Women from each corner of the world close on march eight, which is additionally a decision to action for fast gender parity. The theme of International Women's Day 2021: each year, at the moment is widely known with a subject. The theme for this year's International Women's Day is Choose To Challenge The year when the year, March 8 is widely known because of International Women’s Day everywhere on the planet. The day celebrates the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of ladies from all walks of life, whereas highlighting the daily issues they face within the skilled surroundings. ladies from each corner of the world close on march eight, which is additionally a decision to action for fast gender parity. It calls to arms all the ladies of the planet to return along to fight against gender inequality and establish themselves because of the priceless members of society that they're. people everywhere on the planet are referred to as witnessing the unbelievable achievements of women and participate in activities and rallies that are targeted towards bigger equality.

It calls to arms all the ladies of the globe to return along to fight against gender inequality and establish themselves because of the valuable members of society that they're. folks everywhere the globe are referred to as to witness the unbelievable achievements of ladies and participate in activities and rallies that are targeted towards bigger equality.

International Women’s Day isn't organized by any explicit organization, country, or group. It is, in essence, a worldwide movement that belongs to women everyplace. On these days, we have a tendency to celebrate and uplift one another, particularly by providing a voice for those ladies whose struggle for equality persists   

   Woman day 2021

   Monday 8 March

 International Women's Day 2021

Choose to Challenge’ is that the theme of this year’s International Women’s Day, which has been chosen to spotlight the individual responsibility we have a tendency to all bear to decision out gender bias and equality. supported in 1911, International Women’s Day serves to celebrate women’s achievements, raise awareness for women’s equality, lobby for gender parity and fundraise for female-focused charities. In 2021, this equates to a bunch of exciting virtual talks, festivals, and exhibitions, that are being controlled throughout March in honor of girls around the world. Here’s however you'll become involved.

Another vital reason for celebrating International Women’s Day on March eight is that on this terrible day, women textile staff in St beleaguering took over the streets for protest and this act was the ignition forces of the Russian Revolution.

The united nations finally recognized the day and began celebrating it from 1967 forward.


International Women’s Day Significance

This day celebrates the cultural, political, economic, and social achievements of women. It conjointly signifies the achievements of ladies in each field and the way they equally contribute to development and growth. we should always encourage women to square for themselves and no hurdles will stop them from achieving their dreams. This women’s day we tend to celebrate the warrior's World Health Organization were ceaselessly on-field throughout the robust time of Pandemic and conjointly salute the womanhood of the women World Health Organization square measure at the same time finishing their duties towards their personal furthermore as a professional career without failure.

Why do we celebrate Women's Day on March 8?

This Women's Day was initially discovered on March 19, 1911, in Austria, Denmark, a European country, and Schweiz. Campaigns across Europe against WWI impressed women in different countries to adopt International Women's Day. The date of observance affected March 8 in 1913.


dia de la mujer 2021

The women of the globe wish ANd merit an equal future while not stigma, stereotypes, and violence; a future that's property, peaceful, with equal rights and opportunities for all individuals. so as to realize this goal, the globe wants women in any respect decision-making tables. This year, the theme of International Women's Day (March 8), “Women leaders: For AN equal future within the world of Covid-19”, celebrates the large efforts created by ladies and girls around the world time to outline an additional equal future and recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic, and highlights the shortcomings that persist.

For these reasons, this year's International Women's Day may be a cry in favor of the Equality Generation, so as to act to realize AN equal future for all. The Generation Equality Forum, the foremost vital meeting for investment and therefore the adoption of measures for gender equality, can begin in Mexico city between March twenty-nine and thirty-one and can advance Paris in June 2021. This event'll pile up leaders, visionaries, and activists from around the world, firmly on one virtual platform, to drive transformative and lasting amendment for generations to come back.

We encourage you to be told additional concerning the Generation Equality Forum, meet a gaggle of activists, and be galvanized by the stories of women leaders we tend to admire.


It was early March when an electronic greeting card dropped into my mailbox. The cover featured a colorful depiction of a young female figure playfully applying lipstick, surrounded by flowers and butterflies, along with the text, “Happy Women’s Day.” To be honest, I was a bit baffled. The following day another e-card arrived, this one featuring a photo of a hot-pink box filled with matching tulips. This second card also wished me “Happy Women’s Day,” helpfully adding the date March 8th. Only then did I realize that International Women’s Day, celebrated worldwide on March 8th, seemed to be emerging as an occasion for private rituals involving greetings, gifts, and flowers much like Mother’s Day. If that is indeed the case, it will be yet another transformation of a holiday that since its inception in the early 20th century, has undergone vast changes. The first “Woman’s Day” celebration took place in Chicago on May 3rd, 1908. Organized by the U.S. Socialist Party, it brought together an audience of 1,500 women who demanded economic and political equality, on a day officially dedicated to “the female workers’ cause.” The following year, women gathered in New York for a similar celebration. Inspired by these American initiatives, European socialists soon followed suit. At the International Women’s Conference, which preceded the general meeting of the Socialist Second International in Copenhagen in August 1910, leading German socialists Luise Zietz and Clara Zetkin proposed the establishment of an annual International Woman’s Day as a strategy to promote equal rights, including suffrage, for women. More than 100 female delegates from 17 countries unanimously endorsed the proposal. What would seem a fairly innocuous gesture marked a significant break with socialist tradition? 

