Cholesterol and your Health
What is Cholesterol?
Cholesterol is a waxy fatty substance that is found in most cells in the body. Cholesterol is produced by your liver and can be gotten outside of the body from foods from animal products.
Not all cholesterol is bad for your health. Cholesterol is important for your body to build healthy cells. Like most things, when cholesterol is high, it becomes bad.
There are two types of cholesterol. Cholesterol is moved in your blood by proteins. These proteins and cholesterol together are called lipoproteins.?
2. ‘Good’ cholesterol which are the high-density lipoproteins (HDL). These proteins carry excess cholesterol from the blood to your liver.
If you have less HDL, then excess cholesterol would remain in the blood and block the blood vessels like the arteries. Having more LDL would lead to more cholesterol in the blood.
The body cannot use a lot of fat. Eating too much fat would lead to some not being used and they remain in the blood which causes fatty deposits in the blood vessels.
High cholesterol is genetic. Some medicines used to treat certain conditions can cause high cholesterol. There are also medical conditions that can cause a person to have unhealthy cholesterol levels such as:
You have to focus on the things that you can control which include:
3. Whey protein supplement. Studies have shown that when whey protein is taken as a supplement, it lowers LDL (bad cholesterol).?
4. Quit Smoking. The changes that come from quitting smoking happen immediately. In 20 minutes, your heart rate recovers from the spike caused by the cigarettes. In 3 months, your heart and lung function would have improved. In one year, your risk of developing heart disease will be 50% less than that of a smoker.
5. Drink alcohol in moderation. Red wine contains phenols that are healthy for the heart. One glass per day is recommended to help increase HDL (good cholesterol) . It is preferred if you do not take alcohol at all.?
6. If lifestyle changes are not enough, the doctor might recommend medications. Lifestyle changes help to reduce the dose of medicines.?