Choose Wisely - Love over Anger
JagadGuru Swami Sandeepani Maharaj
Shree Jagadguru Swami Sandeepani Maharaj - Shree Nirvani Ani Akhada! Patron BharatDiary ! Spiritual leader ! Social-Reformer ! Transcending lives !
Emotions such as fear, sadness, anger and more are quite common these days. It’s ok and natural to experience them but we can choose if we want to live with these emotions or not. Making the choice if we want to remain in these areas of the mind for an extended period of time is really what you have to decide on.
A lot of people choose anger as a force to drive them to accomplish a higher agenda. This is not the wisest approach to take.
Anger is a lower emotion. Don’t use your anger to fight for justice. Transmute anger into love. Love is a higher force. Love equips you to win. Love lets you see things you can never see with anger. Love is your advantage for justice to prevail.
How do you feel love at a time like this? You think of all the people you love and care about. Think of the love you feel for them. They are the ones you are fighting for. Use the love you feel to fight for the justice you seek.
If you use anger, you are descending your awareness into a lower state of consciousness. When you are in this lower state your perspective of everything around you is from this vantage point. You feel anger. You feel hatred. You feel violence. Nothing good ever came out of anger. Failure is guaranteed.
Don’t descend into anger! Learn to control your awareness in your mind. Develop your willpower and your powers of concentration. Use these two qualities to move awareness out of the angry area of the mind to a more uplifting area of the mind.
When you lift your awareness to a higher state of mind, such as love, your perspective on everything around you is from this vantage point. You are more observant when you are in a higher state of mind. You see more. You hear more. With love, you have the ability to empathize. To have compassion. To understand. To see the right path to justice. Love is the strongest driving force to get anything done. When you truly love something you will do all that you can and more for it.
Choose love over anger. Always.
Stay Strong. Stay Safe