Chris Herbert's Jot Journal for May & June 2020
Chris Herbert
Managing partner @ Mi6 | AREA 81 Lead Analyst & Program Manager | Rural Entrepreneur | Competitive Squash Player
Productivity | This word is widely used as a desired outcome but I believe not fully understood. In order to really understand how to be productive you need to know what it means. Below are two examples of productivity in action. But, in case you're wondering or interested to be "productive" you need to be effective (best way, best results) and be efficient (simple, fast). Enjoy!
Citizen Journalism | A recent chat I had with a 23 year old on whether she truss mainstream media or not. Below is a snapshot of this Twitter thread capturing her thoughts. She trusts those she follows on social media as sources that are on the street reporting news .... both good and bad. Citizen journalists are her first source of news not the mainstream media.
Scar Tissue | This is actually applicable to all professionals...not just consultants. Here's a nugget from the video below: "Without owning something over an extended period of time, like a few years, where one has a chance to take responsibilities for one's recommendations. Where one needs to see recommendations through all action stages and accumulate scar tissue and pick one's self up off the ground and dust one's self off. One learns a fraction of what one can" - Steve Jobs.
She Matters | One day Reya said to her Mom: "we have to do better for the world". Reya wants to make the planet better. She's making sure her family is doing everything they can to protect the planet. Mom listened and they both got involved in climate change events and most recently a BLM march in Windsor. She led a group of protesters as they chanted: "Black Lives Matter" and "Say His Name". She made an impression and was on CBC news (go to the 43:30 min mark in the video below). Reya is six years old. Her great grandfather was a slave that came to Canada to be free. She has hopes on being Canada's Prime Minister.
Contrast | I don't want to oversimplify nor pretend that I understand what people of colour face. All I know is these men were protecting this police officer from potential harm.
Mr. King: you are missed
Masks | Wearing a mask will reduce the chance of infection significantly. In fact it's the simplest and productive collective approach we can make to beating COVID-19. Watch the video below and you'll see evidence as to why wearing a mask in public buildings makes sense and will save lives.
Happiness | My business partner Lisa Denis recently read Derek Siver's book "Anything You Want". She shared it with me because as entrepreneurs our ventures are integral part of our lives and to some extent our families. We're always seeking ways to ensure we are enjoying what we do but not at the expense of our families. With many of you working from home you may be experiencing what entrepreneurs face. Business, family and personal matters blend together often for entrepreneurs. Our minds drift across all of these, our time is pushed and pulled to balance keeping our venture alive and well and making sure our family and ourselves are happy and enjoying EVERYTHING we do and who we do it with. I hope that the quick animated book summary below can help you think about what happiness might look like in the coming months and years. Who knows maybe you'll decide to start your own CD Baby!
3 minutes | One of my go to YouTubers is Beau who is interesting, knowledgeable, smart and thoughtful. This 3 minute (ish) video snippet illustrates why I watch, listen and learn from him. In this brief and succinct clip he puts "your rights" into perspective. As Beau would say: "it's just a thought". For me it's a compelling one. Stay happy, health and safe.
Leadership | Many leaders are being tested using higher standards because decisions they make are impacting lives and livelihoods because of pandemic. And this applies to us all because in some way we are all leaders. Whether you're a parent, a business owner, a politician or a healthcare provider. You're faced with key decisions daily that you've never faced before that can have drastic consequences. Whether you lead a family, a business or a country you're looked upon to lead and contribute to make things better ... maybe even to save lives. Good leaders are competent, accountable, motivated, empathetic, practical, selfless, sincere and responsible. Some "leaders" are not qualified and should be fired..and in the case below pay back the American people $69M.
Strategist & Community Development
4 年I do love that book from Derek Sivers! His happiness came from helping independent artists create a marketplace for their music. Especially in these strange times, I think many entrepreneurs and even large organizations are also finding ways to help and finding some joy in that effort.