Chop til’ You Drop | Working with the Atlanta Braves
Roughly two years ago (November 2013), I came home from an Atlanta Hawks basketball game with a vision that I believed could make a huge impact with pro sports organizations in Atlanta. I saw an opportunity to connect student groups at different colleges to professional sports teams. Later that weekend, I hashed out a framework for execution. A year later (November 2014), this vision was put into place.
I am proud to announce that in less than 24 months this vision has generated $100,000 in ticket sales, created 10,000 experiences for students at 12 different college in the southeast, and created real jobs for students to gain hands on experience with pro sports teams.
While the numbers speak for themselves, I am even prouder of the people who were leading the charge and bringing this vision to life. This story is about Kyle McGoff, a team member who worked on the program for the Atlanta Braves this summer. Kyle turned a crisis situation into an opportunity and has set himself up in a good position to receive a full-time job out of college.