“Cholesterol Is Your Enemy”…And Other Nutritional Nonsense You Should Ignore. (Part Two)
Dr. Sam Graber
Holistic Health Doc (Retired) | Creator of The Nourish Rebellion | Metabolism & Enneagram Geek | Helping You Break Free from Wellness Myths to Embrace Sustainable Well-Being for Life
Cholesterol gets its?bad reputation?because it is present where there is biochemical mayhem, AKA inflammation and/or injury. It is?guilty by association. Called out for simply being there.
The way my mind works, I have to ask…why?is cholesterol at the site of the clot in the first place?
Cholesterol acts as damage control.?It covers the?clot (internal scab) in an attempt to smooth it over and bind to the inflammatory proteins being utilized in the damage control. LDL is present in higher concentrations when tissue damage is present. Remember LDL is the carrier for cholesterol. When you have levels of LDL that are higher than deemed normal, your medical team focuses on the cholesterol.?Not?the reason behind the increase.
In Part 1 of this 2-part article, I introduced you to what was probably a new perspective on cholesterol. If you don’t recall the details or missed it thus far, you can check that out?HERE. Now for Part 2, in which I turn up the wattage of that shining light on those who benefit most from the?War on Cholesterol. Those?slick buggers?don’t want you to be informed…they love a misinformed or altogether uninformed populace full of?potential pill swallowing masses. Let’s continue the pursuit of knowledge so you can make your best and most?informed?decisions when it comes to your health.
LDL levels (cholesterol’s ride to the scene of the carnage) SHOULD increase when there is damage because it has been called to action, AKA an increased demand. This is the design of the body, the internal intelligence at work. After all?cholesterol?is a?major antioxidant?and?free radical scavenger. Meaning it helps bind things in the blood that do damage and cleans up the mess by sticking to the gunk we don’t want around, transporting it to the liver for disposal.
Mistakenly LDL has been vilified for simply doing its job.
It is present because?mayhem?is present. Cholesterol is part of the damage control team of the body and therefore should not be blamed for the mess it is merely cleaning up. Plain and simple.
The?“cholesterol is your enemy” lie?has been disseminated for so long it’s now held as fact even in medical circles. In addition to the Framingham study, Conventional Wisdom’s flawed conclusions are based off a review of governmental agency provided data (not research, mind you) from 1948–1949, on middle-aged men (no mention of women). This review concluded that eating fat increased serum cholesterol and should therefore be replaced with corn oil or *gulp*…my nemesis (and yours) margarine. Sacrilege!!
This lie has fueled millions in advertising dollars by Big Food (low-fat) and Big Pharma (statins) and has contributed to the brainwashing of a nation… “Cholesterol is your enemy!”
Cholesterol is not a menace, and certainly not a foe.
Remember that cellular membrane I mentioned when exposing the “Eating fat makes you fat” lie? (Find that article?here.) Every cell’s membrane is peppered with receptors specific to all sorts of chemicals we need for?survival, happiness, immunity, and a whole host of other necessities.?Of critical importance in the formation of these receptors is cholesterol.
Above all else, there is research proving that people with?higher cholesterol?levels?live longer. And isn’t living longer what it’s all about? I certainly think so.
When war is waged on cholesterol, the?gauntlet?of choice is a statin drug. Some are better known than others. All in all they work by interrupting your liver’s ability to produce cholesterol by?blocking a critical enzyme?in its production.
What they don’t do is help you live any longer…yes, you read that right.
There are some conclusions that should you have “established” heart disease (previous heart attack, angina, etc.) you may benefit from statin use. This number is estimated to represent?5% of those who currently use statins. But other than that, in?11 peer reviewed studies,?there is zero evidence of statins making for a longer life.
Yes, that means 95% of those taking statins to save their life are being hoodwinked and your local Big Pharma CEO thanks you for the sweet ride parked in one of his many garage bays.
Statins have become more and more capable of lowering cholesterol over time…ever notice how the “acceptable levels” get lower and lower when the guidelines are updated??This falls under the “just because you can doesn’t mean you should” category in my book.?Messing with the enzyme cascade of the liver should not be an action taken lightly. Especially since the enzyme involved (HMG-CoA reductase) aids in other processes like ketone production…something I am very fond of and will show you exactly why you should be too! HMG-CoA reductase is also responsible for synthesis of Vitamin D and the super-antioxidant Coenzyme Q10.?NOTE:?if you are on a statin, or know someone who is,?please strongly consider taking CoQ10. If you’re (they’re) over 40, use the ubiquinol form.
Something to ponder…could the mass Vitamin D deficiencies be linked to the war on cholesterol too?
When cholesterol levels are too low…the body and mind suffer.?There are links to hormone imbalances when cholesterol levels are “too low”. A 1999 study reported low cholesterol leads to increased incidences of depression or anxiety in young otherwise healthy women. And if these women became pregnant, low birth weight or premature delivery are an increased risk.?Both are on the rise in America…any correlation? Something to consider.
Making your own cholesterol?does not equate to a suicide mission?as the Big 3 (Big Food, Big Pharma and Big “Health”-care) would have you think…but not making enough just may. When the cell membrane is devoid of adequate cholesterol, the number of serotonin receptors is inadequate. This directly affects the brain’s serotonin level.?Serotonin is one of your happy chemicals.?Violent behavior towards oneself and others is directly related to a lowered number of serotonin receptors.
Another growing concern amongst those of us in the 40 plus age group is memory problems. We’ve all had those moments…from the ever-popular “why did I come in this room?” to “ah geez, what is his name?” when referring to your neighbor whom you’ve known for years, but all of a sudden you draw a blank.?It’s not an all of a sudden event.?Too little cholesterol is an unrefuted risk factor for mental deficit and decline of memory in midlife.
I propose this is a direct result of a lifetime of following Conventional Wisdom’s advice of “Eat Low-Fat”. More fallout from the “fat makes you fat” and “cholesterol is your enemy” lies!
RECAP: The “cholesterol is your enemy” lie.
Cholesterol is the building block for steroid hormones like your sex hormones and cortisol. Remember, eighty-percent of the cholesterol in your body is made by your body. A mere 20%-ish comes from your food. Your body uses cholesterol for many different critical functions.
Cholesterol is Public Enemy #1 in the so-called “Health”-care System. Since cholesterol is at the location of a clot, it is being thrown under the bus by those who do not clearly understand its worth. Just because it is present, does not mean it is the cause.
There is big money in the War on Cholesterol…statins are Big Pharma’s Ca$h Cow! It is estimated that 95% of those who take a statin will not live longer by taking them. Yet they stand the exact same chance for suffering from the side effects as the 5% who may benefit from the drug itself.
I leave you with this to ponder…why would your intelligent body be so stupid to make something and use it in every cell if it was our enemy? Food for thought.
You are now more informed than the masses. Go forward and spread the knowledge. And please?share this information?with anyone you know who has been advised they have high cholesterol and are in “need” of drugs to treat it.