Choose LIFE!
I know that I might lose subscribers because of this post, but I do not care. If you are offended by this TRUTH, I would prefer that you were not subscribed! There are some things in life that go beyond open and honest discussion. Yes, I will engage with you in consideration of the life of the mother, and perhaps in some consideration when there is no chance of saving a child. But I know that basically abortion is wrong!
This is not a matter of politics or political affiliation. It is a matter of right or wrong, a matter oy TRUTH! ?
Perhaps no recent topic has created greater division and debate than abortion. The rights of women to choose what happens to their bodies have been pitted against pro-life supporters. Issues such as the health of the mother and advances in medicine that can indicate severe conditions in unborn babies have been contested. Conception, religious beliefs, social norms, and several other questions have been raised in the debate. Through it all is the OneTRUTH of life and what it must mean!
In Deuteronomy 30:19 the distinction is clear:?“I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse. Therefore, choose life, that you and your offspring may live.”
My post this morning was prompted by an email I received from Jim Daly, President?of Focus on the Family. He was presenting his conclusions from the recent Democratic National Convention?held this past week in Chicago. I did not pay much attention to this event, but I respect this organization and believe what he had to say. He reported that the one thing he learned from the Convention was this…?access to abortion is their non-negotiable.
How is this possible? Why is it even a consideration?
He shared, “From the thinly veiled anti-life speeches of party heavyweights to the mobile clinics offering free abortions and vasectomies, the entire week has put a tragic spotlight on a “culture of death.”
What’s even worse, he also concluded, “has been the gleeful, almost carnival-like celebration of the willful destruction of human life… that this ongoing obsession with killing innocent children is appalling!”
The DNC and their candidates have placed considerable attention on the issue of abortion and have pledged to re-instate ‘Roe vs. Wade’ if elected, stating that their opposition will place a total ban on abortions. They even flaunted their position by having “Abortion Vans” on site offering abortions at the Convention. ?
As of today, abortion is either banned or restricted beyond Roe’s limits in 22 states. However, it’s legal in the other 28.?But whether abortion is legal or not, we must give all babies a chance at life in?every single state through the options available.
I have already posted on this subject at least three times in the past couple years. Please make your voices heard and promote Choosing Life over abortion. Affirm parental rights and stop the deliberate attempts to separate children from their parents at a level where they do not have the knowledge nor maturity to make correct decisions for themselves, because of the pressures placed upon them by society.
My heart breaks for those who think the gift of life is so insignificant and who want to deny the childhood of so many kids! I know that there are many who feel they should have the right to choose. All I ask is for you to take a minute to ask some questions, become better informed, follow your heart, and stop listening to a minority with evil and vested interests to keep the TRUTH from you. I know that if you do, you will do the right thing. You will CHOOSE LIFE!
Part time
3 个月Yeah Bob! ??