If Chris knew before hand…
Chaithanya Kothapalli
Helping organizations make their products and services accessible for the deaf community through sign language
Ahoy! Land! yelled Martin. Everyone aboard the Nina, Pinta & Santa Maria, eagerly leaned over her deck to catch a glimpse. There was excitement all around. Months at sea finally paid off.
Martin, Vicente & Chris, walked the sandy shores first. Joy and pride filled their hearts. They found the Indies! History will know them forever now.
A group of tribals fishing ashore, shocked at this new clan of people in their fancy dresses, and equipment, stare awe and confusion. They never saw anyone like these folks.
These tribals had feather hats, wore animal skin for clothes, had their ears and nose pierced with strange ornaments. Yet they were red in skin colour. Not the dark skin that Chris read or heard about from other explorers.
“Did we reach the Indies?” asked the naive Vicente. “Of course! Do you not see the funny people around?” replied Martin, looking towards Chris for ratification. A little disappointed yet choosing to feign silence, “Let us call them Red Indians.” Said Chris.
Chris chose to call his failure a success based on the results.