Choosing the Right Evaluation Metrics for your ML Project

Choosing the Right Evaluation Metrics for your ML Project


In machine learning, choosing the right evaluation metric is crucial for assessing model performance and making fair comparisons. Different tasks call for different metrics. Broadly, classification tasks (predicting categories) and regression tasks (predicting numeric values) use distinct evaluation measures. The choice of metric must align with the problem’s goals and context. For example, an ML model diagnosing a medical condition may prioritize catching all true cases over overall accuracy, while a stock price predictor might focus on minimizing average error.

In this article, I'll cover key classification metrics (accuracy, precision, recall, F1-score, ROC-AUC, log loss, etc.) and regression metrics (RMSE, MAE, R-Squared, etc.), discuss when to use each, compare their strengths/weaknesses, and give real-world examples from healthcare, finance, NLP and more.

Classification Metrics

The use cases related to classification are often related to predicting discrete classes (e.g. spam vs not-spam, disease vs healthy). Many are derived from the confusion matrix, which tabulates predictions against actual outcomes. Consider a binary classification: each prediction falls into one of four categories – True Positive (TP), True Negative (TN), False Positive (FP), or False Negative (FN). Using these, we define the following metrics:


It is the most straightforward metric. Accuracy = (TP + TN) / (TP + TN + FP + FN). It answers, “Overall, how often is the model correct?” A high accuracy means the model is correct on a large share of instances. This metric is intuitive and easy to explain to non-technical stakeholders. For example, if a model classifies emails as spam or not and it’s correct 95 out of 100 times, its accuracy is 95%.

When to use Accuracy: Accuracy is a good starting point when the class distribution is fairly balanced (each class has similar frequency) and when all prediction errors carry similar cost or importance.

Key considerations: Accuracy can be misleading for imbalanced data. If one class dominates, a model that always predicts the majority class can achieve high accuracy without actually being useful. For example, imagine a disease that only 1% of people have. A classifier that always predicts “no disease” is 99% accurate – but it fails to catch any sick patients!

Precision and Recall

Precision and Recall are two important metrics that delve into the types of errors a classifier makes.

  • Precision (also called Positive Predictive Value) is the fraction of predicted positives that are actually correct. Precision = TP / (TP + FP). It answers, “When the model says ‘positive’, how often is it right?” High precision means that false positives are low.
  • Recall (also called Sensitivity or True Positive Rate) is the fraction of actual positives that the model correctly identified. Recall = TP / (TP + FN). It answers, “Out of all real positive cases, how many did the model catch?” High recall means false negatives are low – the model misses few true cases.

These metrics often trade off against each other: tuning a model to increase recall (by catching more positives) may also increase false positives (hurting precision), and vice versa.

When to use Precision: Precision is crucial when false alarms are costly or highly undesirable. If you want to be very sure when the model predicts a positive. For example, in an email spam filter, a false positive means an important legitimate email is marked as spam – a bad user experience. A spam filter with precision of 0.99 means 99% of emails flagged as spam truly are spam, minimizing the chance of losing real emails.

When to use Recall: Recall is vital when missing a positive case has a high cost. This is often the case in healthcare and safety applications. For instance, in cancer diagnosis, a false negative (failing to identify a cancer patient) could be life-threatening, so the model should catch as many true cases as possible. Even if it means some false alarms, doctors prefer to “on the side of caution.” Likewise in fraud detection (finance domain), missing a fraudulent transaction (FN) could cost a lot, so high recall (detecting most frauds) is desired, even if it flags some legitimate transactions falsely. High recall ensures few positives slip through unnoticed.

In summary, precision vs. recall is a trade-off tuned to the domain: use precision when false positives are worse, and recall when false negatives are worse.


F1-score is a single metric that combines precision and recall into one number. It is the harmonic mean of precision and recall:

F1-score = 2 * (Precision * Recall) / (Precision + Recall).

The harmonic mean penalizes extreme trade-offs, so a model that has imbalanced precision/recall will have a lower F1. For example, if precision is 1.0 but recall is very low, F1 will still be low. F1-score reaches its best value of 1 only when precision and recall are both high and balanced.

