Ayah W. Abine
Productivity & Business Leadership Consultant, mMBA, CMC, CSC, CCRC, CHRP, CPMA, CPMPMaximizing Personal & Corporate Potential to increase productivity & profitability for sustainability.
"Christ Jesus died to save us from slavery, and it makes absolutely no sense for man to put us inside any kind bondage of including religion. Anyone or any religion which doesn’t free you from fear is not of God. Spirituality should set you free, yet give you the sense of responsibility to yourself and to the entire human race as a whole. Christ brings total freedom!” - Coach TIL
In the beginning, God (the Maker) didn’t make Humans (His Products) to dominate each other, He made them to be dominant over animals, plants and other things. We were never made to exercise our dominion over other people but rather were designed and destined to become authorities in different sectors in business, community development, in entertainment and so on.
However, it is important to acknowledge that either by temperament (personality type) or human orientation among others, some people are prone to exercising more authority and dominion than others. This doesn’t however mean that anyone has the right to become a god to other people.
Whether you’re a designer-developer, a choleric, an authoritarian or a choleric, it doesn’t in anyway mean that you have the right to take away other people’s freedom. Oftentimes today, many people are experiencing serious bondage as a result of people who don’t understand this.
This is interesting stuff, come with me...
It is because of this that there is a need to talk about this issue as it may lead to some people meeting freedom for the first time. It is also true that some people are also slaves to fear, either of death, failure, rejection, public speaking (I can be of help, WhatsApp: This type of bondage is not cause by others but the people themselves because of their refusal to work on themselves.
Whatever the source or reason for your enslavement, it is important and imperative you get to know that you were never established to be a slave to anyone or anything. In 2 Cor. 3:16, Apostle Paul is very clear that Christ Jesus came to give us liberty, total and categorical liberty in life.
Follow me carefully my friend...
He didn’t come to give us freedom to exaggerate with issues of the flesh (sin) but He came to get us to reach a level of human freedom that frees us from fear of people, fear of death, fear of failure, fear of rejection, fear of hell and other fears which many of us are struggling with.
Apart from fear, He equally came to give us freedom from the shackles of the flesh (sin), He came to make us authorities over the impulses of the flesh, making us authorities over our desires and freeing us from the empty promises of the flesh. He (Christ) came to give us total freedom.
When I see the way other people exert excessive control over others either intentionally or unintentionally, I see clear evidence of people in bondage and in need of liberty. Such people need to be set free which Heb. 2:14,15 stipulates that Christ came to do, freeing us from any kind of bondage.
If you observe the attitude of the Apostles after Christ Jesus came to them as tongues of fire (Acts 2:4), they became free, they became different, they became bold and they experience total liberty from self-doubt, fear, shyness, low self-esteem, fear of death, fear of rejection or fear of failure.
This is the kind of freedom which leads to social change which I carefully articulate in my book “BECOMING A GPS (BGPS)” (Buy here: and benefit from a 40% discount). There is certain stamina you pick up in life when you meet this freedom which Christ Jesus brings.
I think it is important for me to articulate that I am not referring to any “church” or religion when I talk about Christ and freedom here, I am referring to a level of spiritual development (which has almost nothing to do with “church”) which a human being reaches that skyrockets his/her creative and intuitive ability.
?Please dear friend, listen keenly...
I am talking about that level of freedom that children experience when they learn to walk without help, when they learn to talk without our help, when they are creative and intuitive to the best of their ability thereby making maximum use of their Gift (Potential) until they enter the bondage the world brings.
This bondage is brought either through fear, rejection, flesh, mediocrity, wrong examples from people with wrong mind-sets who have never encountered true freedom, from “churches” and “schools”. Unfortunately, because many people have known only this fear, when you break free, they complain.
Just like the Apostles were fought and criticized when they started speaking Christ because they experienced total freedom. An important point to note is that if you are involved with any “church” and it doesn’t give you this kind of freedom that Christ brought, I worry about you my friend.
Listen to this dearest…
Any “church” that makes you to follow Christ because you are afraid of hell and not because you are convinced that He brings freedom might just be fooling you. My book “A JOURNEY TO YOUR FULL POTENTIAL – AJ2FP” can give you freedom (Buy here: - get a 30% discount).
This freedom makes you to free yourself from the excesses of things like money and yet make a lot more money because you’re are a free soul. However, we also don’t expect the money to take you astray when you have plenty of it. My book “Business is NOT Entrepreneurship (BiNE)” should help you stay on track even when you have had plenty money and authority. Buy here:
This freedom is seen even in marriage, it has a huge role to play when it comes to communication and full expression of the individuals in the marriage. This freedom helps marriage not to be something to endure but something to enjoy. If you haven’t reached it, work hard to get there, it’s possible.
Bottom-line therefore is...
The freedom that comes with knowing Christ is so liberating that it should never be kept from anyone and no one should have the right or audacity to miss it. Wherever you are and whatever you’re involved in, make sure you hunt for this freedom, when you meet it, you will know.
You are marvellous, you are amazing!
Magnanimously Yours!
Ayah W. Abine
Productivity & Business Leadership
Speaker, Author, Trainer, Coach, Consultant
"You can create your life. - Coach TIL"