On Choices, decisions & reality

On Choices, decisions & reality

There are infinite possibilities locked within us, but sometimes we have a hard time to find the power, and determination to see the key, that can unlock this potential. A potential that we might not see ourselves, yet one that can have a true potential to change the lives of others in a positive way.

Do not limit your perspectives, and choices. Imposing limitations hamper our progress.

Life changes, loss occurs, or maybe it is an opportunity. What has one learned from the experience? What has one used, to better oneself? Will one repeat the same mistakes? Or will one take charge and manifest his, or her desires?

Sometimes the decisions we make in life need to be analyzed, pondered upon, and revisited. At times we are so set in our ways, that we do not realize that there are many choices when faced with a dilemma. Sometimes choices that are not easily perceived to us at the time. Without looking at external excuses, we need to analyze our own constraints, and why do they exist? Why are we bound by them? Are they self imposed? At times our pride is limiting our decisions, other times it is fear, which may exist under many guises, and hidden under many other layers. Yet other times we are pushed to make decisions based on our past, thinking that the future will remain the same.

"Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one." ~ Albert Einstein

Sometimes we do not take that necessary moment and just look how far we have come, in our personal growth. We might be mentally tied to situations, places, and people of the past, and they have an impact and sometimes hampering effect upon us, our present, and the future that we are guided to see.

Each moment of our present is but a stepping stone to whom we may become in the future. Knowing that fact lets us adapt, and become more malleable, and responsive to the challenges that we face on our life’s journey. Without the willingness to change we may not achieve more...more than we ever dreamed off.

Many of us make decisions based purely on our logic, and not with our heart, yet others are emotional, and do not heed the advice of a logical mind, nor wisdom of others. Yet when listening to both, and understanding what guides us in our decision making process, it allows us to understand ourselves better. Sometimes we seek extremes, and become overly analytical, based on the past. "Predicting" the future solely based on the past. We look too deep into the darkness of the past, that we do not see the light that is in front of us. Or do we see the light that is easy within our grasp in the future. At times we may also be guided by our emotions, on a very hasty and reactive level. Thus causing us to make unwise judgments that are not necessarily dedicated towards a long term benefit of all parties involved. Sometimes it is just our ego misguiding us, based upon an instinct, rather than true intuition, or reason.

Obligations, and duties were sometimes instilled upon us, and we looked for validation, from the outside. But why not search within us, to get inspired and guided? Sometimes external sources augment our perception, to the point that we do not truly make decisions on our own, but are guided by pressure, or norms of the outside world. Of how things should be, and how we have to act.

When making decisions that are of vital importance in our life path, we should look into the process, and integrate our own wisdom, and what resonates true within us, and not be afraid to express it. Rather than what has been imposed upon us, consciously, or subconsciously by others.

Sometimes we are so instilled in our illusions, that they create our own reality. We create that reality. What are our habits, and limitations, why do they exist in the first place? What is the truth? Some might have a hard time perceiving the realities of situations, because they have been blinded to the truth, or were unable to accept it, thus creating an illusory reality, that just serves the perpetuation of a masked existence. Should we not allow for new perspectives to enter our lives, so that old ones would fall away? Old points of view, that no longer serves us. Ones that drag us down like an anchor. Ones that do not serve us anymore, and hamper our progress, our growth? What is our relationship with oneself, and others? What are those connections based on? To what end were they necessary to serve us? Did we learn the lessons that they were meant to teach us?

Do our choices align us with what our goals are in life? With our purpose? Do we choose the right people to go on the journey of life? Ones that are aligned with our own purpose? Sometimes the people we meet might not seem to share commonalities, yet after some passing of time there is more than an eye can observe, yet initially we could have misjudged the situations, and the people involved.

Sometimes we do not have all the information to make a proper decision, and hastily we jump to conclusions based on our observations, that might have not been based on complete information, or might have been swayed by our ego, fears, past experiences, and judgement. Only based on blurred and unclear assumptions. Sometimes we might be influenced by the negative past too much to see the error of our ways, at least initially. Clearing the slate might be in order, and approaching the issue again from a new perspective at times is the solution. Without judgment, without bias, with hope for proper resolution.

 Sometimes we have to navigate inside oneself to the truth, and base one’s decisions upon it. Only then the doors to the truth may open, if we truly have the intent on finding the key. Choices of what we align with, the actions we take define us, so what legacy do we wish to leave behind us, for others to learn from? Sometimes even the smallest of deeds may resonate in the hearts, and minds of others, leaving a vast impact upon their lives. So we should be considerate of what we say, and how we act. The choice is ours to make, every second, of every day of our existence.

Sometimes our binary way of thinking needs to change, there is no right, or wrong, sometimes the choices are not so clear. Or there are more choices than we can perceive, or imagine on the road ahead yet initially we never imagined them being an option. Or maybe there is a choice somewhere in the middle between two extremes, one that can only be manifested with the help of others.