When to use F1-score: F1-score is useful as an overall measure of a test’s accuracy when you care about both precision and recall and want a single metric to summarize performance. It’s often used in situations with imbalanced classes where a high accuracy might be misleading. Many NLP tasks use F1-score because the datasets are imbalanced and both false positives and false negatives matter.

ROC Curve and ROC-AUC

The ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristic) Curve?and?AUC (Area Under the Curve)?evaluate model performance across all classification thresholds, especially for probabilistic classifiers outputting probabilities for the positive class. The ROC curve plots the?True Positive Rate (TPR = Recall)?against the?False Positive Rate (FPR = FP / (FP+TN))?across various thresholds. Sweeping the decision threshold from 0 to 1 reveals different TPR and FPR combinations, forming a curve.

When to use ROC-AUC: ROC-AUC is widely used when you care about the model’s ability to separate classes and you might vary the decision threshold or are interested in overall model ranking performance. It’s common in binary classification problems where class distribution is not extremely skewed. For example, in credit scoring or credit risk modeling (finance).

Key considerations: While ROC-AUC is informative, it can be overly optimistic in highly imbalanced datasets. When one class is very rare, the FPR can remain artificially low (because TN is huge) even for quite a few FP mistakes. In such cases, the ROC curve might look decent even if the model is not effectively catching positives. For example, in a fraud detection dataset with 0.1% fraud, a classifier could achieve an AUC of 0.9 but still be practically useless – because the FPR (FP/(FP+TN)) doesn’t penalize the large number of TNs overwhelming FPs. In these situations, a Precision-Recall (PR) curve or PR-AUC is often more telling, since it focuses on positive prediction performance. As a rule of thumb, use ROC-AUC for balanced or moderately imbalanced problems; for extremely imbalanced cases or when the positive class is of special interest, consider PR-AUC (which plots precision vs recall).

Log Loss (Cross-Entropy Loss)

Log Loss, also known as Logarithmic Loss or Cross-Entropy Loss, is a metric (and a loss function) that evaluates the quality of predicted probability distributions. Unlike accuracy which looks only at the final prediction, log loss looks at the certainty of predictions and heavily penalizes confident wrong answers.

Interpretation: A perfect model that assigns probability 1.0 to the correct class for every example has log loss 0 (lower is better, since it’s a “loss”). If the model is very uncertain (e.g. predicts 0.5 for everything in a binary task), log loss will be higher. Critically, if the model is confident and wrong (predicts a probability near 1 for the wrong class), log loss spikes dramatically due to the log term. This property means log loss penalizes false classifications according to how confident the model was.

When to use Log Loss: Use log loss when you not only care about what the model predicts, but also how confident those predictions are. It’s common in scenarios where probability estimates are needed. In deep learning, cross-entropy loss (which is log loss) is the standard objective for training classifiers, especially in neural networks. So even if final evaluation is accuracy, models are typically trained to minimize log loss. Monitoring log loss can give a more nuanced view of performance than accuracy alone. For example, two models might have the same accuracy, but one consistently predicts 0.6 probability for correct class while the other predicts 0.95 – the latter will have lower log loss, indicating more confidence in correct predictions.

Key considerations: Log loss is sensitive to incorrect extreme predictions—a single highly confident mistake can significantly increase it. As a result, it rewards probabilistic calibration: a model that knows when it’s unsure will perform better than an overconfident model that’s sometimes wrong. By minimizing log loss, you improve probabilistic calibration, and in some cases, accuracy as well. More importantly, you ensure that the model’s confidence aligns with reality. This is particularly important in domains like medicine or finance, where probability (risk) estimates must be meaningful. For example, a model predicting patient mortality risk should output well-calibrated probabilities to support decision-making. The downside is that log loss is less intuitive to explain than accuracy or even AUC—it doesn’t correspond to a simple percentage. However, its strength lies in providing a nuanced, granular view of model performance across all confidence levels. Many practitioners use log loss alongside threshold-based metrics. For example, reporting “0.2 log loss and 88% accuracy” helps assess both calibration and classification performance, offering a more comprehensive view of the model’s strengths and weaknesses.

