Choosing a partner for facilities management and property maintenance
Before we outline how to choose your partner when it comes to your property and facilities operations, it is worth us expanding on why we think this is the best way forward.
So, here we go ...
What are the benefits of using a single supplier for property maintenance and facilities operations?
The decision to use a single supplier is not an easy one. It requires careful consideration, and property or facilities managers must be able to justify the benefits of doing so. This article will explore seven reasons why you should consider using a single supplier for your property maintenance needs:
1.Standardised Approved Supplier Lists
The single supplier model makes it easier for multi-national organisations to manage all their property maintenance requirements in a standardised way. This means that there are fewer vendors required and as a result, less time spent negotiating prices or contracts with suppliers.
One of the biggest benefits of using a single supplier is that you can create a standardised approved supplier list (ASL) which will reduce over-ordering and allow you to ensure the quality of work that is being done at your organisation.
2.Preventative Maintenance Routines
3.More Effective Contracts Management
Contracts are an important part of any project and they can be used to manage risk, cost and compliance. Contracts management helps to achieve all this but only if it is done correctly.
When you have a single supplier for property maintenance in place, it will make it easier for them to manage your contracts on time because they have access to both the building manager or client's office as well as their staff. This means there will be no excuses when it comes to delivering services on time and accepting payments promptly at the end of each month or quarter.
4.One Responsible Supplier
There are many benefits to having one responsible supplier. Firstly, with only one point of contact, you won’t have to worry about dealing with multiple people who don’t know each other. One person is therefore responsible for your property and the people working on it—the same person can be the main contact for both parties. This saves time and energy for all concerned—for example, if a problem arises during maintenance work, there will be a single point of contact where any issues can be reported and resolved quickly by the relevant party.
5.Better Communication Channels
The fifth benefit of using a single supplier is better communication channels. For example, if you were to use two different suppliers for your property maintenance, it would be difficult to communicate between the two parties. You would need to find a way to communicate with both companies separately and make sure that they are on the same page regarding any issues or concerns that may arise. This can be time-consuming and frustrating for everyone involved in property maintenance who do not have this luxury of time or patience.
With one supplier as your point of contact, all communications from start to finish are streamlined through them which makes things much easier when it comes down to communicating with them about repairs or maintenance procedures being carried out on your property.
6.Budgets in Check
When you use a single supplier for your maintenance needs, you'll only need to pay one invoice. This will reduce the number of payments you need to make by up to 60%. By consolidating your workload with a single supplier, you can also eliminate the need for reconciliation as there is no more variance between invoices and payments.
7.Continuous Improvement Processes
Continuous improvement is a process that is used to improve the quality of products and services. Continuous improvement processes are important to be implemented in order to maintain high standards. Continuous monitoring is not the same thing as continuous improvement because it focuses on making sure that the processes being done are continuing correctly, while continuous monitoring focuses more on ensuring they are being done consistently throughout the day or week.
Continuous improvement can be implemented through a variety of different methods such as:
Using a single supplier for property maintenance can reduce costs and increase efficiency.
When you use a single supplier for property maintenance, you can benefit from reduced costs and increased efficiency. You will also be able to improve communication between your employees, as well as standardise processes so that everyone on your team knows what they're doing. Having a single point of contact will make it easier for staff members to get the answers they need when questions arise about maintenance issues.
The benefits of using a single supplier for property maintenance are numerous. We hope this article has given you some insight into how choosing one supplier over many can help your business operate more efficiently and save time and money. If you’re looking to find out more about our services, please contact us today!