Choosing To Stay In Love Is The Hard Part
Falling In Love Is Easy.
It can happen slowly, over time, or quickly in a matter of moments. One glance. One touch. One eight-hour phone conversation. And it's all over.
Falling in love isn't a choice; it's an irrational chain of events that simply cannot be stopped.
Falling in love is the easy part -- the excitement that comes with learning what makes another person tick, and the equally terrifying counterpart of exposing your soul to somebody else. It's interesting, unique. It never happens the same way twice.
But staying in love is a choice. An active decision-making process that requires work and dedication. It's easy to fall in love with somebody for all their good qualities: they're smart, sexy, and funny. These things are easy to love.
Staying in love is the hard part. The rush dissipates and there are just two flawed people trying to come up with new ways to fall in love.
You start running out of things to talk about, you catch yourself telling the same stories over and over again. And the blinders you once had to each other's imperfections slowly disappear.
Maybe it's little things, like he always seems to forget important days or isn't as thoughtful as he used to be when he was trying to win your affection. Maybe it's big things, like he screams stuff when he's mad that he can't take back.
At the end of the day, nobody's perfect and everybody comes with their own unique set of flaws and features.
People who stay in love don't do so because they have no choice; every single day is a choice.
Over the course of time, you begin to realize that the person you fell in love with is imperfect, and the true act of love, the true definition of loving someone, is loving those imperfections as wholly and completely as you love the good.
Love is saying I see you, all of you, exactly how you are -- the good, the bad, the things that you don't want anybody else to see. I see what you're ashamed of, what you wish you could hide. I see these things, and I still love you. I still choose you.
Disclaimer:?The information on this POST is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional advice. The opinions expressed within this article are the personal opinions of the author. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this article is for general information purposes / educational purposes only, and to ensure discussion or debate.
Thank you?...?Everyone has different beliefs, especially when it comes to something as complicated as love. Some people feel that falling in love is all about timing — that it's possible to meet the right person at the wrong time, the wrong person in the right place, or, of course, the right person in the right place at the right time.
Others think it comes down to luck, and that you really don't have any say in the matter. Ultimately, though, is falling in love a choice?
It may not sound quite as romantic as the other theories, but living happily ever after isn't magic. It doesn't just happen. Realistically, long-lasting love is hard work.
You may not choose to fall in love; maybe you don't have any control over who you are drawn to or who gravitates toward you. But to stay in love, to keep growing together and as individuals, to continue nurturing your relationship, you have to put in effort.
?Real love requires real work. Every day, you are choosing to love this person — whether or not it's a conscious decision.
There's a quote floating around the internet that goes: "No one falls in love by choice, it is by chance. No one stays in love by chance, it is by work. And no one falls out of love by chance, it is by choice."
?Here's why that rings true.
As the Bachelor franchise proves, finding a love that lasts can take more than one opportunity. You can fall in love with two, three, or half a dozen people in your lifetime, but it's very likely that you will eventually choose to stay in love with just one.
By making the choice to pursue one relationship for the rest of your life, you are working to maintain the love you fell into by chance.
This concept is similar to the theory that happiness is a choice, meaning you can actively choose to be happy. If you find yourself engaging in negative self-talk, it's more likely that you will experience feelings of unhappiness
You need to make the conscious decision to reframe that negative self-talk into positive self-talk, which will, in turn, be more likely to help you feel happy.
If happiness is a self-fulfilling prophecy, then why can't love be, too?
?In life, some things happen to you, like falling in love. It's how you choose to deal with these chance events that truly defines your fate.
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Interestingly enough, a common criticism of dating apps is that they provide millennials with too many choices. Some say that knowing how many other potential options are out there, just a swipe away, makes it more tempting not to fully commit to one person.
The argument is that even if you do choose to exclusively date just one of your matches, it's very likely that you have a few other individuals waiting on the back burner in case you break up.
This view only further proves my point that staying in love — rather than falling in love — is the real choice. With so many dating options literally at your fingertips, picking one partner to share your life with has become a rare path to take — and therefore, a much more valuable journey.
Falling In Love Isn't A Choice, But Staying In Love With One Person Forever Is.
?Everyone has different beliefs, especially when it comes to something as complicated as love. ... Real love requires real work. Every day, you are choosing to love this person — whether or not it's a conscious decision.
Your comments?....
Genuine love is volitional rather than emotional. The person who truly loves does so because of a decision to love. This person has made a commitment to be loving whether or not the loving feeling is present.
It is possible to stop loving someone. The love, as you feel it now, will change. Different people serve different purposes in your life. You can be grateful for the time you shared with this person and deeply care about them, then also move on romantically and stop loving them in the way you once did.
Ultimately, though, is falling in love a choice?
Staying in love requires your dedication, sincerity and time.
Falling in love requires just your Heart, who came to like someone within seconds or years.
Staying in love is difficult for few because when we love someone, we want that person to know everything about us(without telling that person about yourself)
We want that person to tell us everything (even if it’s not necessary), we want that person to share our goal or something we want (which is completely wrong),
We want time for yourself (not everyone can give you 24*7 hrs), we want yourself to be prioritized (that person too has life and family and friends), and when all such things do not happen, we think that we are not being loved by that person. Our mind gets confused and gets full with all the negative thoughts of the world.
It’s Human nature that when someone special does not listen to us or act like we want that person to behave, we feel sad or think that he/she does not love us anymore.
So basically, our mind is the one that creates the problem and thus it makes us feel that staying in love is difficult because being in love requires a lot of patience, understanding and Time.
One thing that has arisen now days is Ego problem if we had committed a mistake we should clear other’s doubt, but we do not because of the Ego problem, so I guess this is also one of the factors that come in between the relationship.
Managing Director at DAYALIZE
3 年Staying in love is far more difficult than falling in love because falling in love doesn't account for any kind of responsibility. But staying in love, that's a really big responsibility towards your partner. You have to stick by them, no matter what, and that's something hard to do for people. Staying in love takes a lot of your energy and time. Love is not difficult though, if you feel your partner is worth the struggle, it's not really that difficult at all. But if you are not happy with your partner, and stop respecting them, then it's almost over for both of you. Love is a blessing in the hateful society that we live. People fear love more than hate. And that's surprising, it's harder for people to love than to hate. Don't know why we are like this? But listen to me, if you have the right person with you, no matter what happens, no matter how difficult it may be, don't ever give up on them. Not everybody is lucky enough to find eternal love from another human being except our parents, so if you do, forget how difficult it is.