Other Classification Metrics

There are others worth mentioning briefly:

  • Specificity (True Negative Rate) measures how well negatives are identified (often used with recall in medical tests),
  • Balanced Accuracy (average of sensitivity and specificity) useful for imbalance,
  • Matthews Correlation Coefficient (MCC) and Cohen’s Kappa (more robust single-number measures accounting for all cells of confusion matrix), and
  • Precision-Recall AUC as discussed for imbalanced scenarios. In multi-class classification, metrics like accuracy and log loss extend naturally, and precision/recall can be averaged across classes (macro-F1, weighted-F1, etc.).
  • For multi-label problems, variants like hamming loss or subset accuracy are used. However, accuracy, precision, recall, F1, AUC, and log loss are the fundamental toolkit for evaluating classifiers in most scenarios.

Real-world example for Classification

  • In a healthcare AI system for detecting a rare disease, recall (sensitivity) might be the top priority – you want to catch as close to 100% of true cases as possible, even if precision suffers. You would monitor precision too to ensure not too many false alarms, but recall drives the threshold selection.
  • In a spam detection system (NLP domain), since users hate missing important emails, one might also prioritize recall (don’t miss spam that could be malicious) – but there’s a balance because flagging too many real emails as spam is unacceptable, so a high precision is needed. The ideal metric might be an F1-score that balances both, and indeed spam filters are often tuned to maximize F1 or a weighted combination of precision/recall.
  • In financial fraud detection, because fraud is so rare, precision- recall AUC or F1 is often used to evaluate models; accuracy would be nearly meaningless (a dumb model could be >99% accurate by predicting “not fraud” always). Instead, a bank might report, “Our fraud model has 90% recall at 80% precision,” meaning it catches 90% of fraud cases while 20% of alerts are false positives.
  • In recommender systems or search ranking, a common metric might be precision@K (how many of the top K results are relevant) – effectively a precision measure – since showing a user irrelevant results (FP) hurts experience.

Regression Metrics

Regression problems involve predicting a continuous numeric value (e.g. house prices, temperature, stock prices). Here, the errors are numeric differences between predicted and actual values, and evaluation metrics quantify the magnitude of these errors. Key metrics include Mean Squared Error (MSE) and its square root Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE), Mean Absolute Error (MAE), and R2 (R-squared). Each metric provides different insights into model performance.

Mean Squared Error (MSE) and Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE)

Mean Squared Error (MSE) is the average of the squared differences between predicted and actual values. Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) is simply the square root of MSE. RMSE brings the error back to the original units of the target variable (since MSE’s units are squared). For example, if predicting house prices in dollars, an RMSE of 20,000 means on average the prediction is about $20k off from the true price (whereas an MSE of 400 million dollars2 is harder to interpret).

MSE/RMSE are by far the most common regression metrics. They are quadratic metrics, meaning larger errors are punished more heavily due to squaring. An error of 10 contributes 100 to MSE, whereas two errors of 5 each contribute only 50 in total. This property makes RMSE sensitive to outliers or any large error – a few big mistakes can raise the RMSE substantially.

When to use RMSE: RMSE is a good general-purpose error metric, especially when you want to penalize large errors and when having the error in the original units is convenient for interpretation.

Key considerations: Because RMSE amplifies large errors, it’s a double-edged sword: if large errors are especially bad in your domain (e.g. a huge underestimation could be catastrophic), then RMSE’s sensitivity is a strength – the metric will heavily penalize models that occasionally make big mistakes. But if your data has some outliers that are not as important, RMSE might overly punish a model for those, even if it’s performing well on the majority. Another point: RMSE (and MSE) are differentiable and smooth, making them easy to use in mathematical optimization and calculus-based model training. That’s one reason they’re common in machine learning algorithms.

Mean Absolute Error (MAE)

Mean Absolute Error (MAE) is the average of the absolute differences between predicted and actual values. In essence, it measures the average magnitude of errors in the same units as the target, without considering their direction (positive or negative). Unlike RMSE, MAE does not square the errors, so all errors contribute linearly to the metric.

When to use MAE: MAE is a good choice when you want a simple, interpretable measure of average error, and when you want less sensitivity to outliers than MSE/RMSE. Because it doesn’t square errors, an outlier with error 10 contributes 10 to MAE, whereas it contributes 100 to MSE. Thus, MAE is more robust to outliers. If your application values treating all errors equally and you don’t want big errors to dominate the metric, MAE is appropriate.

