they are and grateful as he is for them, he knows that externalities are not The Reality of experience, but only the expression thereof:
For a man’s life consisteth not in the abundance of the things which he possesseth.? Luke 12:15
When Solomon became king of Israel, he did not ask God for riches and honors. He prayed for knowledge and wisdom and an understanding heart, and as a consequence riches and honor were given him in abundance. --Emmet Fox
The essential activity of Step Two, then must be to keep one's focus on the Father within:?
Pray without ceasing...He that dewelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty...Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee.
---I Thessalonians 5:17; Psalms 91:1; Isaiah 26
Metaphysical Christianity:?is a scientific discipline based on spiritual values. It is existential in that it conducts an inquiry into the nature of existence, life, health, wholeness, the meaning of illness, and the conditions under which man can be healthy. It is scientific in that it searches for truth, beyond conventional thought, in systematic ways, and also that it has articulated concepts, methodologies, and principles, which make intelligent, authentic living possible. Finally, it is spiritual in that it is based on understanding man as a spiritual being, capable of reflecting God, the non-dimensional, timeless, all-transcending Principal of existence, underlying being. Part Two: Working the System step one.
?Rewire the Mind for Positive Change:
Step by step you are going to experience a wonderful new way of life and living.?Psychologists estimate that only 10% of the mental potential of the average person is being used --- you are about to increase yours.
It doesn't matter if you have been failing in certain things all your life --- you are now going to change. If you have succeeded at some things (love, as an example), but have failed financially --- you are going to make up the slack --- whatever areas need improving will be improved.
If you are uncertain about your future --- you are about to help create a more definite future. If you feel you would not know what to do if you lost your job tomorrow --- you will know exactly what to do.
If you think that your life is over --- you will find that there is still a lot that can stimulate and fulfill you and give you meaning.?If you feel constantly under stress and pressure --- you are going to learn how to end the struggle in your mind and nervous system.
If you are constantly having physical ailments of all kinds, most of which psychosomatic medicine estimates are caused by the mind --- you are going to reverse your mind from that which produces ill health to that which is healthy.?You are going to do all these things, and more, by increasing the power and potential of your mind --- you are going to work with your mind so that the latent power and potential of your mind will work for you for the rest of your life.
If you have ever thought of yourself as a loser or have been dissatisfied with the results that you have achieved in love, occupation, money, happiness, health, self-worth --- you are going to be a winner.?Right now, start believing that you have mental pay dirt --- that you are going to open a literal goldmine of power in your mind which is going to turn daydreams and wishful thinking into concrete physical realities in your life.
Put an abrupt halt to being skeptical about yourself and about what is being said --- your skepticism has ruined your opportunities in the past, but now optimism about your mind power potential is going to build a better future for you.?Even if you think that you are really sharp now, it will be nothing when likened to how really sharp you are going to be --- your current state of mental sharpness will be dull by comparison.
Reason, intellect, analysis are mental tools that you have used to a lesser or greater degree in the past --- you are about to use a far greater power of your mind in the present future and in the future.?If deep-down you do not think much of yourself, your potential, and your possibilities for a better life ---watch out, since you are about to be wonderfully awakened from your dream-like nightmare of life.?You are about to cease being a losing clone of society and about to become a successful individual --- even if you think that you are already successful.
Quite possibly Dr. Carl Jung was one of the greatest psychologists of the last century, and he once made a statement that "you don't solve problems - you outgrow them". Through Mind Power Dynamics this is precisely what you are going to do --- outgrow your problems or problem areas in your life by using the power of your mind to your greatest advantage. Mind Power Dynamics is not a therapy --- it is better, because through using your innate mind power you will avoid the problems that bring about neurosis. A person becomes neurotic only when they are unable to cope with or handle certain area of their life, and they retreat to fantasy. Through mind power you will not be struggling with coping -- your mind will be moving ahead, doing, and accomplishing.
Mind Power Dynamics is not a Study -- not a Course -- it is a SYSTEM of living -- through the POWER IN YOUR MIND. Follow the MPD SYSTEM -- work it every day of your life -- and every day of your life will be vastly better as a result.?Some people are walking encyclopedias of psychological knowledge but are still far from happy in their lives. If you are such a person, you do not need more intellectual or academic knowledge -- you need something simple, direct, and to the point, and to the heart of the matter and what to do about it.? a way -- a System.
In MIND POWER DYNAMICS, you have it -- work and it will work for you. You have already studied the complexities --- now it is time to work with the basic truths. The simpler and more direct, the greater and more direct is the immediate power of the mind. If you have never studied about the mind before -- with Mind Power Dynamics there is no need to know anything previously - all that you need to know is explained so relax and enjoy Mind Power Dynamics -- it so easy to understand --- so easy to use --- and above all, it works and will work for you.
No need to burden yourself with complexities of the mind, which you could spend a lifetime of studying -- you need relief -- hope -- a way-- a system that is simple to use, simple to understand, and which you can apply immediately to improve every area of your life.?This is why, knowingly or unknowingly, by becoming a participant in Mind Power Dynamics you have opened Pandora's proverbial box to the latent power of your mind.
Get excited -- be excited - and you will remain excited about Mind Power Dynamics the rest of your life. Real excitement comes when you know that you have the power to make your life whatever you wish it to be -- and to be the person you wish to be.?Work the SYSTEM, and the SYSTEM will work in bringing forth the power of your mind to make you and your life what you wish it to be.
How do I learn more about Christian Metaphysics and get Started.?For more information go to Mind Power Dynamics under licensed programs: Go to: Mind power dynamics requires a very small amount, not measured in cost but as a lifetime investment in yourself and your future.?
St. John’s Management Group, AOCCA:
A Therapeutic Orthodox Christian Chaplaincy
The International Conference of Police Chaplains; The American Academy of Medical Hypnoanalysts; Orthodox Christian Association of Medicine, Psychology, and Religion; Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology. American Metaphysical Doctors Association (AMDA); The Christian Legal Society (CLS).