Keith Peters
Director/Program Manager | Rivera & Rivera Act Against Foreclosure Inc | R & R Food for All Food Pantry
The mate for you admires your image as well as your brilliant mind...she/he sees you as her/his partner in "shine." The mate for you is not "thirsty" by no means....she/he knows the power of her/his higher self....not driven by lower frequencies....she/he corrects her/his mistakes with nobility as well as a gift and things you like.....the mate for you loves you....sees you as herself/himself in a positive sense and loves your smile and happiness and the joyous way you view life....she/he is a guidance when necessary as well as a protector in a divine sense....dosen't mean she/he is a bully or violent....the mate for you isnt into the fancy titles....she/he is more in tune with what both feel and the high sensation and the sacred connection that allows our souls to talk with nice words...she/he doesnt send you constant worry, doubt or preparation for the worst all the time...she/he prophesies to you with no envy or jealousy......she/he receives her/his double fortune for providing for you when needed....she/he knows your "key."
The mate for you is responsible as well as honorable in keeping her/his word to you....excuses and blame are not in our speech to one another...the mate for you is isn't just about money....the mate for you sings and makes songs of love, not songs of repeated apologies for neglecting and harming you...You should love a song free from a broken heart...your mate is not intimidated by your success or in battle or competition with you....she/he sees you as her/his estate....your mate will not intentionally hinder your growth process or place you in harmful situations of neglect or danger...she/he definitely won't believe another before hearing it from you first....she/he doesn't try to get you and other females/males to battle and fight........she/he is so fortunate....she/he has you.
The mate you choose will know you....she/he will not manipulate you nor will she/he play on your mental or emotion...she/he sees your value far beyond material things....she/he is a supporter of you and your is more than monetary for both....her/his mind isn't divided...she/he knows you are what she/he wants....she/he takes responsibility as well as listens to your heart and concerns.....doesn't falsely accuse you or listen to the lies that others may try to tell...