Choosing wisely when performing antenatal and postnatal transfusion tests: conference highlights.

Choosing wisely when performing antenatal and postnatal transfusion tests: conference highlights.

Sheena Scheuermann, Regional Project Coordinator, ORBCoN?

On May 25th, 2022 ORBCoN hosted a national Perinatal Consensus Conference. The event was attended by 97 delegates from across Ontario, and across Canada. We heard experts present and educate on topics related to routine antenatal testing, high risk pregnancy monitoring, routine postnatal/cord testing and supplemental cord testing. The first day of the conference was open to anyone who registered to attend. The second day (May 26th) was restricted to invited expert panelists for discussion of the proposed consensus recommendations. The group of expert panelists are currently undertaking a modified Delphi exercise to reach consensus on statements that were developed to standardize Canadian practice in perinatal transfusion testing.

A post conference survey was circulated following the May 25th event with 69 responses received. Out of those responding 54% (37) were medical laboratory technologists and 24% (16) were transfusion medicine physicians. Other respondents included midwives, nurses, Transfusion Safety Officers, family physicians, pediatricians, hematologists, perinatologists, neonatologist, anesthesiologists.

Seventy-two percent reported they agreed or strongly agreed that their practice behavior will be modified as a result of the conference. Ninety-five percent agreed or strongly agreed that conference was well organized. When asked what drew people to attend this conference 97% (66) responded it was to update their knowledge, 50% (34) were looking to modify their practice, 47% (32) said the speakers, and 29% (20) attended due to the fact it was an accredited program.

Overall the conference was very well received with 88% (61) agreeing or strongly agreeing that the content was current and relevant to their discipline/profession. Ninety-three percent (64) indicated they agreed or strongly agreed that there was sufficient time allotted for audience participation /active learning.

In the coming months we anticipate posting and publishing Canadian Consensus Recommendations for antenatal and postnatal testing.?The organizers would like to thank ORBCoN, the speakers, the panelists and all the participants for a fantastic event!

If you missed this event the PowerPoint presentations and also the videos of the presentations can be found at?



ORBCoN: Expertise in IVIG Utilization, Centralized Utilization Database, Data Strategy, Provincial Audits, Contingency Planning, Benchmark Levels for Outdate Rates, Redistribution Program, Provincial Quality Strategy, Accreditation Requirements for Transfusion Medicine, Improve Patient Safety, Physician/Nursing Education Strategy


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