Choose the Best Option instead of the OnlyOption
It’s the same way with dating.
It’s much more powerful to SELECT one person from a pool of many because they are aligned with your values, add positivity and joy into your life, and because you genuinely love and connect with them than it is to date someone simply because they are available.
As such, I highly encourage you to actively date 3–4 people before settling down and committing to one.
Have more experiences. Discover what you like and what you dislike. Create more abundance in your life so that you have the power to CHOOSE the right person for your life.
This is one of THE most important elements of a long lasting and successful relationship.
Create a “Values Test” for Potential Partners
A simple, but wildly effective tactic for filtering potential partners is to put forth what I call a “Values Test”.
The premise is simple.
Assuming you have a strong understanding of your personal values (e.g. growth, learning, honesty, etc) you want to test potential partners to ensure they meet those particular value.
For example, you could go over to a lovers house and “accidentally” leave $40 on their kitchen table—seeing if they take the money for themselves of call to let you know you left it.
Or, you could ask them to attend something unconventional (but personally fulfilling) with you like a meditation class, personal development seminar, or day of volunteering.
The goal here is to give them an opportunity to show their true colors—proving they either align with or don’t align with your personal values.
You’re not being manipulative.
You’re trying to gauge their true character.
Oftentimes, especially during the early stages of a relationship, people glue on a facade of kindness and geniality in an attempt to manipulate another person into a committed relationship.
By creating simple tests (tests that you do not discuss with them one way or another), you will be able to understand who they really are before you’ve invested months or years of your life into a terrible relationship.
Create Your Non-negotiable
Another key to long lasting and successful relationships is to create and adhere to a specific list of non-negotiables.
This is a list of habits, behaviors, and characteristics that you WILL NOT tolerate in a partner no matter what.
For example, a few of mine are:
I will not date a woman who does not value physical health and longevity
I will not date a woman who does not share my commitment to personal growth and development.
I will not date a woman who is rude or mean to service staff or other individuals she feels are “beneath” her.
You must remember that YOU, not the other person, are the most important person in your world.
And you have EVERY right to decide what you will and will not allow into your life.
You don’t owe a relationship to someone simply because you had sex once or went out on a few dates.
If there is a fundamental incongruence between what you want from a partner and what they bring to the table, cut your losses and move on.
Or… Enjoy spending the next 5 years in a bitter and toxic relationship.
It’s up to you.
Disclaimer: The information on this POST is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional advice. The opinions expressed within this article are the personal opinions of the author. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this article is for general information purposes / educational purposes only, and to ensure discussion or debate.
Thank you …Get External Feedback
Finally, and possibly most powerfully, you want to get external feedback on your relationships before committing.
Ask your friends and family what they think about your partner.
Spend time talking with their friends to see what kind of person they really are.
Talk to mentors and coaches about your relationship dynamic to gain insights into how you work together.
Personality traits consist of Individual Attributes which are displayed in isolation from other people and Social Attributes which become evident in interpersonal relationships.
Although relationships are founded on the compatibility of Social Attributes, the Individual Attributes determine whether we feel comfortable with another person.
We can never fully understand or be at ease with persons who are very different from us. Thrifty persons seldom feel comfortable with gamblers, and active persons do not have patience for sedentary persons.
The Personality Compatibility Analysis requires comparing the Individual and Social Attributes of two persons. Soul mates would have matching characteristics in all twenty categories, but as will be seen later, this does not guarantee a successful relationship.
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In general, the more characteristics that match in each category, the greater the level of compatibility. In some cases it is not possible to know the characteristics of an individual for a particular category.
When not enough is known about a person, it is better not to assume compatibility, specially with regard to Social Attributes.
An old proverb states that a tiger cannot change its stripes. Individual attributes, for the most part, are that part of our personality that cannot be altered much.
We cannot become more intelligent, but we can become more educated. We cannot become more attentive, or less impatient, or more optimistic.
These are physical characteristics that are determined by our brain structure and our body chemistry. Drugs such as alcohol, tobacco, caffeine, etc. can affect our brain chemistry and our personality.
Some changes are reversible, but others are permanent and may result in addiction, flashbacks, hallucinations, and other abnormal conditions. Strokes and head injuries can also cause personality changes.
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Learn to manage up
When working for others, work on yourself and not your job. Improving yourself increases your value in the marketplace.
Hard work alone is not the key to success. The keys to success are hard work, situational awareness, and building allies/relationships.
You need allies who will promote you in their network and people they interact with.
Do not engage in gossip with your colleagues.
You don’t get what you deserve. You get what you NEGOTIATE.
Fiercely guard your time. If you don’t manage your calendar, someone else will and you won’t like it.
Make yourself valuable. Go the extra mile and volunteer for opportunities.
Office politics is a bitch and pervasive. Learn the rules of the game.
Don’t stand on the sidelines and complain.
Never sound smarter than your boss. Most of us are insecure and will get defensive.
Taking action isn’t easy, particularly if you are acting in a way that runs counter to your built up habit energies; cultural forces; workplace pressures; or family patterns. Sometimes taking action — even if you know it’s the right thing to do — can feel like a chore, especially at first. But there is no escaping the fact that skillful action is the pathway to productive change.
Managing Director at DAYALIZE
5 年Don't ask "how was your day." Instead, try asking things like, “What made you smile today?” or “What was the most challenging part of your day?” You’ll be amazed at the answers you’ll get, with the added benefit of gaining greater insight into your significant other. Be amazed, be humored, be inspired!