Choose to Fail Conventionally
I was organising some old files and came across this anonymous article in ICPM published in the fall of 2010.
?Hide in the crowd and dodge responsibility: Make sure
that the Board of Trustees is responsible for asset liability
management (ALM). Hire well known consultants to justify
your ALM. but in reality, simply recommend the average
asset allocation of your peers. In this way everyone has their
back covered and if things go badly for the plan's balance
sheet, you will not be alone.
? Don't rock the boat: Avoid taking tactical asset allocation
decisions since they can have a large impact on the return
in relation to the ALM portfolio. Persuade the Board that
many small bets within the asset classes are better than a
few large allocation bets. Everyone tells the same story.
so don't worry .
? Keep up appearances: For simple assets. such as stocks
and bonds. trade small positions around the benchmark
so that you keep up appearance of being an active investor.
This is necessary to justify a large internal organization to
your Board, without taking any significant career risk .
? Pass the ball to Beckham: Put all complex investment
strategies in external funds with well-known pedigrees.
If things blow up. you can always say "if the big guys
can't do it. no-one can". Augment this career insurance
with a consultancy-approved fund selection process. so
that you can show that you have done everything within
your power to ensure success.
? Smoke and mirrors: Hi re a public relations consultant
to build your own reputation. us in g your organization
as a platfom1. Tell everyone that you are honoured to be
given the responsibility to manage so much capital. The
large numbers will impress everyone. and maintain the
misconception that you are responsible for generating
the fund's total return. not just for buying the benchmarks.
Tick boxes: Make sure that your organizational chart is
Designed in accordance with what leading consultants call
best practice. By following best practice. no-one can argue
that you don't have the right structures and processes. The
quality of the functions doesn't really matter.
? Enjoy the free lunches: Cultivate your relationships ?with
the major investment banks by projecting the image of
being a very pro-change, dynamic, innovative person,
held back by an ignorant, incompetent Board of Trustees.
Don't use any creative ideas offered to you, however
good or relevant they may be. You can always blame
the Board.
? Be a good citizen: Be personally active in the media
debate around Corporate Governance and Sustainability
so that you can play the good citizen. This is perfectly
safe from a career perspective, since it will not impact
your investment return and who doesn't like a pension
fund CEO taking responsibility for the greater good?
? Feather your own nest: Use the voting power at your
disposal to put people from your personal network on
the boards of directors of the listed companies in which
your fund invests. This is a perfect base for your future
career as a corporate director yourself. because a lot of
people will owe you favours.
? Show leadership: Surround yourself with weak yes-people
who don't pose a threat to your position. The yes-people
offer absolute loyalty because they can 'I get an equivalent
position anywhere else. They are also convenient whenever
faced with negative consequences of your own bad strategic
decisions. Assume the position of a forceful leader let down
by incompetent colleagues and act swiftly.
What, dear reader, does your checklist look like?
HXF (Hot Cross Funds) Asset raising in Alternative Investment Management.
2 周…better to be rebuked by a wise man than suffer the flattery of fools…