Choose your thoughts
Our minds are designed to process our thoughts using what we see, hear, and experience. When you fill your mind with God’s word, your actions will align with his plan.
Science reveals the beauty of God’s design, with the ability to choose your thoughts. You can question your thoughts to determine if they are true or based on your understanding. The Bible tells us that we should not trust our understanding but acknowledge God in all circumstances and he will guide our steps. (Proverbs 3:5-6)
Our thoughts can be overwhelming, and we often focus on the negative ones. Experts estimate our minds produce 50,000 thoughts per day, and 70-80% are negative. And those negative thoughts are often repetitive. It takes effort to overcome our negative thoughts. Maybe that's why God encourages us to think about what is good! (Philippians 4:8) Capturing your thoughts will bring them into your conscious mind where they can be investigated. Awareness is the first step to choosing your thoughts and breaking free from their power.?
I've created a tool that I use with my clients to capture their thoughts in the areas of their lives that cause them anxiety and stress. This helps them determine if their negative thoughts are based on truth or a false narrative they believe. It helps them to let go of what is not in their control and prioritize what is.