A Christian Argument for Abortion Freedom
Shannon Peel
Getting YOU in front of YOUR ideal audience | Brand Storyteller | Speaker | Writer | Publisher | Promoter of Experts
Yes, society needs laws and rules to ensure we have order and peace between people. Our laws ensure our behaviours do not impede the lives of other people and when they do, we have a system to solve the conflicts. Laws help keep the peace, protect the people, and provide social services - They are not meant to control an individual’s belief system.?
When the United States and Canada became countries, they separated church and state for a reason - They’d lived at a time when church and state was united. For those of us raised in North America, we do not understand what it is to live in a country run by religious doctrine, such as Iran or the Taliban run Afghanistan.? When governments start to cater to religious idealism, they remove individual freedoms, which goes against the values of North America.?
History has shown us over and over that the closer religious organizations get to having political power, the more cruelty occurs as they try to enforce their belief systems on others. Take a moment to research history for stories about the aftermath of Henry the 8th, the Huguenots, the Spanish Inquisition, the Reformation, I could go on but you get the idea. Religion cannot always beat the temptation of political power, but it must.
Sin, Trials and Tribulations?
God gave us the freedom to choose a life with him or a life without him. He gave us the ability to choose sin, who are we to second guess him and take it away?
At the root of all sin is selfishness.?We are all born with sin, one only has to spend time with an infant to see the selfishness of our existence. Parents sacrifice time, money, energy, sleep, sanity, and their own desires to meet the needs of their babies. As we grow, our selfishness grows beyond the needs of food, touch, sleep, and a dry diaper. However, we also are given opportunities to learn empathy, kindness, and selflessness. With each choice we make we either put ourselves or others first. We either choose our own interests or to walk with God.?
It is not our place to point fingers and judge others as sinners - That is God’s job. He will judge all of us when we stand before him. We will be judged for our hypocrisy, our pride, and the stones we threw - not the ones thrown at us. He will not hear your accusations of others because when we are judged, only our choices will be considered. It won’t matter what specks you see in the eyes of women, He will focus on the log in yours.?
It is our selfishness that makes us believe that we have the right to control others, judge them, and condemn them here on earth. The more righteous we are, the more we hurt others with our righteousness. Jesus lived amongst the sinners, He did not control them with earthly laws and regulations, so why do Christians believe they can tell others what choices to make?
God allows us to be tested, so that we can become stronger in our faith or fall away from Him. It is not up to us to take away these trials with legislation.?
To learn true Christian virtues, we must be tested, tempted, and experience the consequences of sinful decisions. Through these experiences and choices we develop empathy, humility, and wisdom.?
Christians are tasked to have empathy and compassion for those who are struggling. It is not our job to shame, but to forgive, pray, witness and put the problem in God's hands - not ours. God calls us to be like Jesus, not like the Sadducees who focused on the letter of the law. Jesus spent most of his time with sinners and treated them with empathy and compassion to guide them to God.
You Don’t Know What You Don’t Know.?
Each woman faces their own unique situation when they become pregnant. Some are married, have means, and live a blessed life. Others are alone, scared, and struggle to make ends meet. Many are victims of men who make sinful choices leaving a woman to face a choice not of her making. Not all pregnancies are healthy leaving a woman to face her own mortality. There is no “one size fits all” pregnancy. It is far from black and white.
A woman has Doctors, family, friends, religious leaders, social services, and God to consult when making a choice. Laws impede her ability to make the choice that is right for her.?Pro-choice is about freedom of choice. It puts the decision where it should be - between God, ?a woman, the father, and anyone else she chooses to bring in to help her, support her, and guide her.?
God knows best about life - Christians believe God is all knowing, that he decides when our lives begin and knows when they will end. Before a woman becomes pregnant, he?knows if the pregnancy will be terminated or come to term. He does not waste life,?If a soul is meant to be born for His glory, it will be born.?
The decision to choose isn’t a place for governments or strangers who believe they are better than others because they attend church.? If you believe in personal freedoms and less governmental interference, you must allow those the same freedoms to those who hold different beliefs than you. Anything else is hypocrisy.
Pro-Choice gives Christians an opportunity to create supportive services, to educate, to listen, to help and to stand with woman faced with a difficult choice. However, if all we do is sit in judgement, condemn, control, and shame, it will be us facing God’s judgement when he asks what did you do and how did it better the lives of others??
Personally, I chose life, but thankfully I was married, had a job, and made the choice to be a mother to two amazing individuals. I wouldn’t want anyone to have had the power to tell me I couldn’t have my kids. Therefore, it is not my right to tell another woman she must be a mother even if she doesn’t want to be, had motherhood thrust upon her, or may die if she has to go through it.?
If you do not agree -?
Why do you think you have the right to decide for a woman??