Choose Love Over Fear Every Time
Choose Life, Choose Yourself!
When faced with a decision, we always have two options: respond out of fear or out of love. Sometimes in lesser situations, its the difference between being empathetic and being right, sounds familiar? This dichotomy stems from the old study of fear and the scarcity mindset, be it out of fear of the unknown or insecurities, most often driving by our own limiting beliefs of what we can or cannot do.
Did you know that 95% of us conform to societal norms, driven by our human condition's strength and weakness - adaptability?
As pattern recognition machines, we tend to follow trends or disrupt them. But when stress and fear creep in, bowing to the good-opinions-of-other-people (fear of what others might think of us), we forget about the abundance of good in our community. Everyday, stories of strength and resilience inspire social initiatives, lifting social consciousness for our fellow neighbours and supporting communities.
Let's highlight the 5% of strength in my company and lead by example. We recognise impactful campaigns and initiatives on the ground, supported by companies and government organisations. Together, small intentional groups can build a collective effort toward a more conscious and sustainable society.
The Quantum law of balance reminds us that everything has an opposing balance in the universe. This is The Mirror Principle, where the outer world reflects the inner world. Our brain's need for satiation can lead to a feeling of lack, triggering the scarcity mindset. This simply means what we’re experiencing in the outer world, is merely a reflection of the insecurities we’re experiencing in our inner-world, and through our reticular Activating system (as articulated in previous articles), our lens of the outer world is coloured by this fear, and hence all we see if the reflection of that fear evidencing all around us, while we ignore the more positive aspects of life, as it just doesn’t suit our belief systems (much like an old app on our operating system which just needs an upgrade).
Studying the 6 basic human needs reveals our ego-centric and ethnocentric nature. When these needs are triggered, we strive for more, potentially leading to addiction. And when we feel like the outer world picture doesn’t match our perfect picture, we deem the evidence as a failure, and stress about it, focusing on the problem - there by amplifying it. Stress in achiever’s speak, is basically fear manifest, which then evolves into a larger feeling of dwelling in a state of scarcity. Research shows we make terrible decisions in a state of scarcity, unlike in a state of abundance.
So, how do we break this cycle? Intention and attention. Intention transforms, and attention amplifies.
The blue dot effect experiment demonstrates our mind's conditioning to look for threats, even in safe environments, further exemplifying the workings of the reticular activating system (RAS). We can change this by simply choosing to switch focus from what we don’t want and worry on, to what we actually DO want. By focusing on positives, journaling affirmations, and solving issues from a place of love.
Language and our inner-dialogue (which results in our beliefs) has such an important role in shifting our mindset. Change "why" to "why not," from victim to growth mindset. Replace "or" with "and," and "I hope" with "I know." and my long time favourite from “I have to” to “I get to”. Recognise your worthiness of success, prosperity, money, and happiness.
Let's choose first to be the kind of person, who’s identity is one which chooses love over fear every time. Let's lead by example and create a ripple effect of kindness and compassion. Together, we can build a more conscious and sustainable society. I’ll be elaborating more on this in the following articles, so if you’re interested to find out more, please don’t forget to subscribe and drop me questions in the comments.