Though ideologically committed to human equality, socialists had long argued that women’s liberation would only materialize under socialism, and the only way for working-class women to improve their lot in life was to join working-class men in their struggle. Feminism was seen as a cause for middle- and upper-class women with their own class interests in mind. Yet fearful that the feminist demand for female suffrage might attract too many working-class women, socialist leaders decided to embrace it. Still, they insisted that the vote was a means to an end, not an end in itself. On March 18, 1911, on the fortieth anniversary of the Paris Commune, International Women’s Day was marked for the first time. More than a million Austrian, German, Swiss, Polish, Dutch, and Danish women took part in marches and meetings. The Austrian-Hungarian Empire alone witnessed more than 300 demonstrations. In the following years, similar events spread across the European continent. Generally spearheaded by socialist women, demonstrations called for women’s rights and female suffrage, and many feminists readily joined their socialist sisters. The outbreak of the First World War in 1914 halted much of the international collaboration that had underpinned International Women’s Day and sowed deep divisions among socialist women. Some supported nationalist sentiments while others protested the war and called for working-class unity across national divides. Eventually, many of these women, including Clara Zetkin, would abandon socialist parties who rallied around the war effort and instead embrace Communist parties and organizations. Yet, if International Women’s Day generally floundered during the war years, it was an International Women’s Day celebration that ultimately triggered the Russian Revolution. Russian women had first celebrated International Women’s Day on March 8 in 1913. Four years later, on March 8, 1917 (February 23 on the Gregorian calendar then used in Russia), working-class women in Saint Petersburg, exasperated by rising food prices and rapidly deteriorating living conditions, led a demonstration calling for an end to war and political autocracy. Once unleashed, their cries for “Bread and Peace’” could not be quelled. By March 12, Tsar Nicholas II was forced to abdicate.

The events of 1917 in Russia ended up setting the date for the celebration of International Women’s Day, not only in Russia but across the rest of Europe. In 1922, Lenin established International Women’s Day as a communist holiday in the new Soviet Union. The same year, Chinese communists began to celebrate it, and after the founding of the People’s Republic of China in 1949, it was proclaimed an official holiday. Spanish communists used March 8, 1936, as the occasion to stage a huge demonstration in Madrid, demanding protection of the Spanish Republic against a growing fascist threat.

International Women’s Day would remain a communist holiday until the end of the 20th century, marked by carefully orchestrated, state-sponsored celebrations of women’s contributions to the state. As women in the United States and across much of Europe gained suffrage in the wake of the First World War, much of the momentum for International Women’s Day celebrations waned. During the interwar years, some European socialists and social democrats continued to mark “Women’s Day,” carefully omitting the term “international” to distinguish it from its communist sister celebration, but events rarely drew substantial crowds. It was only with the emergence of second-wave feminism in the late 1960s, that International Women’s Day reemerged as a significant day of activism. Though the day never (re)captured much attention among American feminists, European feminists embraced March 8 under the updated name, Women’s International Day of Struggle (“Frauenkampftag” in German or “Kvindenes international kampdag” in Danish). The new name signaled political radicalism and a resolute distance from organized party politics, both of which were key features of the women’s movement in the 1970s and 1980s. Nonetheless, March 8th celebrations typically involved not only feminists, but a broad assortment of left-wing activists, women’s groups, and labor organizations, calling for such issues as equal pay, political parity, reproductive rights, and child care. During the International Women’s Year in 1975, the United Nations first celebrated International Women’s Day. 


Two years later, in 1977, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution proclaiming a United Nations Day for Women’s Rights and International Peace. Eager to disentangle this new holiday from the socialist origins of International Women’s Day, the assembly noted that it was to be observed: “on any day of the year by member states, in accordance with their historical and national traditions.” Moreover, in contrast to contemporary feminist practices of casting it as a day of protest, the United Nations billed it as “a time to reflect on progress made” and “celebrate acts of courage and determination of ordinary women.” In the decades since the 1977 resolution. 

The United Nations has, in fact, marked International Women’s Day on March 8th with events and activities centered around a particular theme such as “Empower Rural Women—End Hunger and Poverty” (2012) and “Empowering Women, Empowering Humanity: Picture It!” (2015). In spite of such institutionalization of International Women’s Day, and in following with its long history of competing traditions, March 8th is now marked in a variety of ways around the world. In many (former) Communist regions, it is a public holiday. In Western Europe, it remains an occasion for feminist demonstrations, and in many developing countries women’s rights activists take to the streets to voice their calls for gender equality. In Italy, men allegedly give yellow mimosas to women to celebrate the day. And in the United States, some people apparently send cards and flowers to honor the women in their lives.

Motivational quotes for women

   International Women's Day Celebration

 “When we do the best we can, we never know what miracle is wrought in our life, or in the life of another.” – 

 “Any woman who understands the problems of running a home will be nearer to understanding the problems of running a country.” – 

 "Well behaved women rarely make history" - Eleanor Roosevelt

"You should never let your fears prevent you from doing what you know is right"- Aung San Suu Kyi

“If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude.” - Maya Angelou

“And the time came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - Anais Nin

 "One is not born a woman, one becomes one" - Simone De Beauvoir

What was called International Women's Day? 

Marked annually on March 8th, International Women's Day (IWD) is one of the most important days of the year to: celebrate women's achievements. raise awareness about women's equality.

 Be sharp-minded and keen. The world is swindle, but dwindle your challenges with your wit. Be Fearless and conquer the world. Happy Women’s Day.


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