Christian Lifestyle
???????? As we talk to our God and Father about you, we think of your faithful work,? loving deeds, and your continual anticipation of the return of our Lord Jesus Christ. ????? 1 Thessalonians 1:3 NLT
Faith works—it dances here and now. ???
Firm reliance on your Savior naturally results in joyful acts of service. ???
Realizing urgency of tasks I have assigned, you are purposefully busy. ???
Taking My Word seriously, you do more than ponder—you labor. ???
Believing Me, you obey Me—the connection proves your sincerity. ???
Trust becomes action, turning intentions into God-honoring initiatives. ???
You are My masterpiece—reflect My work in you by your life’s work. ???
Remember what you are here after—I will take care of your hereafter. ???
Attentively race to Christ’s reward—My smile will make it worthwhile.
Love obeys—it walks every rough road without giving up. ???
I desire only the best for your life—live a life of love and you’ll find it. ???
Love never gives up on you—never give up on Me. ???
In a hateful world, revel in My love—stay near Me and find joy. ???
Love never loses faith in your potential—follow Me and be your best. ???
You are not yet all I want you to become—obey Me and grow up. ???
Love endures through all difficulties—when life is painful, persevere. ???
The Via Dolorosa was not easy—Christian living is not a cake walk. ???
Continue doing My will—distinguish yourself as an authentic disciple. ???
Actively respond to Christ’s redemption—this is the path of blessing.
Hope dreams—it looks forward to the Second Coming of the Messiah. ???
The Advent of My Son will solve the world’s stubborn problems—
??? puzzles politicians, warriors, and economists have never solved. ???
Tomorrow is as bright as My promises—gaze through hope’s window.
??? Your destiny is a tearless, painless, deathless, sinless place. ???
The King’s reign will end sin’s nightmare—hallelujahs will echo in glory. ???
Anticipate Christ’s return—then My dream will finally come true.
? By Pastor Johnny R. Almond ???????????Day 348, Gentle Whispers from Eternity
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