Choosing To Make A Difference
"One man can make a difference and every man should try." John F. Kennedy.

Choosing To Make A Difference

It seems like a pretty rough world these days.?Providing healthcare and housing to the most vulnerable, young and old alike,?in our society is a daunting challenge.?With all the bad press around escalating conflicts globally, inflation, homeless encampments skyrocketing in major US cities, a rash of police shootings and social unrest, gridlock in congress, mini-jihad's around the world including within the US (for reasons I have a hard time understanding or?relating to), climate change, etc., there must be times when we all feel the need for renewal and cleansing of our souls.?I know I have those moments!

I have a quote on a signed and dated poster from the grand opening of the Kennedy Presidential Library that reads, "One man (person) can make a difference and every man (person) should try." John F. Kennedy.

I look at it, read it and reflect on its deeper meaning daily.

Politics aside, it seems to me we should all aspire to accomplish simple daily tasks and minor miracles that lead to a quantum shift for the betterment of our society. We can no longer trust in or believe in the political/governmental mechanisms as they are broken and incapable of rational & logical change or repair.

Having said that though, I have an enormous amount of hope and faith in the spirit that resonates in each of us to do well. It is born in each of us. Most of us start each of our actions with the intent to "do no harm" and with our personal/individual commitment to do right in the world... in simple ways... every single day. It doesn't take government intervention. It takes a commitment to an idea or vision. It takes a groundswell of "believers" that put envy, greed, gluttony, and vanity to the side and opt for a better world for future generations.

There will be plenty of us that crash and burn on the road to reform. It is in failure that we find forgiveness, learning and strength. And if it were easy we would have done it decades ago when we actually realized?the problem existed... around 1967 during the Johnson Administration to be exact, believe it or not.

But don't ever forget the end game in our march toward reform... the preservation of our country?through the stabilization/revision of our social constructs, growth of our economy and the opportunity for prosperity for future generations.

Hard, painful, divisive to be sure. We have rallied before. Put our differences aside and seek common ground. It seems a worthy and noble cause that we as a people can rally around and embrace.

It starts with one. I'm in.

How about you?

Please remember to follow me on LinkedIn?( and repost this article.?Thanks very much for your help!


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