Choosing Where to Channel Our Energy
There's a lot happening in the world. It can feel out of our control or make us want to tune out the news, throw our hands up and hide in people's vacation posts. But there is something you can do: Help. With us.
It might seem trivial, but I assure you, it’s not. Research from the Surgeon General and others supports this: the more time we invest in our community, the more our behaviors change. We become kinder, more empathetic, more understanding. We strengthen social ties, leading to a stronger, less isolated, more connected community.
Changing behaviors leads to changed outcomes.
This is the essence of why Besa exists. We offer over 100 volunteer experiences every month for individuals and businesses to get involved, to create connections, build relationships, and strengthen community.
What can you do about what's happening in the world? Start by signing up to volunteer at And if you’d like a friend to come along with you, shoot me a DM!
Matthew what a relevant post based on the current state of the world we are living in. Community is the key to connection and we value working with Besa. Be The Good!!