Choose a Location
Buy the right property and buy wisely!
Location of a property has two inherent characteristics most young investors ignore – the character of size and use. These characteristics categorize properties into 2 segments of investments – short and long-term.
Short-term: entails properties located in sought-after, popular areas;
·?????? Good for passive incomes e.g. rental business, food production.
·?????? Higher capital appreciation over short periods of time.
·?????? Initial capital investment requirement is higher.
·?????? When investing: easy to spot, but thorough due diligence is required “it’s the beautiful girl & all can see”.
Long-term: entails properties located in range-lands, unpopular areas;
Good for wealth protection e.g. idle cash.
Low capital appreciation or maybe stagnant capital appreciation.
Initial capital investment requirement is low.
When investing; big land size, easy access to major roads or are close to public transport routes, speculative motives, maybe proximity to attraction centers & frugal due diligence.
Choosing the right location boils down a very simple question
What is your investment goal?? Lengo lako la uwekezaji ni nini?
Always remember the golden rule of Real Estate investing:
“Never make a compromise with the location of the property that you're investing in.”
When you see beyond the emotions like excitement or Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) – most driven by marketing, know you’re on the right path.
Let professional handle; neighborhood analysis, risk analysis, legal & survey aspects.
Yours Truly
Sur. & Realtor Josh. ATOM