Choosing the Unchoosable
Samriddhi Verma
Pursuing Ph.D. (Law) | Education Enthusiast| Assistant Professor (Law)
While growing up and learning to become better humans, we develop different perspectives concerning "choice"—a range of possibilities. We often develop two extreme viewpoints: one, t there is always a choice in life. Another, that you never really have a choice. I always fell for the latter. Because that's how we drive ourselves to a decision, a mandate, a crossover, a milestone, a destiny, a path, a journey, a horizon. All these synonyms of the thing called life are beautiful if we have an affinity for the choice.
The twist is when you don't like the other possibilities. When you are made to like them, you start disliking the likeables. (Pause and think, if ever this did happen to you?) Since the act of liking is natural. Either it exists or it doesn't, right? Every other thing in the spectrum of liking to like is a compromise, an adjustment, a logic, a reasonable explanation, a carryover.
With several such experiences, there is one finding quite obvious. That, while we choose the unchoosable, we are introducing ourselves to our new forms. It may come as a surprise or a known calculated decision. Embracing the unchoosable lifts us above the ground of a normal, ordinary, common platter of choices. Up in the air, the crowd is less. Unchoosable gifts us with a silence that multiplies the range of possibilities further. Decisions that seem difficult initially may have in store, a vibgyor of perspectives.
And, anyway, what is life but a bundle of outlooks and views? For relationships, in professional duties, about learning, and re-making the human inside humans. One person built up of numerous viewpoints about one aspect would lead to consideration and reconsideration of things surrounding and pervading us. What ultimately remains is a decision universal in nature and inclusive of nature. One which is not in conflict with the air, water, sky, wind,, and fire around and inside us and neither in conflict with the elements breathing in these five elements. Slowly, you may find yourselves seeping into nature and finding it easier to meditate without meditating over.
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- Samriddhi's