Choose Carefully the Words You Use – The Tale of a Young Monk
A young man joined a religious order that required a vow of silence. Members were allowed to meet with the order’s spiritual leader once every two years, and in that meeting they were allowed to say only two words.
After his first two years the novitiate met with the leader. When asked what his two words were, he replied “Room cold.” He was dismissed to return to his work in the vineyards.
After another two years the man, who was no longer quite so young, met again with the order’s leader. Asked for his two words he replied “Bed hard.” He then return to work.
Another two years went by. Asked for his two words, he replied “Food bad.” He then return to his new job in the wood shop.
Two more years went by. Summoned to see the order’s leader, who was visibly graying, he said “I quit.”
The old man nodded. “I’m not surprised,” he said. “You’ve been here for eight years and all you’ve done is complain.”
We are each given an allotted, and indeterminate, number of hours on this earth. And during our earthly stay, we will get to say a certain number of words.
One of the most important decisions you make, a decision that we each make many times every day, is the choice of words you use, both when speaking with others and when speaking with yourself.
Choose those words wisely.
Everyday Courage and the Words You Use
The 21 videos and 12 eBooks included with Everyday Courage for Extraordinary Times will help the members of your team choose a more courageous vocabulary when speaking with themselves and with each other. Inexpensive, easy to share, and profoundly impactful – this is the best gift a leader can give to the organization during these challenging times. Join the growing community of organizations that are sharing Everyday Courage!