We are able to let go of old habits, and attachments, and by monitoring our thoughts and actions we can set forth an enhanced approach to life, so that we could walk in the state of grace. One that will elevate us beyond who we once were. To better ourselves, and in the process to better others perhaps.

While patience is a virtue, and contemplation leads to enlighten us, we may stumble upon the answers we seek. Ones that we did not expect, due to our limited perceptions. As long as we are willing to pick ourselves up and move on in our search we do not fail.

 As our perception changes, no longer will one seek based on need, but based on desire. A desire that can be emanated and one that can attract the likes of the same. As we seek higher things in life, we become elevated, with a brighter vision of the future, and recognize the infinite dimensions of possibilities, and potentials that were dormant within us. Thus the choices that were in front of us become a minute set of possibilities in the infinity of endless potentials. Potentials for change, and opportunity to create new realities. When we realize that then we no longer are tied to only one strict set of rules, and mindsets that we have known in our past lives. Will we be limited, or shall we venture to uncover new ones? Why let the constraints of old beliefs limit us.

Infinite universes within us, infinite dimensions, and outcomes, without limiting ourselves to our choices, and being tied to outcomes.

Whether you think you can, or you think you can't, you're right ~ Henry ford.

Sometimes one is set in one’s way, a way of the past. Change of a path is needed, by changing a belief, by choosing different thoughts we are able to recreate our own perceptions, and create our own realities. To empower oneself, rather than undermine oneself. We have to believe we can, since it is the truth, and then we may manifest what we desire. Our life experience is limited only by the boundaries of our beliefs. Why do some become bound, within walls of self imposed prisons, when there is so much more available to us?

Why not change one’s perspective and expect better, expect more? We will feel good when we achieve something, but why do we constrain ourselves to the “when”? Why not feel good first? With each feeling we have we emanate that into the universe. Do we not smile when we see people that smile, and feel joy? Or feel sad for someone grieving? Why not start within ourselves to choose to be happy. Vibrationally match our desires, goals, and dreams, and then our desires will manifest, without forcing them, without obsessing. We become magnets for positive circumstances. Healthy, wealthy, wise, appreciated, and energized we may become. If you had one goal in life, what would it be?

Every day we are faced with choices. We concentrate, and focus on them. So why not choose to focus our intentions, on the right things? Focus, on what you do want, and not on what you do not want. We spend too much time on the distractions of life that at times are not really that important, in the grand scheme of things. On what do we focus our attention? Energy expands where our attention goes. It scatters when we are undecided, and becomes weaker. Focusing on things, planning, and visualizing versus worrying is paramount. Do we look at opportunities, or challenges in our lives? It is important to realize what we think about. Are those, solutions or problems? What we want, or what we do not want. Are we settling for less? Why? Are we focused on where we are going? Or where we went already? What we spend time on and our energy on, is key. If we already know what we chose to focus on, then we need to push ahead, and continue pursuing it. Sometimes the first miles of a journey are slow, until we realize that we are already far from our point of origin. Momentum is a powerful force that allows us to keep going. It drives us, and can inspire us, as long as we are focused. During this journey we also have to appreciate how far we have come, sometimes to inspire us more, and at times to propel us even further.

The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. ~ Lao Tzu

Sometimes over thinking situations, and analyzing them can bring us undesired results, vs listening to our gut, emotions, and feelings. Sometimes we push for what we think that is right, vs what we want, because we believe strongly that honorable actions will be the right ones, even though they might hurt us. We fight in a battle between the mind, and the heart. Sometimes that what weakens us initially makes us stronger, enabling us to pursue our desires even more deeply, or help us uncover new desires, and propels us into a new path, or at the very least not wanting to repeat old patterns. The choices we make allow us to change a limiting belief to an empowering belief, and with that knowledge we should march on stronger.

“When a great ship is in harbor and moored, it is safe, there can be no doubt. But that is not what great ships are built for.” ~ Clarissa Pinkola Estes, Ph.D

Sometimes if we make poor choices, and try everything to fix the mistakes, the only thing remaining is to relax, and let it go. At times dwelling on a desire with intensity might keep it at bay. But if we let it go, with the best intentions, it might manifest itself easier. In a more flowing, and natural manner. The choice is ours to make. How far do we wish to push onward? How much effort do we wish to put in? Will we allow things to flourish, or will we be impetuous in our desires to manifest new realities, ones for which we were not ready yet? What will this new year bring? Will we repeat the same mistakes? Or learn from the past? Or maybe start anew?

You are a being...with infinite potential, who has within you astounding powers of creation. ~ Leon VanderPol

Semper Ascende Superius!


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