Key considerations: The main advantage of MAE is its interpretability and robustness. It’s literally the average error, which stakeholders often find intuitive. It being robust to outliers can be a disadvantage if, in fact, large errors do matter a lot to you – MAE will “forgive” a model that makes a few big mistakes as long as most errors are small. In scenarios where big errors are unacceptable, RMSE or other metrics might be better to highlight that. Another technical note: MAE is not differentiable at zero error (it has a corner), which can make it a bit trickier to use as a loss function in some optimization algorithms (though there are workarounds). That’s partly why many models optimize MSE during training even if MAE is the reported metric.


R-squared is a different kind of metric – instead of measuring error in absolute terms, it measures the proportion of variance in the target variable that is explained by the model. An R-squared of 0.0 means the model’s predictions are no better than just using the average of the target (no variance explained), whereas R-squared of 1.0 means the model perfectly explains all variance (zero error). For example, R-squared = 0.85 means “85% of the variability in the output is explained by the model’s inputs”.

When to use R-squared: R-squared is commonly used in regression analysis, especially in fields like economics, social sciences, and any domain where understanding the variance explanation is important. It’s great for communicating how well the model fits the data in a relative sense. R-squared is unitless and scale-free – it’s a nice normalized measure of fit quality. Unlike MAE/MSE which depend on the scale of y (error of 5 might be good or bad depending on context), R-squared is inherently contextual: it compares to a naive model that predicts the mean. Thus, R-squared can be useful to compare models on different datasets or problems in terms of how much better they are than a dummy baseline. It’s also easy to interpret for those familiar with statistics: “percentage of variance explained” is a common concept.

Key considerations: R-squared should be interpreted with care. A high R-squared doesn’t necessarily mean the model is great for prediction; it just fits the training data well in terms of variance. It can be misleading, especially if the model is complex. In fact, one known issue is that R-squared never decreases when you add more features (it will stay the same or increase, even if the new feature is random noise). This is because any additional term can only help fit the training data or leave it unchanged. This means R-squared can inflate with overfitting – a model with many parameters might achieve a very high R-squared on training data but generalize poorly. To combat this, Adjusted R-squared is used, which penalizes adding features by adjusting for the degrees of freedom.

Another caution: R-squared doesn’t tell you about absolute error. A model could have an R-squared of 0.95 but if the variance in Y is huge, the remaining 5% unexplained variance might correspond to a large error in absolute terms. Conversely, a low R-squared could still correspond to small errors if the range of the target is small. So, it’s often wise to report an error metric (like RMSE) alongside R-squared to get both perspectives: relative fit and absolute error.

Other Regression Metrics

Beyond these, there are specialized metrics:

  • Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) expresses error as a percentage of the actual values (useful when scale matters, e.g. forecasting where a 10% error might be a target). However, MAPE can be problematic if actual values can be zero or very low (division by zero or exploding percentages).
  • Median Absolute Error is another robust measure (using median instead of mean, to reduce outlier effect even more).
  • Mean Squared Log Error (MSLE) or its root (RMSLE) is used when you care about relative error or when the target distribution is skewed (taking log dampens the effect of large errors for big true values – common in predicting incomes, population counts, etc., where you care more about ratio errors).

Real-world example in Regression

  • In healthcare, imagine predicting a patient’s hospital stay length (in days). MAE would directly tell the hospital “on average, our prediction is off by 1.2 days,” which might be acceptable or not. If a few patients have drastically longer stays, RMSE will be higher, alerting the team to those big errors. R-squared might be used to communicate to administrators that “our model explains 60% of the variability in hospital stay length – there’s still 40% we can’t predict, likely due to unpredictable complications.”
  • In retail sales forecasting, one might use MAPE: “our forecasts are on average 8% off from actual sales,” which is easy for managers to grasp in relative terms.


Evaluation metrics are the compass by which we navigate model performance. In classification, metrics like accuracy, precision, recall, F1, ROC-AUC, and log loss each shine a light on different aspects of performance – from overall correctness to error balance to ranking quality and confidence calibration. In regression, metrics like RMSE, MAE, and R-Squared help quantify prediction errors and goodness of fit in complementary ways. The choice of metric should always be driven by the problem’s context: the nature of the data (balanced vs imbalanced), the real-world cost of different errors, and the stakeholders’ needs. Often, multiple metrics are considered in tandem to get a well-rounded evaluation.


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