Christ in us
“Christ in you, the hope of glory” (Col 1:27; KJV). Wow, do you ever stop to think what that means to us as Christians? We have Jesus on the inside of us in the form of the Holy Spirit (John 14:17). All that Christ died for, all he rose for, his victory and power and authority are ours (Matt 28:18).
We find out what is ours in the bible and he gives us his power (Acts 1:8) to be all he wants us to be and live the life that God lives (John 10:10). God’s power works in us to bring about change (Phil 2:13; Phil 1:6). In fact, Paul said that he could only boast about that which Christ had done in and through him; everything else was of no significance (Rom 15:18).
If you think about it, all we need to do as Christians is to rest in him (Matt 11:28), study and believe his word (John 6:29). As we cooperate with him, his word and power can change us, guide us and use us for his glory. Knowing this, we should have such a desire to be in his word; prayer and praise and worship of him. With such thankful hearts we should hang on every word of God as we are taught by his ministering servants.
It sorrows me to look around our churches and see blank, impassive faces during worship and hear gossip going on as we are taught the word of God. Christians, wake up to who you are in Christ, what we have and what God expects of us. We are his hands and feet and voice in this earth. His will can only be done through us. Be exhorted today, time is short.
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